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Image search results - "C636"
030720 160654r2677 viewsNelson Point Loco Service Shop, BHP Billiton Goninan GE rebuild CM40-8M 5639 'Corunna Downs' serial 8281-03 / 92-128 sits in the afternoon Pilbara sun displaying its brand new colours, painting only finished on it this day and about ten minutes after these photos where taken the unit was back in service! Sunday 20th July 2003.
040530 150318r842 viewsNelson Point Car Dumper 2 holding roads, BHP Billiton Goninan GE rebuild CM40-8M units 5642 'Wallareenya' serial 8281-07 / 92-131, 5669 'Beilun' serial 8412-02 / 95-160 and 5659 'Kobe' serial 8412-04 / 94-150 show some of the differences amongst the rebuild, 42 was a Goodwin built C636 ALCo and 59 was also build by Goodwin but an M636 hence both round tanks while 69 was a Comeng built M636 with a larger fuel tank. 30th May 2004.
040812 123214r635 viewsYarrie line 148 km, east of Taplin, BHP Billiton Goninan GE rebuild CM40-8M 5639 'Corunna Downs' serial 8281-03/92-128 works a 'mixed' of 12 ballast and 10 loaded GML waggons towards Hedland following a derailment further out near the Yarrie Mine, 1230 hrs 12th August 2004.
040812 155940r589 viewsGoldsworthy Junction BHP Billiton Goninan GE rebuild CM40-8M 5639 'Corunna Downs' serial 8281-03/92-128 is on the Yarrie line with a mixed ballast and loaded ore train awaiting a Pilot to come out from Hedland to pilot the train into Nelson Point yard at 1600 hrs 12th August 2004.
041014 142048237 viewsPilbara Railways Historical Society, Comeng WA ALCo rebuild C636R locomotive 3017 serial WA-135-C-6043-04. The improved Pilbara cab was fitted as part of the rebuild in April 1985. Donated to Society in 1996. 14th October 2004.
041014 142058252 viewsPilbara Railways Historical Society, Comeng WA ALCo rebuild C636R locomotive 3017 serial WA-135-C-6043-04. The improved Pilbara cab was fitted as part of the rebuild in April 1985. Donated to Society in 1996. 14th October 2004.
041014 142110226 viewsPilbara Railways Historical Society, Comeng WA ALCo rebuild C636R locomotive 3017 serial WA-135-C-6043-04. The improved Pilbara cab was fitted as part of the rebuild in April 1985. Donated to Society in 1996. 14th October 2004.
041014 142128227 viewsPilbara Railways Historical Society, Comeng WA ALCo rebuild C636R locomotive 3017 serial WA-135-C-6043-04. The improved Pilbara cab was fitted as part of the rebuild in April 1985. Donated to Society in 1996. 14th October 2004.
041014 142144207 viewsPilbara Railways Historical Society, Comeng WA ALCo rebuild C636R locomotive 3017 serial WA-135-C-6043-04. The improved Pilbara cab was fitted as part of the rebuild in April 1985. Donated to Society in 1996. 14th October 2004.
041014 142225206 viewsPilbara Railways Historical Society, Comeng WA ALCo rebuild C636R locomotive 3017 serial WA-135-C-6043-04. The improved Pilbara cab was fitted as part of the rebuild in April 1985. Donated to Society in 1996. 14th October 2004.
041014 142239226 viewsPilbara Railways Historical Society, Comeng WA ALCo rebuild C636R locomotive 3017 serial WA-135-C-6043-04. The improved Pilbara cab was fitted as part of the rebuild in April 1985. Donated to Society in 1996. 14th October 2004.
041014 142318221 viewsPilbara Railways Historical Society, view along the passenger carriages behind rebuilt ALCo C636R locomotive 3017 with the first passenger carriage 'Bellary' was originally built by Clyde Engineering at Granville NSW in 1936 for the NSWGR as a second class railway carriage FS type FS 2143. In 1987 it was purchased by the Society and is named after a local river. The next carriage is van 'Portland' and originally an NSWGR MHO type guards van MHO 2321, then recoded to KB type mail van, then to KBY 2513 guards van. For a view 20 years later click here. 14th October 2004.
041014 142329181 viewsPilbara Railways Historical Society, view along the passenger carriages behind rebuilt ALCo C636R locomotive 3017 with the first passenger carriage 'Bellary' was originally built by Clyde Engineering at Granville NSW in 1936 for the NSWGR as a second class railway carriage FS type FS 2143. In 1987 it was purchased by the Society and is named after a local river. The next carriage is van 'Portland' and originally an NSWGR MHO type guards van MHO 2321, then recoded to KB type mail van, then to KBY 2513 guards van. For a view 20 years later click here. 14th October 2004.
041016 170918r749 viewsNelson Point Car Dumper 3 roads BHP Billiton Goninan GE rebuild CM40-8M 5635 'Pippingarra' serial 8151-09 / 91-121 leads EMD SD40-2 3081 and SD40R 3089 awaiting their turn to spot through dumper 3 16th October 2004.
050101 170643r834 viewsGillam Siding BHP Goninan GE rebuild CM40-8M 5637 'De Grey' serial 8181-01 / 92-123 leading a pair of EMD SD40R units 3087 and 3091 comes to a stand under the control of driver Jacka Cale behind another train already holding the main and an empty taking the passing track. Double crosses were not that uncommon during this era. 1st January 2005.
050110 082816r819 viewsSeven Mile, just over the salt mine grade crossing, former Robe River Goninan rebuilt CM40-8M locomotives 9417 serial 6266-5/89-83 and 9420 serial 8109-3/91-119 now relegated to non mainline duties as they don't have the ICSS (in-cab signalling) fitted are seen here working a loaded bound for the East Intercourse Island dumper. Monday 10th January 2005. History of these two units 9417 was built by ALCo as C636 serial 6010-1 of November 1968 for Spokane Portland & Seattle as their #340, then to Chesapeake & Ohio as #2100, Burlington Northern #4366, purchased by Robe River and rebuilt into CM40-8M in June 1989. 9420 was built by ALCo as C630 serial 3486-4 of October 1967 for Chesapeake & Ohio as #2103, purchased by Robe River in January 1975, #9420, then rebuilt to CM40-8M in 1991 by Goninan.
050111 090411r752 viewsSeven Mile, Goninan ALCo to GE rebuild C36-7M units 5052 'Ben' serial 4839-04 / 87-073 and 5051 'Bill' serial 4839-03 / 87-072 lead an empty consist across Anchovy Flats from Parker Point. Tuesday 11th January 2005. These two locos started life as ALCo C636 units for Mt Newman Mining, then rebuilt by Goninan for BHP into the C36-7M, upon retiring Goninan overhauled them and they have been in service at Seven Mile for eight years and are still stored there.
050624 3197536 viewsPort Hedland, the 19.3 km on the GML sees BHP Billiton Goninan GE rebuilt model CM40-8M unit 5636 'Munda' serial 8151-11 / 91-122 leads the Sundowner across the Broome Rd crossing on its way to Goldsworthy 24th June 2005.
050624 3202483 viewsPippingarra West Creek bridge, 23 km on the GML sees BHP Billiton Goninan GE rebuilt model CM40-8M unit 5636 'Munda' serial 8151-11 / 91-122 leads the Sundowner on its way to Goldsworthy 24th June 2005.
050624 3220466 viewsAllan Siding, 40.2 km on the GML sees BHP Billiton Goninan GE rebuilt model CM40-8M unit 5636 'Munda' serial 8151-11 / 91-122 leads the Sundowner on its way to Goldsworthy past a 25 kph speed restriction 24th June 2005.
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