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Most viewed - Standard_Gauge_Waggons
100611 0387153 viewsMidland, AQNY 32199, one of sixty two waggons built by Goninan WA in 1998 as WQN type for Murrin Murrin container traffic, running empty on train 5426 up Kalgoorlie Freighter.
110710 7431 PD152 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, AQAY 2273, this orphan waggon started life as a Comeng Vic built GOX type open waggon for Commonwealth Railways in 1970, then coded AOOX. Under AWR ownership is was reduced to this 3 TEU unit container skeletal waggon. Peter Donaghy image.
070527 9174151 viewsParkeston, AZQF 1966 heavy weight waggon, originally built by Commonwealth Railways Port Augusta Workshops in November 1966, issued as 1966, coded Q, then later to AZQF, fitted with narrow gauge rails on deck for conveyance of rollingstock between Port Augusta and Marree. Seen here in use with ARG loaded with Loongana Limestone equipment.
060527 4130150 viewsScotia, AQCY 30219 flat waggon, one of forty five waggons built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1974 as WFX type, recoded in 1979 to WQCX. Here carrying six loaded nickel ore kibbles.
070527 9172150 viewsParkeston, WFCS 30303 originally built as an WFX type flat waggon by Tomlinson Steel in a batch of one hundred and sixty one in 1969-70. Recoded to WOCX in 1980, in 1993 to WFCS. Fitted with bulkheads in Loongana Limestone traffic.
070527 9219150 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, AZYF 933 is a CCE compressor waggon, originally built by Metropolitan Cammell Britain as GB class in 1952-55 for Commonwealth Railways, converted to RGB type waggon, then re-coded to AOEF, then AOEY then finally AZYF.
070529 9417150 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, ATKY 516 fuel tank waggon built by Tulloch Ltd NSW in 1971 along with sister 515 for BP Oil as WJK type 93,000 litres three compartment and three domes, recoded to WJKY.
070609 0195150 viewsMidland, ATKY 541 fuel tank waggon originally built for H C Sleigh (Golden Fleece) in 1975 by Tulloch Ltd NSW as WJK type. Capacity now of 73000 litres in service with Caltex.
060527 4102149 viewsScotia, AQNY 32176, one of sixty two waggons built by Goninan WA in 1998 as WQN type for Murrin Murrin container traffic, with sulphur skips S199A with original style door and modified top with tarpaulin lashed to sides, and S106L with original door and slide top tarpaulin on train 6029 loaded Malcolm freighter.
060527 4131149 viewsScotia, AQCY 31014, one of eighteen WFA type container waggons built by Westrail Midland Workshops in 1981, recoded in 1989 to WQCY, then RHQY in 1994 and back to WQCY in 1996. View of number board and bogie in nickel ore kibble service.
070609 0187149 viewsMidland, AZDY 30714, one of about fourteen WBAX vans converted to AZDY type sodium cyanide container waggon, originally built by WAGR Midland Workshops as one of seventy five WV/X type covered vans in 1967-68, converted late 1988/9 to WQDF.
060528 4439148 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, AFBF 33178 in kibble service, originally built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1970 as WGX type open waggon, re-coded for gypsum traffic in 1980 at WGG type, then in 1987 converted to steel carrying traffic as WOSF type.
070608 0102148 viewsMidland, AZDY 30757, one of about fourteen WBAX vans converted to AZDY type sodium cyanide container waggon, originally built by WAGR Midland Workshops as one of seventy five WV/X type covered vans in 1967-68, converted late 1988/9 to WQDF.
060528 4653147 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, AFBF 33069 loaded with nickel kibbles as the examiner tends to the bogie brakes, originally built by WAGR Midland Workshops as WGX type in 1967, re-coded to WGS for superphosphate traffic in 1970, in 1979 to WOAX, then in 1987 converted to WOSF for steel traffic.
060603 5275147 viewsMidland, ABAY 30911 covered goods waggon originally built by Mechanical Handling Ltd SA as part of a third batch of one hundred and thirty five WVX type covered vans, recoded to WBAX in 1979 then to WBNX in 1985 and 1995 to RBPX.
070529 9405147 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, diesel fuel tanker ATDY 4619, ex NSW NTAF AMPOL tank, now in service with BP Oil, capacity of 67000 litres.
060528 4518146 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, RQFY 14 loaded with two Orica ORA tanktainers and riding on NSW type bogies, built by Victorian Railways Bendigo workshops in April 1978 in a batch of forty QMX type skeletal container waggons, in July 1980 re-coded to VQFX, in October 1994 re-coded to RQFX and 2CM bogies fitted.
060527 4095146 viewsScotia, AOAY 33188, originally built at WAGR Midland Workshops in 1970 as one of a batch of fifty WGX type open waggons, recoded to WOAX in c.1980.
070609 0191144 viewsMidland, ATEY 4728 ex NSW NTAF type tank waggon for AMPOL, recoded to WTEF when arrived in WA in 1995, then WTEY, in BP Oil service.
060527 4132143 viewsScotia, AFAF 30461 flat waggon, originally built by Tomlinson Steel WA as WFX type in 1970 as the final member of one hundred and sixty one waggons, recoded to WQCX type in 1981. Seen here carrying six loaded nickel ore kibbles.
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