Image search results - "cimc-dalian-china" |
161112 2981137 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, loaded Malcolm sulphur train 6029, CQZY type waggon CQZY 1657, built by CIMC at Dalian China for CFCLA and one of fifteen on lease to Aurizon with two non decaled Bis Industries hard-top 25U0 type sulphur containers BISU 100062 and 100039.
161112 2982126 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, loaded Malcolm sulphur train 6029, CQZY type waggon CQZY 1699, built by CIMC at Dalian China for CFCLA and one of fifteen on lease to Aurizon with two non decaled Bis Industries hard-top 25U0 type sulphur containers BISU 100064 and 100075.
161112 2986139 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, loaded Malcolm sulphur train 6029, CQZY type waggon CQZY 1654, built by CIMC at Dalian China for CFCLA and one of fifteen on lease to Aurizon with an original S type sulphur container 908 and a Bis Industries roll-top 55UA type container SIBU 200602.
161112 299993 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, loaded Malcolm sulphur train 6029, CQZY type waggon CQZY 1690, built by CIMC at Dalian China for CFCLA and one of fifteen on lease to Aurizon with original style sulphur container S7N G836 with sliding tarpaulin and Bis Industries hard-top type 25U0 container BISU 100105.
161112 300082 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, loaded Malcolm sulphur train 6029, CQZY type waggon CQZY 1653, built by CIMC at Dalian China for CFCLA and one of fifteen on lease to Aurizon with a pair of un-decaled hard-top type 25U0 containers BISU 100078 and 100045.
161112 300180 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, loaded Malcolm sulphur train 6029, CQZY type waggon CQZY 1624, built by CIMC at Dalian China for CFCLA and one of fifteen on lease to Aurizon with original style sulphur container S136M 924 with ratty sliding tarpaulin and Bis Industries hard-top type 25U0 container BISU 100101.
161112 300279 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, loaded Malcolm sulphur train 6029, CQZY type waggon CQZY 1661, built by CIMC at Dalian China for CFCLA and one of fifteen on lease to Aurizon with original style sulphur container S169R G920 with sliding tarpaulin and Bis Industries roll-top type 55UA container SBIU 200608.
161112 300384 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, loaded Malcolm sulphur train 6029, CQZY type waggon CQZY 1626, built by CIMC at Dalian China for CFCLA and one of fifteen on lease to Aurizon with two Evonik TEU 2075 type tanktainers for hydrogen peroxide, NCTU 027015 and DWAU 107180.
161112 300484 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, loaded Malcolm sulphur train 6029, CQZY type waggon CQZY 1665, built by CIMC at Dalian China for CFCLA and one of fifteen on lease to Aurizon with original style sulphur container S147G G952 with sliding tarpaulin and Bis Industries hard-top type 25U0 container BISU 100111.
161112 300589 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, loaded Malcolm sulphur train 6029, CQZY type waggon CQZY 1675, built by CIMC at Dalian China for CFCLA and one of fifteen on lease to Aurizon with a pair of original style sulphur containers with sliding tarpaulins, S96H G870 and S83S G957.
161112 300688 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, loaded Malcolm sulphur train 6029, CQZY type waggon CQZY 1669, built by CIMC at Dalian China for CFCLA and one of fifteen on lease to Aurizon with original style sulphur container with walking man logo and sliding tarpaulin S13N G982 and Bis Industries hard-top type 25U0 container BISU 100081.
161112 300787 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, loaded Malcolm sulphur train 6029, CQZY type waggon CQZY 1636, built by CIMC at Dalian China for CFCLA and one of fifteen on lease to Aurizon with a pair of original style sulphur containers with sliding tarpaulins, S98C G961 and S43J G990.
161112 300884 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, loaded Malcolm sulphur train 6029, CQZY type waggon CQZY 1674, built by CIMC at Dalian China for CFCLA and one of fifteen on lease to Aurizon with an original style sulphur container S8W G925 with the load weight of sulphur over the top of the walking man logo, and un-decaled hard-top 25U0 type container BISU 100027.
161112 301489 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, loaded Malcolm sulphur train 6029, CQZY type waggon CQZY 1650, built by CIMC at Dalian China for CFCLA and one of fifteen on lease to Aurizon with a pair of original style sulphur containers with sliding tarpaulins, S68B G861 with what look to be fork pockets in the top sill, and S86W G988.
161112 301584 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, loaded Malcolm sulphur train 6029, CQZY type waggon CQZY 1655, built by CIMC at Dalian China for CFCLA and one of fifteen on lease to Aurizon with a pair of un-decaled hard-top 25U0 type containers BISU 100025 and BISU 100068.
161112 303293 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, loaded Malcolm sulphur train 6029, CQZY type waggon CQZY 1690, built by CIMC at Dalian China for CFCLA and one of fifteen on lease to Aurizon with original style sulphur container S7N G836 with sliding tarpaulin and Bis Industries hard-top type 25U0 container BISU 100105.
161112 303395 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, loaded Malcolm sulphur train 6029, CQZY type waggon CQZY 1626, built by CIMC at Dalian China for CFCLA and one of fifteen on lease to Aurizon with two Evonik TEU 2075 type tanktainers for hydrogen peroxide, NCTU 027015 and DWAU 107180.
161112 303782 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, loaded Malcolm sulphur train 6029, CQZY type waggon CQZY 1655, built by CIMC at Dalian China for CFCLA and one of fifteen on lease to Aurizon with a pair of un-decaled hard-top 25U0 type containers BISU 100025 and BISU 100068.