Image search results - "pwwy0009" |
160523 290681 viewsParkeston, SCT train 7GP1 which operates from Parkes NSW (Goobang Junction) to Perth, PWWY type PWWY 0009 one of forty well waggons built by Bradken NSW for SCT, loaded with a 46' MFRG SCF reefer SCFU 814055 with former owner Wilmot Freeze Haul still visible and a 48' SCT reefer SCTR 210.
160525 4574102 viewsParkeston, SCT train 3PG1 which operates from Perth to Parkes NSW (Goobang Junction), PWWY type PWWY 0009 one of forty well waggons built by Bradken NSW for SCT, loaded with two SCT 48' MFG1 type boxes SCTDS 4813 and SCTDS 4849.
160529 888789 viewsParkeston, SCT train 6MP9 operating from Melbourne to Perth, PWWY type PWWY 0009 one of forty well waggons built by Bradken NSW for SCT, loaded with a 48' MFGB SCT box SCTL 004331 with former FCL 48' FQDU 480035.