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Last additions - Western Australian Negative and Digital Albums
060529 4703150 viewsWOE type iron ore waggon WOE 30274 is one of a batch of one hundred and thirty built by Goninan WA between March and August 2001 with serial number 950092-024 and fleet number 617 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations of 83 tonne capacity for Portman Mining, loaded with fines at Binduli, 29th May 2006.Jan 27, 2015
060529 4702155 viewsWOE type iron ore waggon WOE 33432 is one of a batch of one hundred and forty one built by United Group Rail WA between November 2005 and April 2006 with serial number 950142-137 and fleet number 8931 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, seen here loaded with fines at Binduli, 29th May 2006.Jan 27, 2015
060529 4700217 viewsWOE type iron ore waggon WOE 33436 is one of a batch of one hundred and forty one built by United Group Rail WA between November 2005 and April 2006 with serial number 950142-141 and fleet number 8935 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, seen here loaded with fines at Binduli, 29th May 2006.Jan 27, 2015
060528 4622153 viewsWOE type iron ore waggon WOE 33272 is one of a batch of thirty five built by Goninan WA between January and April 2005 with serial number 950104-012 and fleet number 771 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, Binduli, 28th May 2006.Jan 27, 2015
060528 4598119 viewsWO type iron ore waggon WO 31296 is one of a batch of fifteen built by WAGR Midland Workshops between July and October 1968 with fleet number 175 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, with a 75 ton and 1018 ft³ capacity, loaded with fines seen here at Bonnie Vale, 28th May 2006. This unit was converted to WOC for coal in 1986 till 1994 when it was re-classed back to WO.Jan 27, 2015
060528 4597118 viewsWOD type iron ore waggon WOD 31450 is one of a batch of sixty two built by Goninan WA between April and August 2000 with serial number 950086-022 and fleet number 513 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations with a 75 ton capacity for Portman Mining to cart their Koolyanobbing iron ore to Esperance. Seen here loaded with fines in train 413 at Bonnie Vale. 28th May 2006.Jan 27, 2015
060528 4596119 viewsWO type iron ore waggon WO 31260 is one of a batch of sixty two built by Goninan WA between April and August 2000 with serial number 950086-010 and fleet number 146 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, and is a Goninan built replacement WO type waggon that replaces the original WAGR built WO type waggon with the newer style WOD type and has square features opposed to the curved ones as on the original WO class, seen here loaded with fines ore on train 413 at Bonnie Vale, 28th May 2006.Jan 27, 2015
060528 4595111 viewsWOD type iron ore waggon WOD 31489 is one of a batch of sixty two built by Goninan WA between April and August 2000 with serial number 950086-061 and fleet number 552 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations with a 75 ton capacity build date 07/2000, for Portman Mining to cart their Koolyanobbing iron ore to Esperance. Seen here loaded with fines in train 413 at Bonnie Vale, 28th May 2006.Jan 27, 2015
060528 4594114 viewsWO type iron ore waggon WO 31248 is one of a batch of eighty six built by WAGR Midland Workshops between 1967 and March 1968 with fleet number 139 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, with a 75 ton and 1018 ft³ capacity, loaded with fines seen here at Bonnie Vale, 28th May 2006. This unit was converted to WOG for gypsum in late 1980s till 1990 then reclassed to WOS for superphosphate before being re-classed back to WO in 1994.Jan 27, 2015
060528 4593146 viewsWOB type iron ore waggon WOB 31378 is one of a batch of twenty five built by Comeng WA between 1974 and 1975 and converted from Mt Newman high sided waggons by WAGR Midland Workshops with a capacity of 67 tons with fleet number 303 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, loaded with fines at Bonnie Vale, 28th May 2005.Jan 27, 2015
060528 4592122 viewsWO type iron ore waggon WO 31299 is one of a batch of fifteen built by WAGR Midland Workshops between July and October 1968 with fleet number 178 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, with a 75 ton and 1018 ft³ capacity, loaded with fines at Bonnie Vale, 28th May 2005. This unit was converted to WOS superphosphate in the late 1980s till 1994 when it was re-classed back to WO.Jan 27, 2015
060528 4590121 viewsWOE type iron ore waggon WOE 33349 is one of a batch of one hundred and forty one built by United Goninan WA between November 2005 and April 2006 with serial number 950142-054 and fleet number 848 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations loaded with fines at Bonnie Vale 28th May 2006.Jan 27, 2015
060528 4586113 viewsWOE type iron ore waggon WOE 33380 is one of a batch of one hundred and forty one built by United Group Rail WA between November 2005 and April 2006 with serial number 950142-085 and fleet number 879 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations loaded with fines at Bonnie Vale 28th May 2006.Jan 27, 2015
060528 4588115 viewsWOE type iron ore waggon WOE 33385 is one of a batch of one hundred and forty one built by United Group Rail WA between November 2005 and April 2006 with serial number 950142-090 and fleet number 884 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations loaded with fines at Bonnie Vale 28th May 2006.Jan 27, 2015
060528 4584145 viewsWOB type iron ore waggon WOB 31392 is one of a batch of twenty five built by Comeng WA between 1974 and 1975 and converted from Mt Newman high sided waggons by WAGR Midland Workshops with a capacity of 67 tons with fleet number 317 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, then the top section re-fitted and converted to a WSM ballast hopper, then converted back to a WOB by WAGR Midland Workshops. It was originally numbered 31391 by WAGR, seen here loaded with fines at Bonnie Vale, 28th May 2006.Jan 27, 2015
060528 4582142 viewsWOB type iron ore waggon WOB 31379 is one of a batch of twenty five built by Comeng WA between 1974 and 1975 and converted from Mt Newman high sided waggons by WAGR Midland Workshops with a capacity of 67 tons with fleet number 304 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, the WAGR and Comeng builders plates are visible in the waggon sill, seen here at Bonnie Vale loaded with fines, 28th May 2006.Jan 27, 2015
060528 4572109 viewsWO type iron ore waggon WO 31246 is one of a batch of eighty six built by WAGR Midland Workshops between 1967 and March 1968 with fleet number 137 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, with a 75 ton and 1018 ft³ capacity, seen here loaded with fines ore at Bonnie Vale, 28th May 2006. This unit was converted to WOC for coal in 1986 till 1994 when it was re-classed back to WO.Jan 27, 2015
060528 4580118 viewsWOA type iron ore waggon WOA 31302 is leader of a batch of thirty nine built by WAGR Midland Workshops between 1970 and 1971 with fleet number 201 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, with a 75 ton and 1018 ft³ capacity, seen here with fines ore at Bonnie Vale, 28th May 2006.Jan 27, 2015
060528 4568122 viewsWOC type iron ore waggon WOC 31341 is leader of a batch of thirty built by Goninan WA between October 1997 to January 1998 with fleet number 401 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations with a 75 ton capacity and lettered for KIPL, Koolyanobbing Iron Pty Ltd, seen here loaded with fines ore at Bonnie Vale in train number 413, 28th May 2006.Jan 27, 2015
060528 4570121 viewsWO type iron ore waggon WO 31205 is one of a batch of eighty six built by WAGR Midland Workshops between 1967 and March 1968 with fleet number 102 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, with a 75 ton and 1018 ft.³ capacity, seen here loaded with fines ore at Bonnie Vale, 28th May 2006. This unit was converted to WOS superphosphate in the late 1980s till 1994 when it was re-classed back to WO.Jan 27, 2015
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