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231020 814536 viewsParkeston, QQYY type 40' container waggon QQYY 57759 one of five hundred ordered by Aurizon and built by CRRC Yangtze Group of China in 2022. In service with two loaded 20' half height hard top 'rotainers' lettered CRM, for Cristal Mining before they were absorbed into Tronox, CRM 000687 with Tronox decal and CRM 001564 with Cristal decal, on Aurizon's Tronox mineral sands train 4UP1 from Ivanhoe / Broken Hill (NSW) to Kwinana (WA). 20th of October 2023.Nov 19, 2023
231020 814443 viewsParkeston, crew car CDBY 254 A. CDBY 254 is ex an Bluebird #254, built in September 1955 by the SAR Islington Workshops as Bluebird railcar 254 and named 'Brolga', in November 2007 converted to a crew car for CFCLA. Aurizon's Tronox mineral sands train 4UP1 from Ivanhoe / Broken Hill (NSW) to Kwinana (WA). 20th of October 2023.Nov 19, 2023
231020 814345 viewsParkeston, inline fuelling waggon QQFY 4271, originally built for Commonwealth Railways in 1976 by Perry Engineering SA as type RMX, recoded to AQMX, 70 tonne bogies became AQMY, then RQMY, to QR National in 2007. Seen here with two 30' diesel fuel DMT4 type tanktainers from Nantong Tank Container Company, NTTU 330001 [1] and NTTU 330006 [9] each with a 30800 litre capacity, and fuel transfer or pump unit QRIP 06. In service on Aurizon's Tronox mineral sands train 4UP1 from Ivanhoe / Broken Hill (NSW) to Kwinana (WA). 20th of October 2023.Nov 19, 2023
231020 814239 viewsParkeston, ACD class locomotive ACD 6048 built by Goninan NSW as a GE C44ACi model in April 2022, trails on 4UP1 along the mainline at Parkeston enroute to Kwinana, 20th of October 2023.Nov 19, 2023
231020 814140 viewsParkeston, 6020 class locomotive 6025 was built by Goninan NSW as a GE C44ACi model with serial number R0093-11 / 12-478 in 2012 and trails on 4UP1 along the mainline at Parkeston enroute to Kwinana, 20th of October 2023.Nov 19, 2023
231020 814042 viewsParkeston, ACD class locomotive ACD 6049 built by Goninan NSW as a GE C44ACi model in April 2022, leads 4UP1 onto the mainline at Parkeston enroute to Kwinana, 20th of October 2023.Nov 19, 2023
231020 813944 viewsParkeston, Aurizon's mineral sand service 4UP1 arrives behind ACD 6049, 6025 and ACD 6048 with 114 waggons for 9296 tonnes and 1600 metres. 20th of October 2023.Nov 19, 2023
231020 830141 viewsBinduli, 5029 Malcolm Freighter, AQNY type container waggon AQNY 32198 one of sixty two waggons built by Goninan WA in 1998 as WQN type for Murrin Murrin container traffic with two undecorated Bis INDUSTRIES hard-top 25U0 type sulphur containers BISU 100060 and BISU 100063.Nov 10, 2023
231020 830029 viewsBinduli, 5029 Malcolm Freighter, AQNY type container waggon AQNY 32160 one of sixty two waggons built by Goninan WA in 1998 as WQN type for Murrin Murrin container traffic with two Bis INDUSTRIES, one undecorated, hard-top 25U0 type sulphur containers BISU 100096 and BISU 100038.Nov 10, 2023
231020 829932 viewsBinduli, 5029 Malcolm Freighter, AQIY type 40' container waggon AQIY 00016 with a Bis Deliver Every Day roll-top 25UA type sulphur container BICN 105900 and an undecorated Bis Industries hard-top 25U0 type sulphur container BISU 100023. The AQIY were originally built as the CQYY but CFCLA did not buy them, Bradken then stored them as KQYY. When Aurizon bought them they had the handbrake relocated to the middle of the waggon from the end.Nov 10, 2023
231020 829836 viewsBinduli, 5029 Malcolm Freighter, AQNY type container waggon AQNY 32174 one of sixty two waggons built by Goninan WA in 1998 as WQN type for Murrin Murrin container traffic with an original style sulphur container S54D G822 with the siding tarpaulin and walking man logo, and a Bis INDUSTRIES hard-top 25U0 type sulphur container BISU 100107.Nov 10, 2023
