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Image search results - "NR50"
030404 103651115 viewsPort Augusta Spencer Junction yard, National Rail Goninan built GE Cv40-9i model NR class unit NR 50 serial 7250-08 / 97-252 lay about the yard in between jobs. 4th April 2003.
030404 103712124 viewsPort Augusta Spencer Junction yard, National Rail Goninan built GE Cv40-9i model NR class unit NR 50 serial 7250-08 / 97-252 lay about the yard in between jobs. 4th April 2003.
030404 125017113 viewsPort Augusta Spencer Junction yard, a Perth bound intermodal awaits departure time on 13 Road behind National Rail NR class units built by Goninan as GE Cv40-9i models, NR 50 serial 7250-08 / 97-252 and NR 37 serial 7250-06 / 97-239. 4th April 2003.
030404 125029113 viewsPort Augusta Spencer Junction yard, a Perth bound intermodal awaits departure time on 13 Road behind National Rail NR class units built by Goninan as GE Cv40-9i models, NR 50 serial 7250-08 / 97-252 and NR 37 serial 7250-06 / 97-239. 4th April 2003.
030404 125101118 viewsPort Augusta Spencer Junction yard, a Perth bound intermodal awaits departure time on 13 Road behind National Rail NR class units built by Goninan as GE Cv40-9i models, NR 50 serial 7250-08 / 97-252 and NR 37 serial 7250-06 / 97-239. 4th April 2003.
030404 125115109 viewsPort Augusta Spencer Junction yard, a Perth bound intermodal awaits departure time on 13 Road behind National Rail NR class units built by Goninan as GE Cv40-9i models, NR 50 serial 7250-08 / 97-252. 4th April 2003.
030404 125126113 viewsPort Augusta Spencer Junction yard, a Perth bound intermodal awaits departure time on 13 Road behind National Rail NR class units built by Goninan as GE Cv40-9i models, NR 50 serial 7250-08 / 97-252. 4th April 2003.
030404 125227114 viewsPort Augusta Spencer Junction yard, a pair of back to back National Rail NR class units built by Goninan as GE Cv40-9i models showing the coupling between two unit, NR 50 serial 7250-08 / 97-252 is on the right. 4th April 2003.
030404 125337137 viewsPort Augusta Spencer Junction yard, a Perth bound intermodal awaits departure time on 13 Road behind National Rail NR class units built by Goninan as GE Cv40-9i models, NR 50 serial 7250-08 / 97-252. 4th April 2003.
030404 125349141 viewsPort Augusta Spencer Junction yard, a Perth bound intermodal awaits departure time on 13 Road behind National Rail NR class units built by Goninan as GE Cv40-9i models, NR 50 serial 7250-08 / 97-252. 4th April 2003.
244-01234 viewsPort Augusta yard, an SP service waits for departure time next to a rack or rail transport waggons for the Darwin line construction headed up by NR class NR 50, a Goninan built GE Cv40-9i model, serial 7250-08/97-252.
244-02246 viewsPort Augusta yard, a pair of ALF class units on the Darwin line construction shunt a rail transport waggon as an SP service wait for departure time with a pair of NR class units. ALF 20 and ALF 18 are both Morrison Knudsen rebuilds, model JT26C-2M serials 94-AN-020 and 94-AN-018.
244-03231 viewsPort Augusta yard, a pair of ALF class units on the Darwin line construction shunt a rail transport waggon as an SP service wait for departure time with a pair of NR class units. ALF 20 and ALF 18 are both Morrison Knudsen rebuilds, model JT26C-2M serials 94-AN-020 and 94-AN-018.
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