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Image search results - "Goninan-WA"
040409 121920436 viewsBoodarie, Goninan built Golynx waggon 8416 with serial number 950088-326 from November 2011, which is a modified version of the BHP mainline waggons for service on the Goldsworthy system as a bottom discharge waggon. 9th of April 2004.
040409 121940195 viewsBoodarie, Goninan built Golynx waggon 8416 with serial number 950088-326 from November 2011, which is a modified version of the BHP mainline waggons for service on the Goldsworthy system as a bottom discharge waggon. 9th of April 2004.
040409 122000285 viewsBoodarie, Goninan built Golynx waggon 8416 with serial number 950088-326 from November 2001, is a modified version of the BHP mainline waggons for service on the Goldsworthy system as a bottom discharge waggon, view of the door and actuator handle. 9th of April 2004.
040412 143234195 viewsNelson Point, a Goninan built ore waggon 4384, one of 126 such waggons constructed during 1997 out of 3CR12 stainless steel in an effort to eliminate painting and to reduce wear on the waggon body. Note the rounded bottom edge and tapered floor, this design was designated HC7081. 12th April 2004.
040412 143652211 viewsNelson Point, Goninan built, Lynx Engineering designed ore waggon 4973 made from 5Cr12Ti stainless steel these waggons are known as Golynx waggons, asset number 2032597 with build date 02/2004. 12th April 2004.
040412 143710212 viewsNelson Point, Goninan built, Lynx Engineering designed ore waggon 2940 are known as Golynx waggons, one of 345 such waggons constructed during 2001 out of 3CR12 stainless steel in an effort to eliminate painting and to reduce wear on the waggon body. 12th April 2004.
040412 143726231 viewsNelson Point, Goninan built, Lynx Engineering designed ore waggon 4973 made from 5Cr12Ti stainless steel these waggons are known as Golynx waggons, asset number 2032597 with build date 02/2004. 12th April 2004.
040412 144307218 viewsNelson Point, Goninan built, Lynx Engineering designed ore waggon made from 5Cr12Ti stainless steel these waggons are known as Golynx waggons, view of handbrake end. 12th April 2004.
040412 144321196 viewsNelson Point, Goninan built, Lynx Engineering designed ore waggon known as Golynx waggons, one of 345 such waggons constructed during 2001 out of 3CR12 stainless steel in an effort to eliminate painting and to reduce wear on the waggon body. 12th April 2004.
040412 144513166 viewsNelson Point, Goninan built, Lynx Engineering designed ore waggon known as Golynx waggons, one of 345 such waggons constructed during 2001 out of 3CR12 stainless steel in an effort to eliminate painting and to reduce wear on the waggon body. 12th April 2004.
040412 144554197 viewsNelson Point, Goninan built, Lynx Engineering designed ore waggon 4912 made from 5Cr12Ti stainless steel these waggons are known as Golynx waggons, part of Rake 3 of 120 waggon, build date 01/2004. 12th April 2004.
040502 080108195 viewsBoodarie, Goninan built Golynx waggon 8408 which is a modified version of the BHP mainline waggons for service on the Goldsworthy system as a bottom discharge waggon. 2nd May 2004.
040801 144038212 viewsWalla Siding, Goninan built, Lynx Engineering designed ore waggon 4403 made from 5Cr12Ti stainless steel these waggons are known as Golynx waggons, asset number 203510 with serial 950124-004 and build date 02/2004. 1st August 2004.
040801 144102498 viewsWalla Siding, Goninan built, Lynx Engineering designed ore waggon 4403 made from 5Cr12Ti stainless steel these waggons are known as Golynx waggons, asset number 203510 with serial 950124-004 and build date 02/2004. 1st August 2004.
040801 1441381636 viewsWalla Siding, builders plate on Goninan built, Lynx Engineering designed ore waggon 4403 made from 5Cr12Ti stainless steel these waggons are known as Golynx waggons, asset number 203510 with serial 950124-004 and build date 02/2004. 1st August 2004.
040801 144228292 viewsWalla Siding, Goninan built, Lynx Engineering designed ore waggon 4403 made from 5Cr12Ti stainless steel these waggons are known as Golynx waggons, asset number 203510 with serial 950124-004 and build date 02/2004. 1st August 2004.
040815 165436671 viewsNelson Point Car Dumper 3, a Goninan built replacement ore waggon, numbered 2063, one of a batch of 345 waggons built to the new Lynx Engineering design known as the Golynx waggons with 3CR12 stainless steel in a bid to eliminate painting to reduce wear on the waggon body. Serial 950088-190, build date 04/2001. 15th August 2004.
040815 165508497 viewsNelson Point Car Dumper 3, builders plate of Goninan built replacement ore waggon 2063, one of a batch of 345 waggons built to the new Lynx Engineering design known as the Golynx waggons serial 950088-190 and build date 04/2001. 15th August 2004.
040815 165832431 viewsNelson Point Car Dumper 3, a new Goninan built ore waggon 4239, one of 126 such waggons constructed during 1997 out of 3CR12 stainless steel in an effort to eliminate painting and to reduce wear on the waggon body. Note the rounded bottom edge and tapered floor, this design was designated HC7081. 15th August 2004.
040815 165848351 viewsNelson Point Car Dumper 3, builders plate of Goninan built ore waggon 4239, one of 126 such waggons constructed during 1997 out of 3CR12 stainless steel in an effort to eliminate painting and to reduce wear on the waggon body. This design was designated HC7081. 15th August 2004.
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