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Most viewed - 0205
205-36162 viewsKoodaideri, track leading up to the underground drive, about 500 metres before the drive was a big warning sign about radio active substances.
205-31151 viewsKoodaideri, drive cut into side, early exploration, drive dug by Umberto, former Hancock employee and worker and caretaker at the Wittenoom mine sites, drive location is 22 31'48.36" S 118 59'58.08" E.
205-24149 viewsDrillers Ridge, Wittenoom, the DME (Distance Measuring Equipment) tower (located at 957 metres) was a navigation aid for the Department of Civil Aviation for the Wittenoom airport, the site was also used by Telecom for providing 'radio links' for phones into Wittenoom prior to the current tower located at the eastern edge of town which links back to Auski Roadhouse.
205-23147 viewsDrillers Ridge, Wittenoom, the DME (Distance Measuring Equipment) tower (located at 957 metres) was a navigation aid for the Department of Civil Aviation for the Wittenoom airport, the site was also used by Telecom for providing 'radio links' for phones into Wittenoom prior to the current tower located at the eastern edge of town which links back to Auski Roadhouse.
205-32147 viewsKoodaideri, drive cut into side, early exploration, drive dug by Umberto, former Hancock employee and worker and caretaker at the Wittenoom mine sites.
205-28143 viewsKoodaideri, saddle back track looking down on the Fortescue valley north.
205-26142 viewsYampire Gorge, asbestos sign, Pope Searle get some fibre.
205-27142 viewsYampire Gorge, asbestos sign, Pope Searle get some fibre.
205-30139 viewsKoodaideri, survey mark or trig point, looking east with Fortescue valley on the left, Rio wants to mine in this area, and have been playing around here for many years.
205-25137 viewsDrillers Ridge, Wittenoom, the DME (Distance Measuring Equipment) tower (located at 957 metres) was a navigation aid for the Department of Civil Aviation for the Wittenoom airport, the site was also used by Telecom for providing 'radio links' for phones into Wittenoom prior to the current tower located at the eastern edge of town which links back to Auski Roadhouse.
205-33135 viewsKoodaideri, area around this underground drive, drive location is 22 31'48.36" S 118 59'58.08" E.
205-35135 viewsKoodaideri, area around this underground drive, drive location is 22 31'48.36" S 118 59'58.08" E.
205-21134 viewsWittenoom, upper reaches of Bee Gorge, landscape views.
205-22132 viewsWittenoom, upper reaches of Bee Gorge, landscape views.
205-29128 viewsKoodaideri, 130 plus km from the Rio mainline, within 10 km of the BHP mainline, go figure.
205-34121 viewsKoodaideri, area around the underground drive.
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