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Home > Western Australian Negative and Digital Albums > Standard_Gauge_Iron_Ore_Waggons

Most viewed - Standard_Gauge_Iron_Ore_Waggons
060528 4450127 viewsWO type iron ore waggon WO 31269 is one of a batch of eighty six built by WAGR Midland Workshops between 1967 and March 1968 with fleet number 152 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, with a 75 ton and 1018 ft³ capacity, red-carded at West Kalgoorlie, 28th May 2006. This unit was converted to WOC for coal in 1986 till 1994 when it was re-classed back to WO.
060531 5001127 viewsBinduli, AOPY 32381, fleet number 909, one of seventy ex ANR coal waggons rebuilt from AOKF type by Bluebird Engineering SA in service with ARG on Koolyanobbing iron ore trains. They used to be three metres longer and originally built by Metropolitan Cammell Britain as GB type in 1952-55, seen here in the consist with sister waggons of a loaded train, 31st May 2006.
060528 4583127 viewsWOB type iron ore waggon WOB 31392 is one of a batch of twenty five built by Comeng WA between 1974 and 1975 and converted from Mt Newman high sided waggons by WAGR Midland Workshops with a capacity of 67 tons with fleet number 317 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, this waggon was converted to a WSM ballast hopper, then converted back to a WOB by WAGR Midland Workshops, and started life as a Comeng built Mt Newman Mining ore waggon in 1974. It was originally numbered 31391 by WAGR, seen here loaded with fines at Bonnie Vale, 28th May 2006.
100602 8561126 viewsWOE type iron ore waggon WOE 33285 is one of a batch of thirty five built by United Goninan WA between January and April 2005 with serial number 950104-025 and fleet number 784 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, build date of 03/2005 with a revised load of 82.5 tonnes and PORTMAN painted out, seen here west of Binduli, 2nd June 2010.
100602 8682126 viewsWOD type iron ore waggon WOD 31470 is one of a batch of sixty two built by Goninan WA between April and August 2000 with serial number 950086-042 and fleet number 533 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations with a 75 ton capacity for Portman Mining to cart their Koolyanobbing iron ore to Esperance, PORTMAN has been painted out, West Kalgoorlie loaded with fines, 2nd June 2010.
100731 02523126 viewsWOB type iron ore waggon WOB 31389 is one of a batch of twenty five built by Comeng WA between 1974 and 1975 and converted from Mt Newman high sided waggons by WAGR Midland Workshops with a capacity of 67 tons with fleet number 314 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations. This waggon was also converted to a WSM type ballast hopper by re-fitting the cut down top section and having bottom discharge doors fitted, converted back to WOB in 1998, on empty train 6418 at Binduli Triangle, 31st July 2010.
100731 02880126 viewsWOB type iron ore waggon WOB 31393 is one of a batch of twenty five built by Comeng WA between 1974 and 1975 and converted from Mt Newman high sided waggons by WAGR Midland Workshops with a capacity of 67 tons with fleet number 318 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations. This waggon was also converted to a WSM type ballast hopper by re-fitting the cut down top section and having bottom discharge doors fitted, converted back to WOB in 1998, on loaded train 7415 at Binduli Triangle, 31st July 2010.
060528 4620126 viewsWOE type iron ore waggon WOE 33272 is one of a batch of thirty five built by Goninan WA between January and April 2005 with serial number 950104-012 and fleet number 771 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, number board view, shows builders plate, load, tare, length and issue date, build date 02/2005, current style of 83 tonne load capacity built for Portman Mining, at Binduli, 28th May 2006.
100602 8546126 viewsWOB type iron ore waggon WOB 31399 is one of a batch of twenty five built by Comeng WA between 1974 and 1975 and converted from Mt Newman high sided waggons by WAGR Midland Workshops with a capacity of 67 tons with fleet number 323 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, seen here west of Binduli 2nd June 2010.
