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161111 2399139 viewsKalgoorlie, Malcolm freighter train 5029, AZKY type anhydrous ammonia tank waggon AZKY 32232, one of twelve built by Goninan WA in 1998 as type WQK for Murrin Murrin traffic fitted with Bis INDUSTRIES anhydrous ammonia tank A12E.Dec 04, 2016

161111 2398142 viewsKalgoorlie, Malcolm freighter train 5029, waggon AQNY 32199 one of sixty two waggons built by Goninan WA in 1998 as WQN type for Murrin Murrin container traffic with two original style Westrail sulphur containers S1?? 980 and S119A 945.Dec 04, 2016

161111 2397267 viewsKalgoorlie, Malcolm freighter train 5029, waggon AQNY 32159 one of sixty two waggons built by Goninan WA in 1998 as WQN type for Murrin Murrin container traffic with two Bis Industries 25U0 type sulphur containers BISU 100100 and BISU 100107.Dec 04, 2016

161111 2396152 viewsKalgoorlie, Malcolm freighter train 5029 to service the Murrin Murrin nickel mine passes Twin Dams with a pair of Clyde Engineering EMD model GT64C Q class units Q 4019 serial 98-1472, the last of class and renumbered from Q 319 and Q 4018 serial 98-1471 also renumbered from Q 318.Dec 04, 2016

161111 2538107 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, waggon AZDY 30705, one of about fourteen WBAX vans converted to AZDY type sodium cyanide container waggon, originally built by WAGR Midland Workshops as one of seventy five WV/X type covered vans in 1967-68, converted late 1988/9 to WQDF.Nov 29, 2016

161111 253779 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, waggon AQHY 30062 with sulphuric acid tank CSA 0123, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 as a WF type flat waggon, then in 1997, following several recodes and modifications, was one of seventy five waggons converted to the WQH type to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana.Nov 29, 2016

161111 253684 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, waggon AQHY 30064 with sulphuric acid tank CSA 0119, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 as a WF type flat waggon, then in 1997, following several recodes and modifications, was one of seventy five waggons converted to the WQH type to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana.Nov 29, 2016

161111 253588 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, waggon AQHY 30020 with sulphuric acid tank CSA 0115, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 as a WF type flat waggon, then in 1997, following several recodes and modifications, was one of seventy five waggons converted to the WQH type to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana.Nov 29, 2016

161111 253488 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, waggon AQHY 30055 with sulphuric acid tank CSA 0090, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 as a WF type flat waggon, then in 1997, following several recodes and modifications, was one of seventy five waggons converted to the WQH type to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana.Nov 29, 2016

161111 253381 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, waggon AQHY 30077 with sulphuric acid tank CSA 0116, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 as a WF type flat waggon, then in 1997, following several recodes and modifications, was one of seventy five waggons converted to the WQH type to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana.Nov 29, 2016

161111 253285 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, waggon AQHY 30006 with sulphuric acid tank CSA 0131, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 as a WF type flat waggon, then in 1997, following several recodes and modifications, was one of seventy five waggons converted to the WQH type to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana.Nov 29, 2016

161111 253179 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, waggon AQHY 30094 with sulphuric acid tank CSA 0100, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 as a WF type flat waggon, then in 1997, following several recodes and modifications, was one of seventy five waggons converted to the WQH type to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana.Nov 29, 2016

161111 253081 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, waggon AQHY 30034 with sulphuric acid tank CSA 0136, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 as a WF type flat waggon, then in 1997, following several recodes and modifications, was one of seventy five waggons converted to the WQH type to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana.Nov 29, 2016

161111 252984 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, waggon AQHY 30110 with sulphuric acid tank CSA 0118, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 as a WF type flat waggon, then in 1997, following several recodes and modifications, was one of seventy five waggons converted to the WQH type to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana.Nov 29, 2016

161111 252891 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, waggon AQHY 30090 with sulphuric acid tank CSA 0092, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 as a WF type flat waggon, then in 1997, following several recodes and modifications, was one of seventy five waggons converted to the WQH type to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana.Nov 29, 2016

161111 252785 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, waggon AQHY 30098 with sulphuric acid tank CSA 0127, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 as a WF type flat waggon, then in 1997, following several recodes and modifications, was one of seventy five waggons converted to the WQH type to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana.Nov 29, 2016

161111 252686 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, waggon AQHY 30078 with sulphuric acid tank CSA 0082, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 as a WF type flat waggon, then in 1997, following several recodes and modifications, was one of seventy five waggons converted to the WQH type to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana.Nov 29, 2016

161111 252585 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, waggon AQHY 30045 with sulphuric acid tank CSA 0078, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 as a WF type flat waggon, then in 1997, following several recodes and modifications, was one of seventy five waggons converted to the WQH type to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana.Nov 29, 2016

161111 252491 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, waggon AQHY 30082 with sulphuric acid tank CSA 0112, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 as a WF type flat waggon, then in 1997, following several recodes and modifications, was one of seventy five waggons converted to the WQH type to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana.Nov 29, 2016

161111 252389 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, waggon AQHY 30056 with sulphuric acid tank CSA 0083, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 as a WF type flat waggon, then in 1997, following several recodes and modifications, was one of seventy five waggons converted to the WQH type to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana.Nov 29, 2016
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