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Home > Western Australian Negative and Digital Albums > Standard_Gauge_Iron_Ore_Waggons

Most viewed - Standard_Gauge_Iron_Ore_Waggons
100605 9334156 viewsWOC type iron ore waggon WOC 31360 is one of a batch of thirty built by Goninan WA between October 1997 to January 1998 with fleet number 420 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations with a 75 ton capacity and lettered for KIPL, Koolyanobbing Iron Pty Ltd, with the non-handbrake end repainted, seen here loaded with fines ore, Binduli, 5th June 2010.
100729 01488156 viewsWOB type iron ore waggon WOB 31391 is one of a batch of twenty five built by Comeng WA between 1974 and 1975 and converted from Mt Newman high sided waggons by WAGR Midland Workshops with a capacity of 67 tons with fleet number 316 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations. This waggon was also converted to a WSM type ballast hopper by re-fitting the cut down top section and having bottom discharge doors fitted, converted back to WOB in 1998, returning empty to Koolyanobbing at Binduli, 29th July 2010.
060530 4971156 viewsWOB type iron ore waggon WOB 31395 is one of a batch of twenty five built by Comeng WA between 1974 and 1975 and converted from Mt Newman high sided waggons by WAGR Midland Workshops with a capacity of 67 tons with fleet number 325 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations. This waggon was also converted to a WSM type ballast hopper by re-fitting the cut down top section and having bottom discharge doors fitted, converted back to WOB in 1997, and later converted to a WSM type ballast hopper, then back to its current guise, and this is the first one to be repainted in ARG yellow, shows capacity of 32M³, loaded with lump ore, Binduli 30th May 2006.
060529 4702154 viewsWOE type iron ore waggon WOE 33432 is one of a batch of one hundred and forty one built by United Group Rail WA between November 2005 and April 2006 with serial number 950142-137 and fleet number 8931 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, seen here loaded with fines at Binduli, 29th May 2006.
060528 4621154 viewsWOE type iron ore waggon WOE 33272 is one of a batch of thirty five built by Goninan WA between January and April 2005 with serial number 950104-012 and fleet number 771 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, Binduli, 28th May 2006.
070527 9263154 viewsWOC type iron ore waggon WOC 31346 is one of a batch of thirty built by Goninan WA between October 1997 to January 1998 with fleet number 406 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations with a 75 ton capacity and lettered for KIPL, Koolyanobbing Iron Pty Ltd, part of an empty train at Binduli, 27th May 2007.
060528 4622152 viewsWOE type iron ore waggon WOE 33272 is one of a batch of thirty five built by Goninan WA between January and April 2005 with serial number 950104-012 and fleet number 771 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, Binduli, 28th May 2006.
100602 8569151 viewsWOE type iron ore waggon WOE 31126 is one of a batch of one hundred and thirty built by Goninan WA between March and August 2001 with serial number 950092-116 and fleet number 708 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations with revised load of 82.5 tonne and PORTMAN painted out, seen here west of Binduli, 2nd June 2010.
100731 02336150 viewsWOB type iron ore waggon WOB 31385 is one of a batch of twenty five built by Comeng WA between 1974 and 1975 and converted from Mt Newman high sided waggons by WAGR Midland Workshops with a capacity of 67 tons with fleet number 310 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, on loaded train 6413 at Binduli Triangle, 31st July 2010.
060529 4703149 viewsWOE type iron ore waggon WOE 30274 is one of a batch of one hundred and thirty built by Goninan WA between March and August 2001 with serial number 950092-024 and fleet number 617 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations of 83 tonne capacity for Portman Mining, loaded with fines at Binduli, 29th May 2006.
100602 8538149 viewsWOE type iron ore waggon WOE 33436 is one of a batch of one hundred and forty one built by United Group Rail WA between November 2005 and April 2006 with serial number 950142-141 and fleet number 8935 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations with the 8 being an addition as the fleet size has increased beyond 1000 waggons, 82.5 ton capacity and build date of 04/2006 waggon for Portman Mining, seen here loaded with fines west of Binduli, 2nd June 2010.
