Image search results - "SAR-Islington-WS" |
030406 115522241 viewsPort Lincoln, derailment damaged SAR Islington Workshops built HAN type bogie wheat waggon HAN 20, stored at the workshops yards. 6th April 2003.
030406 115530143 viewsPort Lincoln, derailment damaged SAR Islington Workshops built HAN type bogie wheat waggon HAN 4, close up of non-handbrake end damage, stored at the workshops yards. 6th April 2003.
030406 115540152 viewsPort Lincoln, derailment damaged SAR Islington Workshops built HAN type bogie wheat waggon, HAN 6, stored at the workshops yards. 6th April 2003.
030406 115544144 viewsPort Lincoln, derailment damaged SAR Islington Workshops built HAN type bogie wheat waggon HAN 4, stored at the workshops yards. 6th April 2003.
030406 115608134 viewsPort Lincoln, derailment damaged SAR Islington Workshops built HAN type bogie wheat waggons HAN 20, non-handbrake end and an unidentified HCN type close up of non-handbrake end damage, stored at the workshops yards. 6th April 2003.
030406 115702154 viewsPort Lincoln, derailment damaged HCN type bogie wheat waggon HCN 18, modified at Islington Workshops in 1978-80 which started life as a Tulloch built NHB type iron ore hopper for the CR on the North Australia Railway in 1968-69. It was scrapped in May 2003, not long after this image was taken. 6th April 2003.
030406 115732165 viewsPort Lincoln, derailment damaged SAR Islington Workshops built HAN type bogie wheat waggon HAN 8, stored at the workshops yards. 6th April 2003.
030406 115746252 viewsPort Lincoln, derailment damaged HCN type bogie wheat waggon HCN 3, modified at Islington Workshops in 1978-80 which started life as a Tulloch built NHB type iron ore hopper for the CR on the North Australia Railway in 1968-69. 6th April 2003.
030406 115842256 viewsPort Lincoln, originally VFN type 10 ton four wheel louvre vans now recoded to ENLF type ENLF 6 and ENLF 5 are the last two of the original fleet of eight, built with new bodies on ex SFN type sheep van chassis. 6th April 2003.
030407 082655234 viewsWudinna, view looking south as the empty rake of bogie grain waggons is shunted into the siding for loading, showing HAN and HCN types of bogie grain hoppers. Concrete SACBH grain complex. 7th April 2003.
030407 082709211 viewsWudinna, view looking south as the empty rake of bogie grain waggons is shunted into the siding for loading, showing HAN and HCN types of bogie grain hoppers. Concrete SACBH grain complex, horizontal grain bunker can be made out on the left. 7th April 2003.
030407 100606113 viewsMinnipa, empty grain train bogie grain waggons, HCN type bogie wheat waggon HCN 22 and HCN 21, modified at Islington Workshops in 1978-80 which started life as a Tulloch built NHB type iron ore hopper for the CR on the North Australia Railway in 1968-69 with SAR Islington Workshops built HAN type bogie wheat waggon, HAN 41. 7th April, 2003.
030407 105044117 viewsPoochera, loaded SAR Islington Workshops built HAN type bogie wheat waggon HAN 46, at the head of a rake waiting collection. 7th April 2003.
030407 105451115 viewsPoochera, loaded SAR Islington Workshops built HAN type bogie wheat waggon HAN 45, side view. 7th April 2003.
030407 105517112 viewsPoochera, track view and side view of HCN type bogie wheat waggon HCN 36, modified at Islington Workshops in 1978-80 which started life as a Tulloch built NHB type iron ore hopper for the CR on the North Australia Railway in 1968-69, showing the roll top covers. 7th April 2003.
030407 105637117 viewsPoochera, track and side view of loaded SAR Islington Workshops built HAN type bogie wheat waggon HAN 3, note spoked wheel on right hand bogie. 7th April 2003.
030407 105647128 viewsPoochera, detail view of the bogie with spoked axle set on loaded SAR Islington Workshops built HAN type bogie wheat waggon HAN 3, also note handbrake detail. 7th April 2003.
030411 105925215 viewsKimba, rail recovery winch waggon EZWL 2, built using underframe of broad gauge horse box BH 4331. To Eyre Peninsula 1992, recoded then from AZWL. Scrapped in 2005.
030411 105938216 viewsKimba, rail recovery waggon set with winch waggon EZWL 2, eight ENFR type and one ENFB type waggons. The cabin is mounted above the motor, built using underframe of broad gauge horse box BH 4331. To Eyre Peninsula 1992, re-coded then from AZWL. Scrapped in 2005.
030411 110005218 viewsKimba, rail recovery winch waggon EZWL 2, shows cabin mounted above motor, built using underframe of broad gauge horse box BH 4331. To Eyre Peninsula 1992, recoded then from AZWL. Scrapped in 2005.
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