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Last additions - Western Australian Negative and Digital Albums
100609 0996696 viewsMidland, AQWY 30366 container waggon, originally one of one hundred and sixty one built by Tomlinson Steel in 1970 as WFX type, to WQCX in 1980. Loaded with two 20' 22G1 type containers loaded with lead, Xines XINU 148992 and Hapag-Lloyd HLXU 207013.Apr 17, 2015
100609 0996484 viewsMidland, APNY 31165 one of four built by Westrail Midland Workshops in 1978 as WNA type pneumatic discharge nickel concentrate waggon, WAGR built and owned copies of the AE Goodwin built WN waggons for WMC.Apr 17, 2015
100609 0996587 viewsMidland, APNY 31151 one of twelve built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1974 as WNA type pneumatic discharge nickel concentrate waggon, WAGR built and owned copies of the AE Goodwin built WN waggons for WMC.Apr 17, 2015
100609 0996293 viewsMidland, APNY 31160 one of twelve built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1974 as WNA type pneumatic discharge nickel concentrate waggon, WAGR built and owned copies of the AE Goodwin built WN waggons for WMC.Apr 17, 2015
100609 0996395 viewsMidland, APNY 31153 one of twelve built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1974 as WNA type pneumatic discharge nickel concentrate waggon, WAGR built and owned copies of the AE Goodwin built WN waggons for WMC.Apr 17, 2015
100609 09960118 viewsMidland, APNY 31158 one of twelve built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1974 as WNA type pneumatic discharge nickel concentrate waggon, WAGR built and owned copies of the AE Goodwin built WN waggons for WMC.Apr 17, 2015
100609 09961102 viewsMidland, APNY 31161 one of twelve built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1974 as WNA type pneumatic discharge nickel concentrate waggon, WAGR built and owned copies of the AE Goodwin built WN waggons for WMC. Apr 17, 2015
100609 09959118 viewsMidland, APKY 30642 one of two built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1970 as WK type pneumatic discharge bulk cement waggon.Apr 17, 2015
100609 09958125 viewsMidland, APNY 31157 one of twelve built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1974 as WNA type pneumatic discharge nickel concentrate waggon, WAGR built and owned copies of the AE Goodwin built WN waggons for WMC. Apr 17, 2015
100609 09957122 viewsMidland, APNY 31155 one of twelve built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1974 as WNA type pneumatic discharge nickel concentrate waggon, WAGR built and owned copies of the AE Goodwin built WN waggons for WMC.Apr 17, 2015
100609 09956125 viewsMidland, AQWY 30392 container waggon, originally one of one hundred and sixty one built by Tomlinson Steel in 1970 as WFX type, to WQCX in 1980, in 1996 to WQTY. Loaded with two empty Cockburn Cement tanktainers.Apr 17, 2015
100609 09955118 viewsMidland, AQWY 30212 container waggon, originally one of forty five built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1974 as WFX type, to WQCX in 1981 then AQCY. Loaded with two empty Colemans' 20' 2NB4 cement tanktainers CCCU 800008 and CCCU 800032.Apr 17, 2015
100609 09954138 viewsMidland, AQWY 31020 container waggon, one of thirty five built by Centrecon Ltd WA in 1981 as WFA type, recoded in 1987 to WQCY, then RHQY in 1994 and back to WQCY in 1996, then to AQCY. Apr 17, 2015
100609 09953125 viewsMidland, AQWY 30239 container flat waggon built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1974 part of a batch of forty five WFX type container flat waggons, in 1979 recoded to WQCX, then to AQCY. Loaded with two empty Cockburn Cement tanktainers.Apr 17, 2015
100609 09952119 viewsMidland, AQWY 30239 container flat waggon built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1974 part of a batch of forty five WFX type container flat waggons, in 1979 recoded to WQCX, then to AQCY. Loaded with two empty Cockburn Cement tanktainers.Apr 17, 2015
100609 09951116 viewsMidland, AQWY 30204 container flat waggon built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1974 part of a batch of forty five WFX type container flat waggons, in 1980 recoded to WQCX, then to AQCY. Loaded with two empty Colemans' 20' 2NB4 tanktainers for lime transport, CCCU 800021 and 800028.Apr 17, 2015
100609 09950120 viewsMidland, AQWY 30214 container waggon, originally one of forty five built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1974 as WFX type, to WQCX in 1980. Loaded with two empty Cockburn Cement lime pressurised tanktainers.Apr 17, 2015
100609 09949123 viewsMidland, AOXY 33221, converted to carry nickel matte bulk bags, in WGL traffic. Built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1973 as part of a batch of twenty five WGX type open waggons, in 1981 to WOAX, then AOAY type.Apr 17, 2015
100609 09948114 viewsMidland, WGL 640 originally one of ten units built by Westrail Midland Workshops in 1975-76 as WFN type bogie flat waggon for Western Mining Corporation for nickel matte kibble traffic as WFN 609 and converted to WGL for bagged nickel matte in 1984.Apr 17, 2015
100609 09947108 viewsMidland, AQHY 30053 with sulphuric acid tank CSA 0039, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 as a WF type flat waggon, then in 1997, following several recodes and modifications, was one of seventy five waggons converted to the WQH to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana.Apr 17, 2015
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