Most viewed - Standard_Gauge_Waggons |

070608 0092133 viewsMidland, APNY 31151, one of twelve built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1974 as WNA type pneumatic discharge nickel concentrate waggon, WAGR built and owned copies of the AE Goodwin built WN waggons for WMC.

070608 0106133 viewsMidland, ATMY 553 fuel tank waggon, built by Tulloch Ltd NSW for BP Oil in 1971 as WJM type, capacity of 102000 litres, diesel capacity of 76000 litres.

070608 0109133 viewsMidland, ATDY 4618 fuel tank waggon, ex NSW and former NTAF in service carting petrol for BP Oil, former AMPOL tank, coded WTDY when arrived in WA.

070609 0201133 viewsMidland, ATPY 592 fuel tank waggon built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1976 as one of four WJP type for AMPOL, capacity of 80500 litres, here in Caltex service.

060527 4105132 viewsScotia, AQNY 32173, one of sixty two waggons built by Goninan WA in 1998 as WQN type for Murrin Murrin container traffic, with sulphur skips S10E and S107U both with original style doors and sliding tarpaulins, train 6029 loaded Malcolm freighter.

060530 4871132 viewsParkeston, AZYF 932 is a CCE compressor waggon, originally built by Metropolitan Cammell Britain as GB class in 1952-55 for Commonwealth Railways, converted to RGB class, then current code in 1989.

060530 4872132 viewsParkeston, AZYF 933 is a CCE compressor waggon, originally built by Metropolitan Cammell Britain as GB class in 1952-55 for Commonwealth Railways, converted to RGB type waggon, then re-coded to AOEF, then AOEY then finally AZYF.

060531 4983132 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, AQNY 32183 one of sixty two waggons built by Goninan WA in 1998 as WQN type for Murrin Murrin container traffic, with a pair of loaded sulphur skips with original door and sliding tarpaulins.

070608 0090132 viewsMidland, APNY 31153, one of twelve built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1974 as WNA type pneumatic discharge nickel concentrate waggon, WAGR built and owned copies of the AE Goodwin built WN waggons for WMC.

070608 0100132 viewsMidland, AQCY 30435 container waggon originally one of one hundred and sixty one built by Tomlinson Steel in 1970 as WFX type, to WQCX in 1980, loaded here with three Jameison built pressurised tanktainers for Cockburn Cement traffic.

070608 0103132 viewsMidland, AQCY 31050, built by Centrecon Ltd WA in 1981 in a batch of thirty five WFA type container waggons, another eighteen were also built by Westrail. Recoded to WQCY 1987, then RHQY and back to WQCY in 1995. Loaded with two Westrail COR roll top containers COR 5868 and COR 5888 and a 20' ISO Tank Containers Australia tanktainer TCAU 121002 with ammonium nitrate emulsion.

070608 0105132 viewsMidland, ATBY 14595 fuel tank waggon, one of nine JPB type tankers built for Bain Leasing Pty Ltd by Westrail Midland Workshops in 1981/82 for narrow gauge recoded to JPBA in 1986, converted to standard gauge 1987 as WJPB. 82000 litre capacity.

070608 0110132 viewsMidland, ATEY 7312 fuel tank waggon, ex NSW and former NTAF in service carting petrol for BP Oil, former AMPOL tank, coded WTEY when arrived in WA.

070608 0116132 viewsMidland, AOAY 33101 open waggon, built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1969 as the type leader in a batch of fifty eight WGX type open waggons without end doors, recoded to WOAX

100603 8831132 viewsParkeston, RMWY 34024 triple deck car carrying waggon, built by Comeng NSW in 1975 within the third batch of ten WMX type double deck car carrying waggons, re-coded to WMFX in 1979, converted to triple deck WMGF in 1989 then under National Rail leasing they became RMWY type.

100603 8854132 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, AOXY 33067, converted to carry nickel matte bulk bags, in WGL traffic. Built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1969 as part of a batch of one hundred WG type open waggons, reclassed as a group in 1969 to WGX, to WGS for superphosphate traffic then in 1980, in 1988 to WODX, then AOAY type.

051101 6478132 viewsParkeston, AHLY 0022 one of sixty five AHBY type ballast hoppers built by EDI Rail at their Port Augusta Workshops for ARG in 2001-02 for the Darwin line construction, now in limestone quarry products service.

060527 4114131 viewsScotia, AQNY 32195, one of sixty two waggons built by Goninan WA in 1998 as WQN type for Murrin Murrin container traffic, with two Royal Wolf 20' containers WTQU 229658 and RWHU 265044, train 6029 loaded Malcolm freighter.

060527 4136131 viewsScotia, WQTY 30309 flat waggon, originally built by Tomlinson Steel WA as WFX type in 1969 from a batch of one hundred and sixty one waggons, recoded to WQCX type in 1980, then WQC type before recoded back the WQCX in 1981, then to RQHX in 1994, to current code in 1996. Seen here carrying six loaded nickel ore kibbles.

060530 4914131 viewsParkeston, AHQF 31426 seen here in Loongana Limestone service, originally built by Goninan WA for Western Quarries as a batch of twenty coded WHA type in 1995. Purchased by Westrail in 1998.
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