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Image search results - "FMG-006"
080120 1482r700 viewsRowley Yard, FMG's General Electric built Dash 9-44CW DC locomotives 006 serial 58183 is coupled to 012 serial 58189 and five pairs of Chinese made ore waggons at the marshalling yard. These units were the last locomotives of this model built by General Electric. 20th January 2008.
150505 7956329 viewsFMG Solomon Line, a pair of General Electric Dash 9-44CW locomotives 005 serial 58182 and 006 serial 58183 struggle upgrade with a loaded train at the 227 km bound for Port Hedland, the train is being assisted in the rear. Geodata: -22.0189283 118.5861050 .
150505 7959245 viewsFMG Solomon Line, a pair of General Electric Dash 9-44CW locomotives 005 serial 58182 and 006 serial 58183 struggle upgrade with a loaded train at the 227 km bound for Port Hedland, the train is being assisted in the rear. Geodata: -22.0189283 118.5861050 .
150505 7963294 viewsFMG Solomon Line, a pair of General Electric Dash 9-44CW locomotives 005 serial 58182 and 006 serial 58183 struggle upgrade with a loaded train at the 227 km bound for Port Hedland, the bank engines assisting in the rear can just be seen. Geodata: -22.0189283 118.5861050 .
150507 8050214 viewsFMG Solomon Line, bank engines, a pair of General Electric Dash 9-44CW locomotives, units 005 serial 58182 and 006 serial 58183 assist a loaded train at the 278.291 km grade crossing. Geodata: -22.1620833 118.1272300 .
150507 8104156 viewsFMG Solomon Line, bank engines General Electric Dash 9-44CW locomotives, units 006 serial 58183 and 005 serial 58182 run back light to Solomon for their next duty, seen here between the bridges over the Fortescue River South which drains out of Hamersley Gorge. Geodata: -22.1844217 118.0313467 .
150507 8108184 viewsFMG Solomon Line, bank engines General Electric Dash 9-44CW locomotives, units 006 serial 58183 and 005 serial 58182 run back light to Solomon for their next duty, seen here on the second bridge over the Fortescue River South which drains out of Hamersley Gorge. Geodata: -22.1844217 118.0313467 .
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