Image search results - "RQCY-type" |

100609 09954131 viewsMidland, AQWY 31020 container waggon, one of thirty five built by Centrecon Ltd WA in 1981 as WFA type, recoded in 1987 to WQCY, then RHQY in 1994 and back to WQCY in 1996, then to AQCY.

160522 2038229 viewsParkeston, 5MP2 steel train, RQCY type flat waggons RQCY 701 carrying the bogies for Trans-Perth B Set 116. Originally built by the Victorian Railways Newport Workshops as an FQX type container waggon in 1973, recoded to VQCX in 1979, then to NRC as RQCX, then the current code from 1995.

160522 2058134 viewsBinduli, 5MP2 steel train, view of locos and waggon RQCY 1005 originally built by Victorian Railways Ballarat Nth Workshops as part of a batch of seventy five in 1980 as VQCX type container waggons, here with SBIU 2108628 a specialised container for Keysight Technologies.

160522 2078143 viewsBinduli, 5MP2 steel train, view from rear looking at NQOY 15056 and RQCY 701 loaded with bogies for Trans-Perth B set 116. NQOY type waggon built by Comeng NSW in batch of seventy OCY type waggons in 1974/75.

160522 2164119 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RQCY 847 container waggon built by V/Line Bendigo Workshops 1977 as FQX, then VQCX, with an Austrans sea2rail SCF 40' container AUSU 408248 and a 20' SCF SCFU 205492.

160522 2353135 viewsParkeston, 7MP7 priority service train, RQCY 923 container waggon built by Victorian Railways Bendigo Workshops in 1976 as an FQX type, then VQCX and RQCX type in October 1994. Loaded with Linfox 53' container DRC 388.

160524 424489 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, RQCY 991, originally built by Victorian Railways Ballarat North Workshops in 1980 as part of a batch of seventy five VQCX type container waggons, recoded to RQCX in 1994, then current code in 1995. Loaded with two Royal Wolf 22G1 type 20' containers RWMC 815876 and RWMC 815860.

160525 446578 viewsParkeston, 3PM7 priority service train, RQCY 923 container waggon one of one hundred built by V/Line Bendigo Workshops 1977 as FQX, then VQCX, Linfox 48' box DRC 609.

160526 524981 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 4PM6 intermodal train, RQCY 865 container waggon one of a hundred built by Victorian Railways Bendigo Workshops in 1977 as FQX class, recoded to VQCX, in 1994 to RQCX. 20' plain box CCLU 310893 and a 40' KT class flatrack KT 596 with concrete panels.

160530 928066 viewsBinduli, 7SP3 intermodal service, RQCY 785

160531 9954113 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 3PM4 steel train, empty container waggon RQTY 538 originally built by Victorian Railways Newport Workshops between 1969-72 as part of a batch of two hundred FQX type container waggons, recoded to FQF type in Nov 1977, to VQCY in Sept 1979, Oct 1994 to National Rail as RQCX.

160531 9955115 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 3PM4 steel train, empty container waggon RQTY 620 originally built by Victorian Railways Newport Workshops between 1969-72 as part of a batch of two hundred FQX type container waggons, recoded to VQCX in c1979, Oct 1994 to National Rail as RQCX, Feb 1995 to RQCY.

210407 986930 viewsParkeston, 2MP5 intermodal train, RQCY type flat waggon RQCY 784, originally built by the Victorian Railways Newport Workshops as an FQX type in 1973 in a batch of one hundred and twenty five. Recoded to VQCX in 1979, to RQCX in 1994, to National Rail in 1995 and recoded to RQCY. Loaded with a CARU Specialized Leasing 40' 4FG1 type container SLZU 760127.