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190108 113942 viewsBinduli, AQHY 30053 with CSA 0095, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 as a WF type flat waggon, then in 1997, following several recodes and modifications, was one of seventy five waggons converted to the WQH type to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana. CSA 0095 was built by Vcare Engineering, India for Access Petrotec & Mining Solutions.May 23, 2023
190108 113829 viewsBinduli, AQHY 30054 with CSA 0132, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 as a WF type flat waggon, then in 1997, following several recodes and modifications, was one of seventy five waggons converted to the WQH type to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana. CSA 0132 was built by Vcare Engineering, India for Access Petrotec & Mining Solutions.May 23, 2023
190108 113731 viewsBinduli, AQHY 30023 with CSA 0105, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 as a WF type flat waggon, then in 1997, following several recodes and modifications, was one of seventy five waggons converted to the WQH type to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana. CSA 0105 was built by Vcare Engineering, India for Access Petrotec & Mining Solutions.May 23, 2023
190108 113630 viewsBinduli, AQHY 30036 with CSA 0117, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 as a WF type flat waggon, then in 1997, following several recodes and modifications, was one of seventy five waggons converted to the WQH type to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana. CSA 0117 was built by Vcare Engineering, India for Access Petrotec & Mining Solutions.May 23, 2023
190108 113535 viewsBinduli, AQHY 30052 with CSA 0086, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 as a WF type flat waggon, then in 1997, following several recodes and modifications, was one of seventy five waggons converted to the WQH type to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana. CSA 0086 was built by Acid Plant Management Services, WA.May 23, 2023
190108 113429 viewsBinduli, AQHY 30050 with CSA 0099, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 as a WF type flat waggon, then in 1997, following several recodes and modifications, was one of seventy five waggons converted to the WQH type to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana. CSA 0099 was built by Vcare Engineering, India for Access Petrotec & Mining Solutions.May 23, 2023
190108 113333 viewsBinduli, AQHY 30071 with CSA 0081, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 as a WF type flat waggon, then in 1997, following several recodes and modifications, was one of seventy five waggons converted to the WQH type to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana. CSA 0081 was built by Vcare Engineering, India for Access Petrotec & Mining Solutions.May 23, 2023
190108 113235 viewsBinduli, AQHY 30035 with CSA 0114, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 as a WF type flat waggon, then in 1997, following several recodes and modifications, was one of seventy five waggons converted to the WQH type to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana. CSA 0114 was built by Vcare Engineering, India for Access Petrotec & Mining Solutions.May 23, 2023
190108 113131 viewsBinduli, AQHY 30062 with CSA 0123, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 as a WF type flat waggon, then in 1997, following several recodes and modifications, was one of seventy five waggons converted to the WQH type to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana. CSA 0123 was built by Vcare Engineering, India for Access Petrotec & Mining Solutions.May 23, 2023
190108 113034 viewsBinduli, AQHY 30077 with CSA 0116, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 as a WF type flat waggon, then in 1997, following several recodes and modifications, was one of seventy five waggons converted to the WQH type to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana. CSA 0116 was built by Vcare Engineering, India for Access Petrotec & Mining Solutions.May 23, 2023
190108 112925 viewsBinduli, AQHY 30011 with CSA 0134, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 as a WF type flat waggon, then in 1997, following several recodes and modifications, was one of seventy five waggons converted to the WQH type to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana. CSA 0134 was built by Vcare Engineering, India for Access Petrotec & Mining Solutions.May 23, 2023
190108 111840 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, NTAY type fuel tank waggon NTAY 5455 with 62,000 litre capacity for BP. Refurbished by Gemco WA in June 2014 from ex Mobil Oil NTAF type tank waggon NTAF 5455. In BP Oil ownership. I think this is an Indeng Qld built NTAF 455 the final of seven such tanks built for Mobil of NSW in 1981.May 23, 2023
190108 111741 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, ATKY type fuel tank waggon ATKY 516 built by Tulloch Ltd NSW in 1971 as WJK type 93,000 litre, three compartment, three dome tank along with sister WJK 515 for BP Oil. Recoded to WJKY. Gemco refurbished 09-16. Maximum capacity 101,000 litres, safe fill 74,000 litres.May 23, 2023
190108 110645 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, ATPY type fuel tank waggon ATPY 587 built by Westrail Midland Workshops in 1978 as WJP type 80.66 kL one compartment one dome, for Mobil, later sold to BP. Maximum capacity now of 84,000 litres. Gemco refurbished 06-17.May 23, 2023
190108 110548 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, ATDY type fuel tanker ATDY 502, originally built by Tulloch Ltd NSW 1969 for Mobil as WJD type, to BP in 1985, 92.87 kL capacity. Gemco refurbished 8-15, safe fill 77,000 litres.May 23, 2023
190108 110438 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, ATPY type fuel tank waggon ATPY 585, built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1976 as WJP type with WJP 586 for Mobil. Recoded to WJPY, sold to BP Oil in 1985, 80,000 litres one compartment one dome. Gemco refurbished 12-15, maximum capacity 82,000 litres.May 23, 2023
190108 110347 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, NTAY type fuel tank waggon NTAY 5455 with 62,000 litre capacity for BP. Refurbished by Gemco WA in June 2014 from ex Mobil Oil NTAF type tank waggon NTAF 5455. In BP Oil ownership. I think this is an Indeng Qld built NTAF 455 the final of seven such tanks built for Mobil of NSW in 1981.May 23, 2023
190107 068729 viewsKalgoorlie, WN type pneumatic discharge nickel concentrate waggon WN 531, first of a further ten built by WAGR Midland Workshops as WN type in 1975 for WMC.May 23, 2023
190107 068635 viewsKalgoorlie, WN 532, pneumatic discharge nickel concentrate waggon, one of a further ten built by WAGR Midland Workshops as WN type in 1975 for WMC.May 23, 2023
190107 068535 viewsKalgoorlie, WN 501, pneumatic discharge nickel concentrate waggon, type leader of thirty built by AE Goodwin NSW as WN type in 1970 for WMC.May 23, 2023
4688 files on 235 page(s) 48

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