060528 4615147 viewsWOB type iron ore waggon WOB 31395 is one of a batch of twenty five built by Comeng WA between 1974 and 1975 and converted from Mt Newman high sided waggons by WAGR Midland Workshops with a capacity of 67 tons with fleet number 325 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations. This waggon was also converted to a WSM type ballast hopper by re-fitting the cut down top section and having bottom discharge doors fitted, converted back to WOB in 1997, and this is the first one to be repainted in ARG yellow and stands out against the newer style WOE type waggons as this empty train runs past the 628 km west of Bonnie Vale, 28th May 2006.
060528 4593145 viewsWOB type iron ore waggon WOB 31378 is one of a batch of twenty five built by Comeng WA between 1974 and 1975 and converted from Mt Newman high sided waggons by WAGR Midland Workshops with a capacity of 67 tons with fleet number 303 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, loaded with fines at Bonnie Vale, 28th May 2005.
060528 4584144 viewsWOB type iron ore waggon WOB 31392 is one of a batch of twenty five built by Comeng WA between 1974 and 1975 and converted from Mt Newman high sided waggons by WAGR Midland Workshops with a capacity of 67 tons with fleet number 317 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, then the top section re-fitted and converted to a WSM ballast hopper, then converted back to a WOB by WAGR Midland Workshops. It was originally numbered 31391 by WAGR, seen here loaded with fines at Bonnie Vale, 28th May 2006.
070530 9592143 viewsWOB type iron ore waggon WOB 31380 is one of a batch of twenty five built by Comeng WA between 1974 and 1975 and converted from Mt Newman high sided waggons by WAGR Midland Workshops with a capacity of 67 tons with fleet number 305 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations on a loaded train at Binduli, 30th May 2007.
060528 4614143 viewsWOB type iron ore waggon WOB 31395 is one of a batch of twenty five built by Comeng WA between 1974 and 1975 and converted from Mt Newman high sided waggons by WAGR Midland Workshops with a capacity of 67 tons with fleet number 325 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations. This waggon was also converted to a WSM type ballast hopper by re-fitting the cut down top section and having bottom discharge doors fitted, converted back to WOB in 1997, and this is the first one to be repainted in ARG yellow and stands out against the newer style WOE type waggons as this empty train runs past the 628 km west of Bonnie Vale, 28th May 2006.
060529 4701143 viewsWOE type iron ore waggon WOE 33432 is one of a batch of one hundred and forty one built by United Group Rail WA between November 2005 and April 2006 with serial number 950142-137 and fleet number 8931 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, Amtech AEI tag and builders plate, 83 ton capacity and build date of 04/2006 for Portman Mining, Binduli 29th May 2006.
060528 4582141 viewsWOB type iron ore waggon WOB 31379 is one of a batch of twenty five built by Comeng WA between 1974 and 1975 and converted from Mt Newman high sided waggons by WAGR Midland Workshops with a capacity of 67 tons with fleet number 304 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, the WAGR and Comeng builders plates are visible in the waggon sill, seen here at Bonnie Vale loaded with fines, 28th May 2006.
100602 8568141 viewsWOE type iron ore waggon WOE 33374 is one of a batch of one hundred and forty one built by United Goninan WA between November 2005 and April 2006 with serial number 950142-079 and fleet number 873 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, with a build date of 02/2006 and a revised load of 82.5 tonnes with PORTMAN painted out, seen here west of Binduli, 2nd June 2010.
100605 9337140 viewsWOB type iron ore waggon WOB 31377 is one of a batch of twenty five built by Comeng WA between 1974 and 1975 and converted from Mt Newman high sided waggons by WAGR Midland Workshops with a capacity of 67 tons with fleet number 302 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, loaded with fines, West Kalgoorlie 2nd June 2010.
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