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161116 555574 viewsBinduli, empty Shell fuel train 4443, ATPF type fuel tank waggon ATPF 576, built by WAGR Midland Workshops 1974 for Shell as WJP type, 80.66 kL one compartment one dome, fitted with type F InterLock couplers and still with ladder.Dec 29, 2016

161116 555482 viewsBinduli, empty Shell fuel train 4443, tank waggon NTBF 6121, built by Comeng NSW 1975 as SCA type SCA 272 for Shell Bitumen, fitted with conventional couplers.Dec 29, 2016

161116 555378 viewsBinduli, empty Shell fuel train 4443, tank waggon NTAY 6126, built by Indeng Qld 1976 for Shell as SCA type SCA 277, fitted with conventional couplers.Dec 29, 2016

161116 555281 viewsBinduli, empty Shell fuel train 4443, tank waggon NTAY 6132, built by Indeng Qld 1979 for Shell as SCA type SCA 283, fitted with conventional couplers.Dec 29, 2016

161116 555178 viewsBinduli, empty Shell fuel train 4443, ATPF 573 fuel tank waggon built by WAGR Midland Workshops 1974 for Shell as WJP type 80.66 kL one compartment one dome, capacity of 80500 litres, Shell Fleet No. 708, old code still visible, fitted with type F InterLock couplers.Dec 29, 2016

161116 555072 viewsBinduli, empty Shell fuel train 4443, ATPF type tank waggon ATPF 572, built by WAGR Midland Workshops 1974 for Shell as WJP type 80.66 kL one compartment one dome, old code still visible, fitted with type F InterLock couplers.Dec 29, 2016

161116 554989 viewsBinduli, empty Shell fuel train 4443, NTBF type tank waggon NTBF 6120, built by Comeng NSW in 1975 as an SCA type bitumen tanker for Shell Bitumen NSW as SCA 271.Dec 29, 2016

161116 554877 viewsBinduli, empty Shell fuel train 4443, AQWY 30224 container flat waggon built by WAGR Midland Workshops in a batch of forty five WFX type container flats in 1974, recoded to WQCX in 1980 with two locomotive sand tanktainer pods, CTC 2201 and CTC 2203 for the Esperance workshops, these pods have replaced the 'Sputnik' that supplied the former Kalgoorlie depot.Dec 29, 2016

161116 554783 viewsBinduli, empty Shell fuel train 4443 departs West Kalgoorlie with second unit Clyde Engineering built EMD model GT46C Q class unit Q 4009 (originally Q 309) serial 97-1461, behind the loco is the 'new' loco sand waggon with two tanktainer pods, CTC 2201 and CTC 2203 for the Esperance workshops, train details were 17 waggons for 345 metres and 425 tonnes on the overnight run to Esperance.Dec 29, 2016

161116 554678 viewsBinduli, empty Shell fuel train 4443 departs West Kalgoorlie behind UGL Rail built GE model C44ACi unit ACC 6031 serial R-0093-01 / 13-485 and Clyde Engineering built EMD model GT46C Q class unit Q 4009 (originally Q 309) serial 97-1461 with 17 waggons for 345 metres and 425 tonnes on the overnight run to Esperance.Dec 29, 2016

161116 554296 viewsBinduli, empty Shell fuel train 4443 departs West Kalgoorlie behind UGL Rail built GE model C44ACi unit ACC 6031 serial R-0093-01 / 13-485 with 17 waggons for 345 metres and 425 tonnes on the overnight run to Esperance.Dec 29, 2016

161116 513679 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Shell fuel train 3442, departmental wheel set carrier waggon AZVY 2829, built by Transfield WA 1976 for Commonwealth Railways as one of two hundred GOX type open waggons. Recoded to AOOX, then in 1992 modified to AZVY.Dec 29, 2016

161116 513585 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Shell fuel train 3442, container flat waggon AQWY 30329, built by Tomlinson Steel WA in a batch of 161 WFX type waggons between 1969 and 1970. Fitted with three 20' wheel set carrying frames.Dec 29, 2016

161116 513477 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Shell fuel train 3442, departmental wheel set carrier waggon AZVY 2829, built by Transfield WA 1976 for Commonwealth Railways as one of two hundred GOX type open waggons. Recoded to AOOX, then in 1992 modified to AZVY.Dec 29, 2016

161116 513372 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Shell fuel train 3442, departmental wheel set carrier waggon AZVY 2829, built by Transfield WA 1976 for Commonwealth Railways as one of two hundred GOX type open waggons. Recoded to AOOX, then in 1992 modified to AZVY.Dec 29, 2016

161116 513288 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Shell fuel train 3442, departmental wheel set carrier waggon AZVY 2829, built by Transfield WA 1976 for Commonwealth Railways as one of two hundred GOX type open waggons. Recoded to AOOX, then in 1992 modified to AZVY.Dec 29, 2016

161116 513179 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Shell fuel train 3442, container flat waggon AQWY 30329, built by Tomlinson Steel WA in a batch of 161 WFX type waggons between 1969 and 1970. Fitted with three 20' wheel set carrying frames.Dec 29, 2016

161116 513085 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Shell fuel train 3442, container flat waggon AQWY 30329, built by Tomlinson Steel WA in a batch of 161 WFX type waggons between 1969 and 1970. Fitted with three 20' wheel set carrying frames.Dec 29, 2016

161116 512976 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Shell fuel train 3442, container flat waggon AQWY 30329, built by Tomlinson Steel WA in a batch of 161 WFX type waggons between 1969 and 1970. Fitted with 20' wheel set carrying frames, note the standard E type coupler with the type F InterLock on the fuel waggon.Dec 29, 2016

161116 512884 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Shell fuel train 3442, container flat waggon AQWY 30329, built by Tomlinson Steel WA in a batch of 161 WFX type waggons between 1969 and 1970. Fitted with three 20' wheel set carrying frames.Dec 29, 2016
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