Image search results - "Dash-9-44CW" |

050108 142945r782 viewsCape Lambert, Hamersley Iron owned Pilbara Iron General Electric built Dash 9-44CW unit 7061 serial 54768 leads Robe owned Pilbara Rail 9402 serial 53456 and Hamersley Iron 7085 serial 47764 with a loaded train from the Deepdale mine past signal OB1 on the line to Cape Lambert. The switch for the quarry triangle is just in front of the train. Saturday 8th January 2005.

050108 182036r765 viewsDingo Siding, Hamersley Iron's General Electric built Dash 9-44CW unit 7083 serial 47762 heads up the motley collection of eleven tank waggons that form the Hamersley Iron fuel train. Saturday 8th January 2005.

050108 184314r689 viewsSeven Mile yard departure with Hamersley Iron owned Pilbara Rail liveried General Electric built Dash 9-44CW unit 7097 'Ken Onley' serial 54160 and sister Hamersley Iron liveried 7093 serial 47772 power out of the yard an empty working in the late afternoon light at 1843 hrs Saturday 8th January 2005.

050109 181900r740 viewsSeven Mile, Hamersley Iron General Electric built Dash 9-44CW unit 7094 serial 52841 sits in the shed partially stripped for accident repairs. Note the knuckle has been pushed right back into the draft pack as a result of the impact. Sunday 9th January 2005.

050110 072701r745 viewsParker Point, brilliant summer morning light captures the driver in charge of General Electric built Dash 9-44CW units 7073 serial 47752 and 7078 serial 47757 stops to have a chat with the driver of the Parker Point dumper pilot on 7096 serial 52843 all wearing the original Hamersley Iron 'Pepsi' livery. Monday 10th January 2005.

050110 094244r693 viewsJust south of Dugite Siding original liveried Hamersley Iron General Electric built Dash 9-44CW 7089 serial 47768 leads two similar Robe River units 9433 serial 54766 in Pilbara Iron livery and 9429 serial 54188 Pilbara Rail livery with an empty train at the 67 km grade crossing. Trailing unit 9429 was under test due to fluctuating power and workshops personal were on board the unit alighting at Gecko Siding. Monday 10th January 2005.

050110 100724r688 viewsWestern Creek junction, Robe River owned General Electric Dash 9-44CW unit 9434 serial 54767 in Pilbara Iron livery leads similar Hamersley Iron owned unit 7095 serial 52842 in original livery off the interconnecting line from the Cape Lambert - Deepdale line onto the Dampier - Tom Price line with an empty train bound for West Angelas. This junction is known as Western Creek and the double track of Emu can be seen to the left. Monday 10th January 2005.

050110 120842r643 viewsNorth of Maitland Siding on the Deepdale line at the 83.7 km grade crossing, Robe River owned General Electric Dash 9-44CW unit 9407 serial 54157 in Pilbara Rail livery leads a pair of Hamersley Iron owned and liveried sister units 7075 serial 47754 and 7067 serial 47746 with an empty working for the Deepdale or Mesa J mine on the Robe River line with three loaded fuel tank waggons trailing the locos. Monday 10th January 2005.

050110 135546r755 viewsIbis Siding, the highest numbered Hamersley Iron owned General Electric built Dash 9-44CW unit 7098 serial 54161 from the fourth order in 2003 in the Pilbara Rail livery leads a works train of ballast and rail waggons into the passing track to meet a loaded train. 10th January 2005.

050110 140552r772 viewsHaving departed Ibis Siding five minutes earlier double General Electric built Dash 9-44CW Hamersley Iron units 7069 serial 47748 and 7077 serial 47756 work a 230 loaded waggon train heading north between Ibis and Gull sidings. Above the two locos the east mainline can be seen in the background which was part of the second last duplication project from Gull to Tunkawanna and is a single track section with only passing tracks being on the original west mainline section. Monday 10th January 2005.

050110 142848r620 viewsGull Siding the 105 km at the top of the Chichester Range, double General Electric built Dash 9-44CW Hamersley Iron units 7069 serial 47748 and 7077 serial 47756 lead 230 loaded waggons as they prepare to descend the Chichester Range bound for Cape Lambert Monday 10th January 2005.

050110 164122r672 viewsDugite Siding at the 64 km on the Dampier line, Robe River owned General Electric built Dash 9-44CW unit 9404 serial 54154 in Pilbara Rail livery leads Hamersley Iron owned and liveried Dash 9-44CW unit 7079 serial 47758 with an empty train as it pulls back onto the mainline after crossing a loaded. Monday 10th January 2005.

050110 175658r728 viewsHarding Siding, 42 km on the Cape Lambert line, following a hot box alarm an empty Deepdale bound train headed by triple General Electric built Dash 9-44CW units 7085 serial 47764 in owner's Hamersley Iron livery, 9402 serial 53456 in Robe River Pilbara Rail livery and 7061 serial 54768 in Hamersley Iron Pilbara Iron livery have cut off and pulled into the siding with eight waggons of the consist. The locos of the loaded train 7069 and 7077 can just be seen to the left of the signal are cutting off the defect waggons. The loaded train is stabled on the mainline track. Monday 10th January 2005.

050111 095514r811 viewsDugite Siding, Hamersley Iron owned Pilbara Rail's only named General Electric built Dash 9-44CW locomotive 7097 'Ken Onley' serial 54160 leads sister unit 7093 serial 47772 the final unit of the original order in original livery as they climb the range near the 67 km with an empty working on the Dampier mainline. Tuesday 11th January 2005.

061209 8167r730 viewsCape Lambert, 7 km finds Hamersley Iron General Electric built Dash 9-44CW unit 7077 serial 47756 leading sister 7088, Robe River GE rebuild CM40-8M 9414 and another HI Dash 9-44CW unit 7062 in Pilbara Iron livery with a loaded 207 waggon train from Deepdale. This area is now consumed by the Cape Lambert South Yard. 9th December 2006.

061209 8209r703 viewsCape Lambert departure at the 6 km with Hamersley Iron General Electric Dash 9-44CW unit 7060 leading week old sister 7046 serial 57097 both resplendent in Pilbara Iron livery with an empty service bound for the West Angelas mine as the train examiner conducts the roll-by. 9th December 2006.

061209 8277r709 viewsNorth of Harding Siding near the 31 km, double Hamersley Iron General Electric built Dash 9-44CW units 7074 serial 47753 and 7084 serial 47763 are in once foreign territory on the Cape Lambert line with a loaded West Angelas 'Marra Mamba' train struggling with the grade, curve and maximum tonnage. 9th December 2006.

071101 1114r801 viewsPort Hedland, Gilbert Street, Kingston Transport leave the Hedland Port terminal with another FMG General Electric built Dash 9-44CW loco off the good ship BBC Kusan. Thursday 1st November 2007.

071101 1129r706 viewsRedbank Bridge Port Hedland, Kingston Transport's Mack brings FMG's General Electric built Dash 9-44CW loco 010 over the Redbank Bridge after stopping on the north side to remove the tarpaulin which had come loose. This was the only unit delivered minus the tarp. Thursday 1st November 2007.

071101 1131r793 viewsRedbank Bridge Port Hedland, Kingston Transport's Mack brings FMG's General Electric built Dash 9-44CW loco 010 serial 58187. This was the only unit delivered minus the tarp. Thursday 1st November 2007.
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