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Home > Western Australian Negative and Digital Albums > Standard_Gauge_Tank_Waggons

Most viewed - Standard_Gauge_Tank_Waggons
141028 IMG 327430 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, NTAY type fuel tank waggon NTAY 5455 with 62,000 litre capacity for BP. Refurbished by Gemco WA in June 2014 from ex Mobil Oil NTAF type tank waggon NTAF 5455. In BP Oil ownership. I think this is an Indeng Qld built NTAF 455 the final of seven such tanks built for Mobil of NSW in 1981. Peter Donaghy image.
150326 IMG 433230 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, AZAY type waste oil waggon AZAY 23439, detail image, this waggon usually operates between Merredin Loco and Forrestfield, not normally seen here in the Goldfields. Peter Donaghy image.
150326 IMG 433730 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, AZAY type waste oil waggon AZAY 23439, detail image, this waggon usually operates between Merredin Loco and Forrestfield, not normally seen here in the Goldfields. Peter Donaghy image.
190108 130130 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, ATPY type fuel tank waggon ATPY 587 built by Westrail Midland Workshops in 1978 as WJP type 80.66 kL one compartment one dome, for Mobil, later sold to BP. Maximum capacity now of 84,000 litres. Gemco refurbished 06-17.
190108 130330 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, ATPY 588 fuel tank waggon, built by Westrail Midland Workshops in 1979 for Mobil as WJP type 80,000 litre single compartment and dome, recoded to WJPY, sold to BP Oil in 1985. Gemco WA refurbished November 2016, and now a 80,375 litre maximum capacity.
140309 IMG 176129 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, ATLY type gas tank waggon ATLY 1, built by Comeng NSW in 1968 as a Tg type tank waggon for Boral Gas as Tg 1 on the South Australian Railways, to the VR as TWF type TWF 10 in 1979, then later in 1979 to VTGX type. Off VR register 1988 and to AN as ATLX type ATLX 1, then to ATLY. Peter Donaghy image.
140406 IMG 194129 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, NTBF type fuel tank waggon NTBF 6120, built by Comeng NSW in 1975 as an SCA type bitumen tank waggon for Shell Bitumen NSW as SCA 271. Peter Donaghy image.
140409 IMG 196029 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, NTBF 6122 fuel tank waggon detail image, built by Comeng NSW 1975 as an SCA type bitumen tank waggon for Shell Bitumen NSW as SCA 273. Peter Donaghy image.
141028 IMG 326529 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, NTAY type fuel tank waggon NTAY 5452, orignally built by Indeng Qld for Mobil as part of a batch of seven NTAF tanks in 1981 as NTAF 452. Refurbished by Gemco WA for BP Oil, capacity of 61000 litres. Peter Donaghy image.
150326 IMG 433429 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, AZAY type waste oil waggon AZAY 23439, detail image, this waggon usually operates between Merredin Loco and Forrestfield, not normally seen here in the Goldfields. Peter Donaghy image.
190108 127729 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, NTAY type fuel tank waggon NTAY 3332 with 66,000 litre capacity for Caltex. Refurbished by Gemco WA in Feb 2015 from a Caltex NTAF type tank waggon NTAF 332 originally built by Tulloch Ltd NSW as a CAL type CAL 332. Shows B end.
190108 130729 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, ATPY 601 fuel tank waggon built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1976 as WJP type for BP Oil, capacity of 80,500 litres, recoded to WJPY. Refurbished by Gemco WA Dec 2018. Detail of non-handbrake end.
140409 IMG 195928 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, NTBF 6122 fuel tank waggon detail image, built by Comeng NSW 1975 as an SCA type bitumen tank waggon for Shell Bitumen NSW as SCA 273. Peter Donaghy image.
190108 131127 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, ATPY 591 fuel tank waggon built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1976 as one of four WJP type for AMPOL. Here in Caltex service with a 75,000 litre capacity. Previously was with BP.
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