Image search results - "950142-141" |

060529 4700221 viewsWOE type iron ore waggon WOE 33436 is one of a batch of one hundred and forty one built by United Group Rail WA between November 2005 and April 2006 with serial number 950142-141 and fleet number 8935 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, seen here loaded with fines at Binduli, 29th May 2006.

100602 8538150 viewsWOE type iron ore waggon WOE 33436 is one of a batch of one hundred and forty one built by United Group Rail WA between November 2005 and April 2006 with serial number 950142-141 and fleet number 8935 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations with the 8 being an addition as the fleet size has increased beyond 1000 waggons, 82.5 ton capacity and build date of 04/2006 waggon for Portman Mining, seen here loaded with fines west of Binduli, 2nd June 2010.

100602 8678111 viewsWOE type iron ore waggon WOE 33436 is one of a batch of one hundred and forty one built by United Group Rail WA between November 2005 and April 2006 with serial number 950142-141 and fleet number 8935 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations with the 8 being an addition as the fleet size has increased beyond 1000 waggons, 82.5 ton capacity and build date of 04/2006 waggon for Portman Mining, now with PORTMAN painted out, West Kalgoorlie 2nd June 2010.

100731 0317387 viewsWOE type iron ore waggon WOE 33436 is one of a batch of one hundred and forty one built by United Group Rail WA between November 2005 and April 2006 with serial number 950142-141 and fleet number 8935 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations with the 8 being an addition as the fleet size has increased beyond 1000 waggons, 82.5 ton capacity and build date of 04/2006 waggon for Portman Mining, empty train arriving at Binduli Triangle, 31st July 2010.