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Image search results - "SW02"
050421 1314102 viewsShaw Siding, BHP's Switch Tamper SW 02 is a Plasser Australia model Unimat S4 switch tamper runs along the mainline track. 21st April 2005.
050518 2210104 viewsBing Siding, BHP's Switch Tamper SW 02 is a Plasser Australia model Unimat S4 switch tamper runs along the passing track. 18th May 2005.
050518 2211104 viewsBing Siding, BHP's Switch Tamper SW 02 is a Plasser Australia model Unimat S4 switch tamper runs along the passing track. 18th May 2005.
050518 2212100 viewsBing Siding, BHP's Switch Tamper SW 02 is a Plasser Australia model Unimat S4 switch tamper runs along the passing track. 18th May 2005.
050917 550690 viewsCoon Siding, on the truncated passing siding following a derailment Switch Tamper SW 02 is a Plasser Australia model Unimat S4 switch tamper. 17th September 2005.
050917 551585 viewsCoon Siding, view of the tamper operators cabin location on Switch Tamper SW 02 is a Plasser Australia model Unimat S4 switch tamper. 17th September 2005.
050917 551691 viewsCoon Siding, view of the tamper driving and operators cabin locations on Switch Tamper SW 02 is a Plasser Australia model Unimat S4 switch tamper. 17th September 2005.
050917 551895 viewsCoon Siding, on the truncated passing siding following a derailment Switch Tamper SW 02 is a Plasser Australia model Unimat S4 switch tamper. 17th September 2005.
050917 552394 viewsCoon Siding, on the truncated passing siding following a derailment Switch Tamper SW 02 is a Plasser Australia model Unimat S4 switch tamper. 17th September 2005.
060429 377197 viewsBing Siding, switch tamper SW 02 hurries into Nelson Point, a Plasser Australia Unimat S4 model. 29th April 2006.
060429 377299 viewsBing Siding, switch tamper SW 02 hurries into Nelson Point, a Plasser Australia Unimat S4 model. 29th April 2006.
060710 6227119 viewsAt the Broome Rd grade crossing Port Hedland, Switch Tamper SW 02 a Plasser Australia model Unimat S4 switch tamper. 10th July 2006.
060710 6228104 viewsAt the Broome Rd grade crossing Port Hedland, Switch Tamper SW 02 a Plasser Australia model Unimat S4 switch tamper. 10th July 2006.
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