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161111 248293 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, waggon ATEY 4727 diesel fuel tank waggon, former NTAF in service for Caltex, former AMPOL tank, coded WTEF when arrived in WA in 1995.Nov 29, 2016
161111 248195 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, ATTY 30675 diesel fuel tank waggon, one of five built by AE Goodwin NSW in 1970/71 as WST class, recoded to WSTY and then ATTY. 78600 litre capacity.Nov 29, 2016
161111 248096 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, ATEY 4068 diesel fuel tank waggon, former NTAF in service for BP Oil, former AMPOL tank.Nov 29, 2016
161111 247895 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, ATKY 515 fuel tank waggon built by Tulloch Ltd NSW in 1971 along with sister 516 for BP Oil as WJK type 93,000 litres three compartment and three domes, refurbished by Gemco WA Dec 2015, current capacity is probably 80500 litres in line with the rest of the fleet.Nov 29, 2016
161111 2479101 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, diesel fuel tank waggon ATEY 7315, BP Oil service, ex Ampol, other codes include ex NSW NTAF, WTEF and WTEY.Nov 29, 2016
161111 2477101 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, NTAY type fuel tank waggon NTAY 5452, orignally built by Indeng Qld for Mobil as part of a batch of seven NTAF tanks in 1981 as NTAF 452. Refurbished by Gemco WA for BP Oil, capacity of 61000 litres.Nov 29, 2016
161111 247694 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, diesel fuel tank waggon ATPY 587 built by Westrail Midland Workshops in 1978 for Mobil, later sold to BP, as type WJP then recoded to WJPY, 80.66 kL one compartment one dome, original code and fleet no. visible, with a capacity now of 80000 litres.Nov 29, 2016
161111 247592 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, diesel fuel tank waggon ATEY 4725, BP Oil service, ex Ampol, other codes include ex NSW NTAF, WTEF and WTEY.Nov 29, 2016
161111 247497 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, fuel tank waggon ATEY 4617 with 67,863 litre capacity , former AMPOL NTAF type NSW waggon. Originally coded WTEY when moved to WA.Nov 29, 2016
161111 247398 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, diesel fuel tank waggon ATKY 545, built by Tulloch Ltd NSW for ESSO Australia 1975 as a WJK type capacity of 105000 litres, sold to BP Oil in 1986, current capacity is probably 80500 litres in line with the rest of the fleet.Nov 29, 2016
161111 247289 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, ATDY 4620 fuel tank waggon, originally an NTAF type tanker, coded WTDY when arrived in WA, in BP service.Nov 29, 2016
161111 247188 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, diesel fuel tank waggon ATTY 30673, one of five built by AE Goodwin NSW in 1970 as WST class, recoded to WSTY and then ATTY. 78600 litre capacity.Nov 29, 2016
161111 2470138 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, ATEY 4724 diesel fuel tank waggon in service for BP Oil, former NSW AMPOL NTAF tank, coded WTEY when arrived in WA.Nov 29, 2016
161111 2469127 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, ATEY 7317 diesel fuel tank waggon in service for BP Oil, former NSW AMPOL NTAF tank, coded WTEY when arrived in WA.Nov 29, 2016
161111 2468135 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, diesel fuel tank waggon ATMY 553, built by Tulloch Ltd NSW for BP Oil in 1971 as WJM type, capacity of 102000 litres, diesel capacity of 76000 litres, refurbished by Gemco WA in Oct 2015.Nov 29, 2016
161111 2467132 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, fuel tank waggon ATDY 4618 ex NSW NTAF fuel tank, AMPOL vintage, here is service for BP Oil. Was coded WTDY when came to WA.Nov 29, 2016
161111 2466133 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, waggon AQWY 30329 with wheel set carriers. Waggon was originally built by Tomlinson Steel WA WFX type container waggon in a batch of one hundred and sixty one in 1970, later recoded to WQCX.Nov 29, 2016
161111 2465151 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, waggon APNY 31162, one of twelve built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1974 as WNA type pneumatic discharge nickel concentrate waggon, WAGR built and owned copies of the AE Goodwin built WN waggons for WMC.Nov 29, 2016
161111 2464140 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, waggon APNY 31159, one of twelve built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1974 as WNA type pneumatic discharge nickel concentrate waggon, WAGR built and owned copies of the AE Goodwin built WN waggons for WMC.Nov 29, 2016
161111 2463139 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, waggon APNY 31155, one of twelve built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1974 as WNA class pneumatic discharge nickel concentrate waggon, WAGR built and owned copies of the AE Goodwin built WN waggons for WMC.Nov 29, 2016
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