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Last additions - Western Australian Negative and Digital Albums
186-08261 viewsMidland, empty standard gauge down grain train 051 crosses Lloyd Street with forty WW and WWA type bogie grain waggons, trailing view.May 05, 2014
186-07263 viewsMidland, empty standard gauge down grain train 051 powers along behind Westrail L class locomotive L 268 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 68-617 with forty WW and WWA type bogie grain waggons, trailing view.May 05, 2014
186-05281 viewsMidland, empty standard gauge down grain train 051 powers along behind Westrail L class locomotive L 268 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 68-617 with forty WW and WWA type bogie grain waggons.May 05, 2014
186-06270 viewsMidland, empty standard gauge down grain train 051 powers along behind Westrail L class locomotive L 268 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 68-617 with forty WW and WWA type bogie grain waggons, trailing view.May 05, 2014
186-04298 viewsMidland, empty standard gauge down grain train 051 powers along behind Westrail L class locomotive L 268 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 68-617 with forty WW and WWA type bogie grain waggons.May 05, 2014
186-03300 viewsMidland, trailing view of the standard gauge up Kalgoorlie acid train 428, showing the 28 CSA type tanks on WQH type bogie flat waggons with an WMX type bogie car carrying waggon as the rear barrier waggon, Midland Workshops behind train.May 05, 2014
186-02319 viewsMidland, Westrail standard gauge up Kalgoorlie loaded acid train 428 behind a pair of L class locomotives L 263 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 68-553 and L 274 built by Comeng Qld serial 73-779 in 1973 for Western Mining Corporation, with nickel containers as part of the loading, the narrow gauge track to the Flashbutt yard in the foreground and Midland Workshops behind train.May 05, 2014
186-01331 viewsMidland, Westrail standard gauge up Kalgoorlie loaded acid train 428 crosses Lloyd Street behind a pair of L class locomotives L 263 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C, serial 68-553 and L 274 serial 73-779, with the dual gauge track to the Flashbutt Yard in the foreground. The empty return working of this train was 027 empty acid.May 05, 2014
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