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Image search results - "DA1573"
200-19331 viewsMidland, Westrail's Clyde Engineering built EMD model G26C as the DA class, DA 1573 serial 72-760 and DA 1574 serial 72-761 lead an empty grain train to Avon past the Midland Workshops at 0925 hrs 24th June 1997.
200-20220 viewsMidland, Westrail's Clyde Engineering built EMD model G26C as the DA class, DA 1573 serial 72-760 and DA 1574 serial 72-761 lead an empty grain train to Avon past the Midland Workshops at 0925 hrs 24th June 1997.
200-21133 viewsMidland, Westrail's Clyde Engineering built EMD model G26C as the DA class, DA 1573 serial 72-760 and DA 1574 serial 72-761 lead an empty grain train to Avon past the Midland Workshops at 0925 hrs 24th June 1997.
200-22137 viewsMidland, Westrail's Clyde Engineering built EMD model G26C as the DA class, DA 1573 serial 72-760 and DA 1574 serial 72-761 lead an empty grain train to Avon past the Midland Workshops at 0925 hrs 24th June 1997.
200-23124 viewsMidland, Westrail's Clyde Engineering built EMD model G26C as the DA class, DA 1573 serial 72-760 and DA 1574 serial 72-761 lead an empty grain train to Avon near the Lloyd Street grade crossing, 0925 hrs 24th June 1997.
200-24131 viewsMidland, Westrail's Clyde Engineering built EMD model G26C as the DA class, DA 1573 serial 72-760 and DA 1574 serial 72-761 lead an empty grain train to Avon near the Lloyd Street grade crossing, lead waggon is an XNW type with the second being an XWBB type 2129, 0925 hrs 24th June 1997.
200-25135 viewsMidland, Westrail's Clyde Engineering built EMD model G26C as the DA class, DA 1573 serial 72-760 and DA 1574 serial 72-761 lead an empty grain train to Avon across the Lloyd Street grade crossing, 0925 hrs 24th June 1997.
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