Image search results - "pwwy0027" |
160523 2833161 viewsParkeston, SCT train 7GP1 which operates from Parkes NSW (Goobang Junction) to Perth, PWWY type 100 tonne well waggon PWWY 0027 is one of forty well waggons built by Bradken NSW for SCT, loaded with two 48' MFG1 boxes, RWTU 922033 and SCFU 411215 both with SCT decals.
160525 457188 viewsParkeston, SCT train 3PG1 which operates from Perth to Parkes NSW (Goobang Junction), PWWY type PWWY 0027 one of forty well waggons built by Bradken NSW for SCT, loaded with two SCT 48' reefers SCTR 321 and SCTR 323.