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Image search results - "M636C"
040806 091254r656 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, BHP Goninan GE rebuild CM40-8MEFI 5666 'Taranto' serial 8412-11 / 94-157, was the first unit fitted with Electronic Fuel Injection to the 16FDL engine hence the EFI on the model designation, is in charge of the Weighbridge Calibration train which is situated in the middle of the switches at the Goldsworthy Junction. 5666 will do several trips back and forward over the weighbridge at various speed to allow the technicians to calibrate it as well as having to clear the mainline for loaded and empty train movements. 0915 hrs 6th August 2004.
041001 152919r719 viewsRedbank Bridge, BHP Goninan GE rebuild CM40-8M 5650 'Yawata' serial 8412-07 / 93-141 notches back up into power as it passes the examiner doing his 'roll by' entering Nelson Point yard as a Doug Gould road train passes over the top. A very rare shot indeed! 1530 hrs 1st October 2004.
041014 122434293 viewsPilbara Railways Historical Society, the Locotrol 'cab' from Goninan WA rebuild CM40-8ML unit 5663 Newcastle, one of three units built without a driving cab in 1994 but with a Locotrol equipment cabinet to do away with the Locotrol waggons that were in use at the time. Eventually the three locomotives had driving cabs fitted. Donated to the Society around 1998? 14th October 2004.
041014 122446220 viewsPilbara Railways Historical Society, the builders plate from Goninan WA rebuild CM40-8ML unit 5663 Newcastle, one of three units built without a driving cab in 1994 but with a Locotrol equipment cabinet to do away with the Locotrol waggons that were in use at the time. Donated to the Society around 1998? 14th October 2004.
041014 122920238 viewsPilbara Railways Historical Society, the Locotrol 'cab' from Goninan WA rebuild CM40-8ML unit 5663 Newcastle, one of three units built without a driving cab in 1994 but with a Locotrol equipment cabinet to do away with the Locotrol waggons that were in use at the time. Eventually the three locomotives had driving cabs fitted. Donated to the Society around 1998? 14th October 2004.
050109 093124491 viewsPilbara Railways Historical Society, removed Locotrol cab from Goninan CM40-8ML ALCo to GE rebuild unit 5663 serial 8412-08/94-154, this unit along with the two sister cab-less units all ended up having normal driving cabs retro-fitted around 1996-97. 9th October 2005.
050625 3768437 viewsBroome Rd grade crossing at the 57.1 km on the GML sees BHP Goninan GE rebuilt model CM40-8M unit 5648 'Kwangyang Bay' serial 8412-06 / 93-139 long end leading the Sundowner on its way back to Hedland across the highway 25th June 2005.
050625 3779412 viewsDe Grey at the 54 km on the GML sees BHP Goninan GE rebuilt model CM40-8M unit 5648 'Kwangyang Bay' serial 8412-06 / 93-139 long end leading the Sundowner on its way back to Hedland 25th June 2005.
050625 3784418 viewsAllan Siding, at the 51 km just east of Node 3 on the GML sees BHP Goninan GE rebuilt model CM40-8M unit 5648 'Kwangyang Bay' serial 8412-06 / 93-139 long end leading the Sundowner waiting for an empty train to pull in clear into the siding on its way back to Hedland 25th June 2005.
050625 3788435 viewsTabba Tabba Creek bridge at the 48 km on the GML sees BHP Goninan GE rebuilt model CM40-8M unit 5648 'Kwangyang Bay' serial 8412-06 / 93-139 long end leading the Sundowner on its return to Hedland 25th June 2005.
050625 3797428 viewsAllan Siding at the 46 km on the GML sees BHP Goninan GE rebuilt model CM40-8M unit 5648 'Kwangyang Bay' serial 8412-06 / 93-139 long end leading the Sundowner along the main on its return to Hedland 25th June 2005.
050625 3801423 viewsAllan Siding at the 46 km on the GML sees BHP Goninan GE rebuilt model CM40-8M unit 5648 'Kwangyang Bay' serial 8412-06 / 93-139 long end leading the Sundowner along the main as it crosses 5630 'Zeus' on an empty train refuged in the passing track while returning to Hedland 25th June 2005.
050625 3822398 viewsNode #2 at the 38 km on the GML sees BHP Goninan GE rebuilt model CM40-8M unit 5648 'Kwangyang Bay' serial 8412-06 / 93-139 long end leading the Sundowner along the main on its return to Hedland 25th June 2005.
050625 3829472 viewsNode #2 at the 38 km on the GML sees BHP Goninan GE rebuilt model CM40-8M unit 5648 'Kwangyang Bay' serial 8412-06 / 93-139 long end leading the Sundowner along the main on its return to Hedland 25th June 2005.
050625 3834505 viewsPippingarra near the 31 km on the GML sees BHP Goninan GE rebuilt model CM40-8M unit 5648 'Kwangyang Bay' serial 8412-06 / 93-139 long end leading the Sundowner along the main on its return to Hedland 25th June 2005.
050625 3840523 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, BHP Goninan GE rebuilt model CM40-8M unit 5648 'Kwangyang Bay' serial 8412-06 / 93-139 long end leading runs off the Goldsworthy or GML line past signal GJ 2 onto the Newman mainline with the Sundowner on its return to Hedland 25th June 2005.
060415 3450r670 viewsNelson Point yard, BHP Goninan GE rebuild CM40-8M 5659 'Kobe' serial 8412-04 / 94-150 with a rake of loaded 100 kL fuel waggons waiting access to shunt for the evening departure and Yard Pilots EMD SD40 units 3080 and 3091 15th April 2006.
060714 6685r662 viewsBing Siding finds BHP Goninan GE rebuild CM40-8M locomotive 5654 'Kashima' serial 8412-11 / 93-145 as it shunts the steel (rail) train 14th July 2006.
060714 6721r588 viewsHesta, 226 km sees BHP Goninan GE rebuild CM40-8M 5657 'Fukuyama' serial 8412-02 / 94-148 with EMD SD40-2 3081 and SD40R 3089 as they struggle upgrade with a loaded Yandi train, mid-train remote units visible are a pair of EMD SD70ACe/LC locos 4302 and 4311 14th July 2006.
081217 0448r624 viewsWoodstock Siding BHP Goninan GE rebuild and former cab-less CM40-8ML unit 5665 'Rotterdam' serial 8412-10 / 94-156 runs along the mainline with the rail or steel train under the FMG flyover. It is not uncommon to see long hood leading units on BHP work trains. 17th December 2008.
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