Most viewed - Standard_Gauge_Waggons |

060527 4113135 viewsScotia, AQNY 32191, one of sixty two waggons built by Goninan WA in 1998 as WQN type for Murrin Murrin container traffic, with sulphur skips S41Y and S84E with original doors and modified tops with tarpaulins, train 6029 loaded Malcolm freighter.

060530 4912135 viewsParkeston, AHLY 0060 one of sixty five AHBY class ballast hoppers built by EDI Rail at their Port Augusta Workshops for ARG in 2001-02 for the Darwin line construction, now in limestone quarry products service.

060531 4984135 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, AQNY 32207 one of sixty two waggons built by Goninan WA in 1998 as WQN type for Murrin Murrin container traffic, with sulphur skips S93 and S58 with original door and two types of tarpaulins.

060603 5243135 viewsMidland, WQDY 30743 one of about sixteen WBAX vans converted for sodium cyanide container traffic, originally built by WAGR Midland Workshops as one of seventy five WV/X type covered vans in 1967-68, converted to WQEF in 1989, recoded 1993 to WQDF, then WQDY, with two AGR empty sodium cyanide tanktainers SD 658 and SD 644.

070527 9221135 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, ALHX 34 louvre van waggon originally built by South Australian Railways Islington Workshops in 1973-74 as a batch of thirty five SLX type louvre vans, recoded to ALHX.

070529 9395135 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, ECA 162 built by Comeng NSW in 1964 for Commonwealth Railways as a BRE type second class, air conditioned, twin berth staggered corridor steel sleeping car. Converted to ECA type crew car in 1991.

070530 9543135 viewsParkeston, RMWY 34027 triple deck car carrying waggon, built by Comeng NSW in 1975 within the third batch of ten WMX type double deck car carrying waggons, re-coded to WMFX in 1979, converted to triple deck WMGF in 1989 then under National Rail leasing they became RMWY type.

070608 0089135 viewsMidland, APNY 31163, one of four built by Westrail Midland Workshops in 1978 as WNA type pneumatic discharge nickel concentrate waggon, WAGR built and owned copies of the AE Goodwin built WN waggons for WMC.

070609 0186135 viewsMidland, AZDY 30719, one of about fourteen WBAX vans converted to AZDY type sodium cyanide container waggon, originally built by WAGR Midland Workshops as one of seventy five WV/X type covered vans in 1967-68 and converted to VWV type for narrow gauge in 1967 and recoded back in 1968. Converted late 1988/9 to WQDF.

070609 0205135 viewsMidland, ABAY 30925 covered goods waggon originally built by Mechanical Handling Ltd SA as part of a third batch of one hundred and thirty five WVX type covered vans, recoded to WBAX in 1979, in 1985 to WBNX, then in 1995 to RBPX.

060531 5076134 viewsParkeston, OPC 381, originally built by South Australian Railways Islington Workshops in 1964 as an 8300 type brake van numbered 8365 on broad gauge, to standard gauge and recoded in Sept 1982 to AVAY 381, converted for LCL traffic Peterborough and Broken Hill in June 1987 as ABLP and then in April 1992 modified and recoded to OPC stores van.

060603 5244134 viewsMidland, WQDY 30713 one of about sixteen WBAX vans converted for sodium cyanide container traffic, originally built by WAGR Midland Workshops as one of seventy five WV/X type covered vans in 1967-68, converted 1989 to WQDF, then WQDY, with two AGR empty sodium cyanide tanktainers SD 656 and SD 663.

070530 9541134 viewsParkeston, RMWY 34024 triple deck car carrying waggon, built by Comeng NSW in 1975 within the third batch of ten WMX type double deck car carrying waggons, re-coded to WMFX in 1979, converted to triple deck WMGF in 1989 then under National Rail leasing they became RMWY type.

070608 0093134 viewsMidland, AQCY 30212 container waggon, originally one of forty five built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1974 as WFX type, to WQCX in 1981, carrying three Cockburn Cement pressurised cement - lime tanktainers.

070608 0119134 viewsMidland, AZVY type departmental wheel set carrier waggon AZVY 4193, built by Transfield WA 1976 for Commonwealth Railways as one of two hundred GOX type open waggons, recoded to AOOX, in 1993 to AOSX type. In service with ARG as a wheel set transport waggon in West Kalgoorlie loco traffic.

070609 0182134 viewsMidland, AQCY 30365 container waggon, one of one hundred and sixty one units built by Tomlinson Steel WA in 1969-70 as WFX type, recoded to WQCX in 1980, loaded with two Westrail COB type 20' tarp top containers COB 5717 and COB 5711 with 20' ISO Tank Containers Australia tanktainer TCAU 121003 for ammonium nitrate emulsion.

100609 09954134 viewsMidland, AQWY 31020 container waggon, one of thirty five built by Centrecon Ltd WA in 1981 as WFA type, recoded in 1987 to WQCY, then RHQY in 1994 and back to WQCY in 1996, then to AQCY.

060527 4111133 viewsScotia, AQNY 32208, one of sixty two waggons built by Goninan WA in 1998 as WQN type for Murrin Murrin container traffic, with two 20' hydrogen peroxide tank tainers, LOGU 953190 and LOGU 953195, train 6029 loaded Malcolm freighter.

060528 4449133 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, WQTY 30337 built by Tomlinson Steel WA in a batch of one hundred and sixty one WFX type container flat waggons, from 1970 it spent a couple of years on the narrow gauge as QWF type. In 1980 re-coded to WQCX and then in 1996 to WQTY.

060531 4987133 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, AQNY 32197 one of sixty two waggons built by Goninan WA in 1998 as WQN type for Murrin Murrin container traffic, with sulphur skips S22 and S10 with original door and sliding tarpaulins.
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