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Most viewed - Standard_Gauge_Waggons
100609 0997587 viewsMidland, AQRY 1023 two-pack platform B loaded with two 20' Mediterranean Shipping 22G1 type boxes containing lead, MSCU 191448 and MSCU 329763. The AQRY are a bar-coupled pair and were used for rail transport as the AFRF type on the Darwin line and are originally former ANR-CR waggons.
100609 0998287 viewsMidland, AQWY 30231 container flat waggon built by WAGR Midland Workshops in a batch of forty five WFX type container flats in 1974, recoded to WQCX in 1980. Loaded with three 20' boxes, two Colemans' 25B0 type CCBU 0031 and CCBU 0010 and a Royal Wolf 2EG9 type RWTU 951019 used to convey ammonium nitrate.
100611 034687 viewsMidland, APNY 31163, one of four built by Westrail Midland Workshops in 1978 as WNA type pneumatic discharge nickel concentrate waggon, WAGR built and owned copies of the AE Goodwin built WN waggons for WMC.
100611 038587 viewsMidland, ATDY 4723 diesel fuel tank waggon, former NTAF in service for BP Oil, former AMPOL tank, coded WTDY when arrived in WA.
100611 031586 viewsMidland, AQHY 30005 with sulphuric acid tank CSA 0029, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 at WF type flat waggons, then following several codes and modifications in 1997 seventy five were converted to WQH to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana.
100611 031886 viewsMidland, AQHY 30095 with sulphuric acid tank CSA 0036, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 at WF type flat waggons, then following several codes and modifications in 1997 seventy five were converted to WQH to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana.
100611 035186 viewsMidland, APNY 31161, one of twelve built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1974 as WNA type pneumatic discharge nickel concentrate waggon, WAGR built and owned copies of the AE Goodwin built WN waggons for WMC.
100611 036786 viewsMidland, ATTY 30672 fuel tanker, one of five built by AE Goodwin NSW in 1970 as WST type, recoded to WSTY and then ATTY. 78600 litre capacity.
100611 038386 viewsMidland, ATEY 4068 diesel fuel tank waggon, former NTAF in service for BP Oil, former AMPOL tank.
100731 322086 viewsBinduli, AQHY 30100 with sulphuric acid tank CSA 0018, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 at WF type flat waggons, then following several codes and modifications in 1997 seventy five were converted to WQH to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana.
100609 0996585 viewsMidland, APNY 31151 one of twelve built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1974 as WNA type pneumatic discharge nickel concentrate waggon, WAGR built and owned copies of the AE Goodwin built WN waggons for WMC.
100609 0996885 viewsMidland, AQRY 1009 two-pack platform A loaded with two 20' CMA CGM 22G1 type containers carrying lead, ECMU 122949 and ECMU 161482. The AQRY are a bar-coupled pair and were used for rail transport as the AFRF type on the Darwin line and are originally former ANR-CR waggons.
100609 0997285 viewsMidland, AQRY 1010 two-pack loaded with two 20' Mediterranean Shipping 22G1 type boxes containing lead, MSCU 213250 and MSCU 614053. The AQRY are a bar-coupled pair and were used for rail transport as the AFRF type on the Darwin line and are originally former ANR-CR waggons.
100611 033985 viewsMidland, AOXY 33007 open waggon, converted to carry nickel matte bulk bags similar to the WGL type traffic, AOXY 33007 was originally built by WAGR Midland Workshop between 1966-67 as one of a batch of one hundred, was recoded to WGS for superphosphate traffic 1969-70.
100611 037285 viewsMidland, ATDY 501 fuel tank waggon built by Tulloch Ltd NSW in 1969 for Mobil as WJD type, sold to BP Oil in 1985, 89,000 litre one compartment and two domes.
100611 037485 viewsMidland, ATBY 14593 fuel tanker, one of nine JPB type tankers built for Bain Leasing Pty Ltd by Westrail Midland Workshops in 1981/82 for narrow gauge recoded to JPBA, converted to standard gauge as WJPB. 82000 litre capacity, with a 75000 SF limit.
100609 0999284 viewsMidland, ATPY 602, fuel tanker, built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1976 as WJP type for BP Oil, capacity of 80500 litres.
100609 1001284 viewsMidland, AQWY 30412 container waggon originally one of one hundred and sixty one built by Tomlinson Steel in 1970 as WFX type, to WQCX in 1989, to WQA in 1995 and WQTY in c1996. Loaded with two 20' containers for Mediterranean Shipping MEDU 196173 type 22G1 and Triton TRIU 155955 a type 2210.
100609 1001884 viewsMidland, AQWY 30213 container flat waggon built by WAGR Midland Workshops in a batch of forty five WFX type container flats in 1974, recoded to WQCX in 1980. Loaded with two 20' 22G1 type containers Gold GLDU 380590 and Mediterranean Shipping MEDU 170300.
100611 033184 viewsMidland, AQHY 30016 with sulphuric acid tank CSA 0006, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 at WF type flat waggons, then following several codes and modifications in 1997 seventy five were converted to WQH to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana.
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