Image search results - "ENH49" |
060113 249278 viewsKevin, the triple NJ-1600 class combination of 1604, NJ 3 and 1601 pull the empty gypsum train 6DD3 along the Penong line prior to reversing around the triangle. 13th January 2006.
060113 249380 viewsKevin, the triple NJ-1600 class combination of 1604, NJ 3 and 1601 pull the empty gypsum train 6DD3 along the Penong line prior to reversing around the triangle. 13th January 2006.
130708 074576 viewsCharra, originally an Kinki Sharyo built NH type for the NAR now coded ENH type ENH 49, without hungry boards loaded with gypsum, Charoban Rd grade crossing, 477.8 km.
130708 082681 viewsMoule, originally an Kinki Sharyo built NH type for the NAR now coded ENH type ENH 49, without hungry boards loaded with gypsum, Mewett Rd grade crossing, 470.1 km.
130708 090178 viewsThevenard originally an Kinki Sharyo built NH type for the NAR now coded ENH type ENH 49 J, without hungry boards loaded with gypsum crossing Bergmann Drive grade crossing, 434.2 km.
161109 193774 viewsMoule, originally built by Kinki Sharyo as the NH type for the NAR in 1968, sent to Port Lincoln in 1978, then rebuilt and recoded ENH type in 1984, ENH 49 with hungry boards loaded with gypsum.