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051101 6422212 viewsParkeston, AHBY 0051 one of sixty five AHBY type ballast hoppers built by EDI Rail at their Port Augusta Workshops for ARG in 2001-02 for the Darwin line, also the FMG construction in 2008, here in limestone quarry products service.Apr 17, 2015
051101 6425218 viewsParkeston, AHQF 31433 seen here in Loongana Limestone service, originally built by Goninan WA for Western Quarries as a batch of twenty coded WHA type in 1995. Purchased by Westrail in 1998.Apr 17, 2015
051101 6424234 viewsParkeston, AHQF 31428 seen here in Loongana Limestone service, originally built by Goninan WA for Western Quarries as a batch of twenty coded WHA type in 1995. Purchased by Westrail in 1998.Apr 17, 2015
051101 6423210 viewsParkeston, AHQF 31424 seen here in Loongana Limestone service, originally built by Goninan WA for Western Quarries as a batch of twenty coded WHA type in 1995. Purchased by Westrail in 1998.Apr 17, 2015
051101 6421229 viewsParkeston, AHBY 0003 one of sixty five AHBY type ballast hoppers built by EDI Rail at their Port Augusta Workshops for ARG in 2001-02 for the Darwin line, also the FMG construction in 2008, here in limestone quarry products service.Apr 17, 2015
051101 6420219 viewsParkeston, AHBY 0059 one of sixty five AHBY type ballast hoppers built by EDI Rail at their Port Augusta Workshops for ARG in 2001-02 for the Darwin line, also the FMG construction in 2008, here in limestone quarry products service.Apr 17, 2015
051101 6419239 viewsParkeston, AHLY 0022 one of sixty five AHBY type ballast hoppers built by EDI Rail at their Port Augusta Workshops for ARG in 2001-02 for the Darwin line construction, now in limestone quarry products service.Apr 17, 2015
051101 6418219 viewsParkeston, AHQF 31421 seen here in Loongana Limestone service, originally built by Goninan WA for Western Quarries as the leader of a batch of twenty coded WHA type in 1995. Purchased by Westrail in 1998.Apr 17, 2015
051101 6414226 viewsParkeston, AHBY 0055 one of sixty five AHBY type ballast hoppers built by EDI Rail at their Port Augusta Workshops for ARG in 2001-02 for the Darwin line, also the FMG construction in 2008, here in limestone quarry products service.Apr 17, 2015
051101 6417235 viewsParkeston, AHQF 31431 seen here in Loongana Limestone service, originally built by Goninan WA for Western Quarries as a batch of twenty coded WHA type in 1995. Purchased by Westrail in 1998.Apr 17, 2015
051101 6416236 viewsParkeston, AHQF 31434 seen here in Loongana Limestone service, originally built by Goninan WA for Western Quarries as a batch of twenty coded WHA type in 1995. Purchased by Westrail in 1998.Apr 17, 2015
051101 6415222 viewsParkeston, AHQF 31440 seen here in Loongana Limestone service, originally built by Goninan WA for Western Quarries as a batch of twenty coded WHA type in 1995. Purchased by Westrail in 1998.Apr 17, 2015
051101 6406252 viewsParkeston, AZYF 932 is a CCE compressor waggon, originally built by Metropolitan Cammell Britain as GB type in 1952-55 for Commonwealth Railways, converted to RGB type, then current code in 1989. Seen here in use with ARG on the Loongana Limestone service.Apr 17, 2015
051101 6413238 viewsParkeston, AHLY 0044 one of sixty five AHBY type ballast hoppers built by EDI Rail at their Port Augusta Workshops for ARG in 2001-02 for the Darwin line construction, now in limestone quarry products service.Apr 17, 2015
051101 6412257 viewsParkeston, AHQF 31422 seen here in Loongana Limestone service, originally built by Goninan WA for Western Quarries as a batch of twenty coded WHA type in 1995. Purchased by Westrail in 1998.Apr 17, 2015
051101 6408248 viewsParkeston, AHBY 0054 one of sixty five AHBY type ballast hoppers built by EDI Rail at their Port Augusta Workshops for ARG in 2001-02 for the Darwin line, also the FMG construction in 2008, seen here in limestone quarry product service.Apr 17, 2015
060527 4095148 viewsScotia, AOAY 33188, originally built at WAGR Midland Workshops in 1970 as one of a batch of fifty WGX type open waggons, recoded to WOAX in c.1980.Apr 17, 2015
100731 3247119 viewsBinduli, AQWY 30222, flat waggon originally built by WAGR Midland Workshops as a WFX type in batch of forty five in 1973-74, recoded to WQCX in 1980, then to WQC for a couple of years 1980-82. In use here as a barrier waggon for the dangerous goods on the acid train.Apr 17, 2015
100731 3246119 viewsBinduli, AQHY 30117 with sulphuric acid tank CSA 0025, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 at WF type flat waggons, then following several codes and modifications in 1997 seventy five were converted to WQH to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana.Apr 17, 2015
100731 3245105 viewsBinduli, AQHY 30097 with sulphuric acid tank CSA 0008, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 at WF type flat waggons, then following several codes and modifications in 1997 seventy five were converted to WQH to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana.Apr 17, 2015
4688 files on 235 page(s) 129

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