060528 4558125 viewsWOE type iron ore waggon WOE 33354 is one of a batch of one hundred and forty one built by United Goninan WA between November 2005 and April 2006 with serial number 950142-059 and fleet number 853 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations. Seen here at Bonnie Vale loaded with fines. 28th May 2006.
060528 4560125 viewsWOD type iron ore waggon WOD 31443 is one of a batch of sixty two built by Goninan WA between April and August 2000 with serial number 950086-016 and fleet number 506 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, build date 05/2000, with a 75 ton capacity, for Portman Mining to cart their Koolyanobbing iron ore to Esperance. Seen here loaded with fines in train 413 at Bonnie Vale. 28th May 2006.
100602 8552125 viewsWOE type iron ore waggon WOE 30284 is one of a batch of one hundred and thirty built by Goninan WA between March and August 2001 with serial number 950092-034 and fleet number 626 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations of 83 tonne load capacity, but with revised load of 82.5 tonne and PORTMAN painted out, seen here west of Binduli, 2nd June 2010.
100605 9357125 viewsWOE type iron ore waggon WOE 31110 is one of a batch of one hundred and thirty built by Goninan WA between March and August 2001 with serial number 950092-100 and fleet number 693 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, seen here Binduli Triangle 5th June 2010.
100729 01509125 viewsWOD type iron ore waggon WOD 31466 is one of a batch of sixty two built by Goninan WA between April and August 2000 with serial number 950086-038 and fleet number 529 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations with a 75 ton capacity for Portman Mining to cart their Koolyanobbing iron ore to Esperance, now with PORTMAN painted out, Binduli Triangle, 29th July 2010.
100822 6260125 viewsWOB type iron ore waggon WOB 31393 is one of a batch of twenty five built by Comeng WA between 1974 and 1975 and converted from Mt Newman high sided waggons by WAGR Midland Workshops with a capacity of 67 tons with fleet number 318 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations. This waggon was also converted to a WSM type ballast hopper by re-fitting the cut down top section and having bottom discharge doors fitted, converted back to WOB in 1998, on empty train 1416 at Hampton, 22nd August 2010.
060528 4559125 viewsWOD type iron ore waggon WOD 31443 is one of a batch of sixty two built by Goninan WA between April and August 2000 with serial number 950086-016 and fleet number 506 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations, build date 05/2000, with a 75 ton capacity, for Portman Mining to cart their Koolyanobbing iron ore to Esperance. Seen here loaded with fines in train 413 at Bonnie Vale. 28th May 2006.
100602 8695124 viewsWOD type iron ore waggon WOD 31469 is one of a batch of sixty two built by Goninan WA between April and August 2000 with serial number 950086-041 and fleet number 532 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations with a 75 ton capacity and build date 06/2000, for Portman Mining to cart their Koolyanobbing iron ore to Esperance, with the letters now painted over, loaded with fines ore, West Kalgoorlie 2nd June 2010.
060528 4432123 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, AOPY 32384 with fleet number 4912, the 4 being a recent addition due to the increasing size of the ore car fleet, one of seventy ex ANR coal waggons rebuilt from AOKF type by Bluebird Engineering SA in service with ARG on Koolyanobbing iron ore trains. They used to be three metres longer and originally built by Metropolitan Cammell Britain as GB type in 1952-55, 28th May 2006.
060531 5003123 viewsBinduli, AOPY 32382, with fleet number 904, one of seventy ex ANR coal waggons rebuilt from AOKF type by Bluebird Engineering SA in service with ARG on Koolyanobbing iron ore trains. They used to be three metres longer and originally built by Metropolitan Cammell Britain as GB type in 1952-55, seen here in the consist with sister waggons of a loaded train bound for West Kalgoorlie, 31st May 2006.
100602 8580123 viewsWOE type iron ore waggon WOE 33237 is one of a batch of twenty seven built by Goninan WA between September and October 2002 with serial number and fleet number 736 for Koolyanobbing iron ore operations but now has revised 82.5 tonne load and PORTMAN painted out. See image titled 060528 4544, Binduli 2nd June 2010.
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