231020 829727 viewsBinduli, 5029 Malcolm Freighter, AQNY type container waggon AQNY 32178 one of sixty two waggons built by Goninan WA in 1998 as WQN type for Murrin Murrin container traffic with a Bis Industries roll-top 55UA type container SIBU 200631 and an original style sulphur container S129X G946 with the siding tarpaulin.Nov 10, 2023
231020 829639 viewsBinduli, 5029 Malcolm Freighter, AQWY type container waggon AQWY 30222, originally built by WAGR Midland Workshops as a WFX type in batch of forty five in 1973-74, recoded to WQCX in 1980, then to WQC for a couple of years 1980-82. Loaded with three 20' 22G1 type containers, Royal Wolf RWLU 836206, a Cronus CRXU 183018 and Royal Wolf RWLU 838464, all with placards for 3077 / 9 dangerous goods.Nov 10, 2023
231020 829528 viewsBinduli, 5029 Malcolm Freighter, AQIY type 40' container waggon AQIY 00012 with a Bis Deliver Every Day roll-top 25UA type sulphur container BICN 106400 and a Bis Industries roll-top 55UA type container SIBU 200610. The AQIY were originally built as the CQYY but CFCLA did not buy them, Bradken then stored them as KQYY. When Aurizon bought them they had the handbrake relocated to the middle of the waggon from the end.Nov 10, 2023
231020 829433 viewsBinduli, 5029 Malcolm Freighter, AQWY type container waggon AQWY 30227, originally built by WAGR Midland Workshops as a WFX type in batch of forty five in 1973-74, recoded to WQCX in 1981. With three 20' containers, two Royal Wolf 22GB types RWWL 839617 and 839956 and a Royal Wolf 22G1 type RWLU 828372 with placards for 3077 / 9 dangerous goods.Nov 10, 2023
231020 829325 viewsBinduli, 5029 Malcolm Freighter, AQIY type 40' container waggon AQIY 00021 with two Bis Deliver Every Day roll-top 25UA type sulphur containers BICN 109000 and BICN 105800. The AQIY were originally built as the CQYY but CFCLA did not buy them, Bradken then stored them as KQYY. When Aurizon bought them they had the handbrake relocated to the middle of the waggon from the end.Nov 10, 2023
231020 829225 viewsBinduli, 5029 Malcolm Freighter, AQIY type 40' container waggon AQIY 00027 with two Bis Deliver Every Day roll-top 25UA type sulphur containers BICN 108100 and BICN 109200. The AQIY were originally built as the CQYY but CFCLA did not buy them, Bradken then stored them as KQYY. When Aurizon bought them they had the handbrake relocated to the middle of the waggon from the end.Nov 10, 2023
231020 829029 viewsBinduli, 5029 Malcolm Freighter, AQWY type container waggon AQWY 31004, one of eighteen WFA type container waggons built by Westrail Midland Workshops in 1981, carrying a 20' ISO DE 2075 tank container DWAU 000190, a 20' 22G1 for Mediterranean Shipping Co WSCU 330481 and a 20' ISO BE 2075 tank container DWAU 000042. Both the tanks are carrying hydrogen peroxide.Nov 10, 2023
231020 828830 viewsBinduli, 5029 Malcolm Freighter, AQIY type 40' container waggon AQIY 00020 with a Bis Industries hard-top 25U0 type sulphur container BISU 100114 and a Bis Deliver Every Day roll-top 25UA type sulphur containers BICN 107100. The AQIY were originally built as the CQYY but CFCLA did not buy them, Bradken then stored them as KQYY. When Aurizon bought them they had the handbrake relocated to the middle of the waggon from the end.Nov 10, 2023
231020 828731 viewsBinduli, 5029 Malcolm Freighter, AQIY type 40' container waggon AQIY 00017 with two Bis Deliver Every Day roll-top 25UA type sulphur containers BICN 108400 and BICN 107000. The AQIY were originally built as the CQYY but CFCLA did not buy them, Bradken then stored them as KQYY. When Aurizon bought them they had the handbrake relocated to the middle of the waggon from the end.Nov 10, 2023
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