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161111 2462127 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, waggon APNY 31154, one of twelve built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1974 as WNA type pneumatic discharge nickel concentrate waggon, WAGR built and owned copies of the AE Goodwin built WN waggons for WMC.Nov 29, 2016

161111 2461150 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, waggon APNY 31166, last of four built by Westrail Midland Workshops in 1978 as WNA type pneumatic discharge nickel concentrate waggon, WAGR built and owned copies of the AE Goodwin built WN waggons for WMC.Nov 29, 2016

161111 2460124 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, waggon APNY 31156, one of twelve built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1974 as WNA type pneumatic discharge nickel concentrate waggon, WAGR built and owned copies of the AE Goodwin built WN waggons for WMC.Nov 29, 2016

161111 2459139 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, waggon APNY 31164, one of four built by Westrail Midland Workshops in 1978 as WNA type pneumatic discharge nickel concentrate waggon, WAGR built and owned copies of the AE Goodwin built WN waggons for WMC.Nov 29, 2016

161111 2458130 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, waggon APNY 31158, one of twelve built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1974 as WNA type pneumatic discharge nickel concentrate waggon, WAGR built and owned copies of the AE Goodwin built WN waggons for WMC.Nov 29, 2016

161111 2457128 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, waggon AQWY 30450 loaded with two Cockburn Cement Convair type 20' tanktainers 1001 and 1004. Waggon was originally built by Tomlinson Steel WA WFX type container waggon in a batch of one hundred and sixty one in 1970, later recoded to WQCX.Nov 29, 2016

161111 2456124 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, AQWY 30348 container waggon, originally built by Tomlinson Steel WA as WFX type in 1970 from a batch of one hundred and sixty one waggons, to narrow gauge as QWF type in 1970, back to SG in 1972 as WFX, recoded in 1979 to WQCX type. Loaded with two Cockburn Cement Convair type 20' tanktainers 1109 and 1108.Nov 29, 2016

161111 2455135 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, waggon AQWY 30226 loaded with two Cockburn Cement ITVU type 20' tanktainers IVTU 274014 and IVTU 274013. Waggon was originally built at Midland Workshops as a WFX type in a batch of forty five in 1974, later recoded to WQCX.Nov 29, 2016

161111 2454139 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, waggon AQHY 30096 loaded with two Cockburn Cement ITVU type 20' tanktainers IVTU 274016 and 274009. 30096 originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 as a WF type flat waggon, then in 1997, following several recodes and modifications, was one of seventy five waggons converted to the WQH type to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana.Nov 29, 2016

161111 2453129 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, Clyde Engineering EMD model GT64C Q class unit Q 4005 serial 97-1458 renumbered from Q 305.Nov 29, 2016

161111 2452129 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025, Clyde Engineering EMD model GT64C Q class unit Q 4013 serial 97-1466 renumbered from Q 313.Nov 29, 2016

161111 2451137 viewsBinduli, Kalgoorlie Freighter train 5025 runs through the dip with Clyde Engineering EMD model GT64C Q class units Q 4013 serial 97-1466 renumbered from Q 313 and Q 4005 serial 97-1458 renumbered from Q 305.Nov 29, 2016

070607 1004094 viewsMidland, Pacific National RZBY type crew accommodation car RZBY 911 on train 2SP5, built by Comeng NSW as ER type stainless steel air conditioned crew dormitory car ER 211 in 1969, renumbered to ER 911 in 1974, sold to National Rail and converted to crew car in 1997.Aug 19, 2016

070606 988674 viewsMidland, Pacific National RZBY type crew accommodation car RZBY 208 on train WP2, built by Comeng NSW as ER type stainless steel air conditioned crew dormitory car ER 208 in 1969, sold to National Rail and converted to crew car in 1997.Aug 19, 2016

070531 971071 viewsParkeston, Pacific National RZAY type crew accommodation car RZAY 985 on train 4PM6 was built by Comeng NSW as an ARJ type stainless steel air conditioned first class roomette sleeping car ARJ 285 in 1972. Allocated to the Indian Pacific Joint Stock in 1974 and renumbered to ARJ 985, sold to National Rail and converted to crew car in 1997 by AN Port Augusta Workshops.Aug 19, 2016

070531 970990 viewsParkeston, Pacific National RZAY type crew accommodation car RZAY 985 on train 4PM6 was built by Comeng NSW as an ARJ type stainless steel air conditioned first class roomette sleeping car ARJ 285 in 1972. Allocated to the Indian Pacific Joint Stock in 1974 and renumbered to ARJ 985, sold to National Rail and converted to crew car in 1997 by AN Port Augusta Workshops.Aug 19, 2016

070531 966290 viewsParkeston, Pacific National BRS type crew accommodation coach BRS 223 on train 4PW4, originally built by Victorian Railways Newport Workshops in March 1949 as an AS type first class sitting car for the Spirit of Progress AS 12, in July 1952 converted to ABS type first and second class Spirit of Progress car ABS 1, in October 1972 reverted to AS 1, in June 1983 converted to a combined sitting accommodation and a mini refreshment service as BRS type BRS 3, then in September 1985 renumbered to BRS 223. Sold to West Coast Railway mid 1990s, converted to crew car after 2005.Aug 19, 2016

070531 966182 viewsParkeston, Pacific National BRS type crew accommodation coach BRS 223 on train 4PW4, originally built by Victorian Railways Newport Workshops in March 1949 as an AS type first class sitting car for the Spirit of Progress AS 12, in July 1952 converted to ABS type first and second class Spirit of Progress car ABS 1, in October 1972 reverted to AS 1, in June 1983 converted to a combined sitting accommodation and a mini refreshment service as BRS type BRS 3, then in September 1985 renumbered to BRS 223. Sold to West Coast Railway mid 1990s, converted to crew car after 2005.Aug 19, 2016

070531 961884 viewsParkeston, Pacific National RZBY type crew accommodation car RZBY 208 on train 3MP4, built by Comeng NSW as ER type stainless steel air conditioned crew dormitory car ER 208 in 1969, sold to National Rail and converted to crew car in 1997.Aug 19, 2016

070531 961790 viewsParkeston, Pacific National RZBY type crew accommodation car RZBY 208 on train 3MP4, built by Comeng NSW as ER type stainless steel air conditioned crew dormitory car ER 208 in 1969, sold to National Rail and converted to crew car in 1997.Aug 19, 2016
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