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Image search results - "ELX-type"
110-23213 viewsAlbury south yard, V/Line broad gauge VKEX type bogie slab steel waggon VKEX 44 on 9334 up steel train to Long Island. Waggon started life as an ELX type ELX 363 built at Bendigo Workshops in June 1971, in September 1979 to VOBX, in March 1984 to VOEX 44, then June 1987 to VKEX.
118-05159 viewsStrathmerton station yard overview, 50' x 20' goods shed and loading platform, bus style waiting shelter, V/Line broad gauge VOBX type bogie open waggon VOBX 68, built by Victorian Railways Newport Workshops as ELF class 1963, to ELX 1965, then VOBX in 1979 and to ROBX in 1994.
118-06173 viewsStrathmerton yard, V/Line broad gauge VOBX type bogie open waggon VOBX 68, side shot, built by Victorian Railways Newport Workshops as ELF type 1963, to ELX 1965, then VOBX in 1979 and to ROBX in 1994.
142-1-31159 viewsBenalla yard, V/Line stabled broad gauge train 9303 Wodonga goods, VOCX type bogie open waggon VOCX 1006 loaded with briquettes, started life built at Victorian Railways Bendigo Workshops in October 1974 as ELX type ELX 1006, reclassified to VOCX type in August 1979, telephone box in front, station building behind, side view.
148-14149 viewsWangaratta, V/Line VOCX bogie open waggons, VOCX 122, loaded with briquettes on the old works platform road, looking towards Sidings E, silos in the background. VOCX 122 was built by Ballarat North Workshops May 1968 as ELX type ELX 122. In 1979 re-coded to VOCX. In 1994 re-coded to ROBX.
148-20170 viewsWangaratta, V/Line freshly repainted broad gauge VOFX bogie open waggon VOFX 1018 with super phosphate and Bedford TK unloading grab looking from grounded waggons, semaphore signal post 12 in the background. VOFX 1018 started life as ELX 1018 built by Bendigo Workshops December 1974, recoded to VOCX 1018 in 1981. Recoded to VOFX in 1987-88.
153-3-01177 viewsMaroona, V/Line VOCX type bogie open waggon VOCX 130, originally built by Victorian Railways Ballarat North Workshops an ELX type in July 1968, recoded to VOCX in 1979, loaded with briquettes at the silo load out, lever handbrake.
160522 2024239 viewsParkeston, 5MP2 steel train, RKAF type 2-pack rail transport waggon RKAF 4 with a length of 29.8 metres loaded with new rail, these 'pairs' are rebuilt from a pair of RKJX type waggons. The RKJX were rebuilds from V/Line VOBX type waggons.
160522 2025230 viewsParkeston, 5MP2 steel train, one of the bar coupled pair of waggons making up RKAF type 2-pack rail transport waggon RKAF 4 for a length of 29.8 metres loaded with new rail, these 'pairs' are rebuilt from a pair of RKJX type waggons. The RKJX were rebuilds from V/Line VOBX type waggons.
160522 2026229 viewsParkeston, 5MP2 steel train, RKAF type 2-pack rail transport waggon RKAF 4 with a length of 29.8 metres loaded with new rail, these 'pairs' are rebuilt from a pair of RKJX type waggons. The RKJX were rebuilds from V/Line VOBX type waggons.
160522 2028241 viewsParkeston, 5MP2 steel train, RKCX type open waggon RKCX 17, originally built by Victorian Railways Bendigo Workshops in 1969 as ELX type ELX 219, recoded to VOBX in 1979, to VOCX 17 in 1980, to VCCX in 1988, then RCCX in 1994, and current code in 1995.
160522 2029245 viewsParkeston, 5MP2 steel train, RKCX type open waggon RKCX 6, originally built by SAR Islington Workshops as an ELX type open waggon ELX 567 in 1966 as part of a batch of seventy waggon, was given to V/Line in 1986 following the derailment write off VOSX 6, with this waggon assuming that identity. Recoded to VCCX type in 1987, then in 1994 to RCCX type.
160522 2030258 viewsParkeston, 5MP2 steel train, RKCX type open waggon RKCX 1001, originally built by Victorian Railways Bendigo Workshops in 1974 as a member of the ELX type open waggons, in 1979 recoded to VOBX and then VOCX in 1980. To NRC in 1994, ROBX, then current code in 1995.
160522 2031217 viewsParkeston, 5MP2 steel train, RKCX type open waggon RKCX 1075, built by Victorian Railways Bendigo Workshops in 1977 as a member of the ELX type open waggons, recoded to VOCX in 1980, in 1995 to the NRC as ROBX and then current code in 1995.
160524 4034116 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, RKMY 57, recently recoded from RKMX, originally an ELX waggon, heavily modified to cart butter boxes, either ex Victorian Railways or SAR ELX type waggon.
160524 4039105 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, RKMY 61 carrying two butter box coil steel containers RH113 and RH-95, recently recoded from RKMX type, originally an ELF type waggon built by Victorian Railways Newport Workshops in 1962, several re-codes, ELX in 1964, VOCX in 1980, VOBX in 1983, ROBX in 1994, RKCX in 1995.
160524 404189 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, RKMY 327, originally an ELX waggon, heavily modified to cart butter boxes, possibly ex Victorian Railways ELX / VOBX waggon 1969-70 vintage.
160524 404393 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, RKMY 51, originally an ELX waggon, heavily modified to cart butter boxes, possibly ex Victorian Railways ELX / VOBX waggon 1961-63 vintage.
160524 4312111 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, RKCX type open waggon RKCX 64, originally built by Victorian Railways Newport Workshops as ELF type open waggon in 1963, later recoded to ELX. Recoded to VOCX in 1978, VOFX in 1978, 1994 to ROBX then 1995 for current code. V/LINE name still visible under Pacific National tarp.
160531 9837108 viewsBinduli, 3PM4 steel train, RKCX 5, an old Victorian Railways Bendigo Workshops built ELX 1069 from 1977, to VOCX, VOVX modified for the carriage of coil steel rolls, then VCVX in 1987, to RKCX in 1995.
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