Image search results - "WOE33581" |

100731 0237982 viewsWOE type iron ore waggon WOE 33581 is one of a batch of one hundred and twenty eight built by United Group Rail WA between August 2008 and March 2009 with serial number 950211-121 and fleet number 9084 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, on loaded train 6413 at Binduli Triangle, 31st July 2010.

100822 586875 viewsWOE type iron ore waggon WOE 33581 is one of a batch of one hundred and twenty eight built by United Group Rail WA between August 2008 and March 2009 with serial number 950211-121 and fleet number 9084 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, Binduli Triangle 22nd August 2010.