Image search results - "WOB31392" |

060528 4583133 viewsWOB type iron ore waggon WOB 31392 is one of a batch of twenty five built by Comeng WA between 1974 and 1975 and converted from Mt Newman high sided waggons by WAGR Midland Workshops with a capacity of 67 tons with fleet number 317 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, this waggon was converted to a WSM ballast hopper, then converted back to a WOB by WAGR Midland Workshops, and started life as a Comeng built Mt Newman Mining ore waggon in 1974. It was originally numbered 31391 by WAGR, seen here loaded with fines at Bonnie Vale, 28th May 2006.

060528 4584147 viewsWOB type iron ore waggon WOB 31392 is one of a batch of twenty five built by Comeng WA between 1974 and 1975 and converted from Mt Newman high sided waggons by WAGR Midland Workshops with a capacity of 67 tons with fleet number 317 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, then the top section re-fitted and converted to a WSM ballast hopper, then converted back to a WOB by WAGR Midland Workshops. It was originally numbered 31391 by WAGR, seen here loaded with fines at Bonnie Vale, 28th May 2006.

060528 4585134 viewsWOB type iron ore waggon WOB 31392 is one of a batch of twenty five built by Comeng WA between 1974 and 1975 and converted from Mt Newman high sided waggons by WAGR Midland Workshops with fleet number 317 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, shows the higher tare of these waggons and the capacity of 73 tons, waggon length of 10.8 metres, and a close inspection reveals that the round WAGR waggon builder's number is 31391 of 1974, this waggon cut down originally from a Comeng built Mt Newman Mining ore waggon in 1974. It was then converted to a WSM ballast hopper, then converted back to a WOB by WAGR Midland Workshops. It was originally numbered 31391 by WAGR, seen here loaded with fines at Bonnie Vale, 28th May 2006.

070531 9727136 viewsWOB type iron ore waggon WOB 31392 is one of a batch of twenty five built by Comeng WA between 1974 and 1975 and converted from Mt Newman high sided waggons by WAGR Midland Workshops with fleet number 317 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, shows the higher tare of these waggons and the capacity of 73 tons, waggon length of 10.8 metres, and a close inspection reveals that the round WAGR waggon builder's number is 31391 of 1974, this waggon cut down originally from a Comeng built Mt Newman Mining ore waggon in 1974. It was then converted to a WSM ballast hopper, then converted back to a WOB by WAGR Midland Workshops. It was originally numbered 31391 by WAGR, seen here at Binduli on an empty train, 31st May 2007.

100731 0254082 viewsWOB type iron ore waggon WOB 31392 is one of a batch of twenty five built by Comeng WA between 1974 and 1975 and converted from Mt Newman high sided waggons by WAGR Midland Workshops with a capacity of 67 tons with fleet number 317 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, this waggon was converted to a WSM ballast hopper, then converted back to a WOB by WAGR Midland Workshops, and started life as a Comeng built Mt Newman Mining ore car in 1974. It was originally numbered 31391 by WAGR, on empty train 6418 at Binduli Triangle, 31st July 2010.