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051023 6248r638 viewsNelson Point hard stand, rear view of BHP Billiton Electro-Motive built SD70ACe/LC unit 4305 serial 20038540-006 showing radiator wing, dual rear marker lights and dynamic brake detail. 23rd October 2005.
040807 184612r637 viewsNelson Point, BHP Billiton EMD SD40R unit 3093 serial 33679 and originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8487 sits at the hard stand having been delivered earlier in the day 7th August 2004.
040807 112646r635 viewsPort Hedland, Gilbert Street, BHP Billiton EMD SD40R unit 3095 serial 33677 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8485 being road delivered by Kingston Heavy Haulage on a 168 wheel float as it turns into Gate 9 for Nelson Point 7th August 2004.
040502 091608r633 viewsBing Siding, BHP GE AC6000 6074 'Kalgan' serial 51066 leading EMD SD40-2 3084 serial 786263-35 originally Union Pacific UP 3643 at the 15.4 km grade crossing with a loaded Yandi train 2nd May 2004.
051022 5918r633 viewsNelson Point the consignment note for BHP Billiton Electro-Motive built SD70ACe/LC loco 4311 serial 20038540-012, Electro-Motive order number C540. 22nd October 2005.
040812 123214r629 viewsYarrie line 148 km, east of Taplin, BHP Billiton Goninan GE rebuild CM40-8M 5639 'Corunna Downs' serial 8281-03/92-128 works a 'mixed' of 12 ballast and 10 loaded GML waggons towards Hedland following a derailment further out near the Yarrie Mine, 1230 hrs 12th August 2004.
060714 6737r629 viewsHesta, a brace of BHP Billiton Electro-Motive built SD70ACe/LC mid-train units 4302 'Mooka' serial 20038540-003 and 4311 'Poonda' serial 20038540-012 are in full power as they assist a loaded train climbing the grade at the 226 km. 14th July 2006.
081217 0448r626 viewsWoodstock Siding BHP Goninan GE rebuild and former cab-less CM40-8ML unit 5665 'Rotterdam' serial 8412-10 / 94-156 runs along the mainline with the rail or steel train under the FMG flyover. It is not uncommon to see long hood leading units on BHP work trains. 17th December 2008.
050110 142848r623 viewsGull Siding the 105 km at the top of the Chichester Range, double General Electric built Dash 9-44CW Hamersley Iron units 7069 serial 47748 and 7077 serial 47756 lead 230 loaded waggons as they prepare to descend the Chichester Range bound for Cape Lambert Monday 10th January 2005.
040802 090026r622 viewsRedbank, Nelson Point yard entrance BHP GE AC6000 6077 'Nimingarra' serial 51069 and Goninan CM40-8M rebuild 5654 'Kashima' serial 8412-11/93-145 arrive in Nelson Point with a loaded Yandi, of note was the mid-train engines EMD SD40R units 3090-3089 and CM40-8M 5636 had engineers on-board to carry out tests on the SD40R locomotives 2nd August 2004.
070922 1029r614 viewsPort Hedland, Wilson Street, Kingston Mack prime mover power the 256 wheel float with the first Metso rotary dumper cell built for FMG. Seen here powering up and away from the port. Of note is these cells for FMG will clamp the top of the ore waggon, similar to the Pilbara Iron dumpers, while the BHP cells clamp down on side pockets in the waggons. Saturday September 22nd, 2007.
140603 0699r614 viewsHere's the Troopy at the panel shop with a complete new LHS panel viewed from the back, I'm talking to Keith from the panel shop. June 2014.
060416 3488r611 viewsNelson Point, south yard, BHP Billiton Electro-Motive built SD70ACe/LC units 4312 'Mindy' serial 20038540-013 and 4310 'Weeli' serial 20038540-011 await their next turn of duty. 16th April 2006.
060710 6277r610 viewsBoodarie Yard, BHP Billiton Electro-Motive built SD70ACe/LC unit 4309 serial 20038540-010 and CM40-8M 5638 shunt through the yard during commissioning trials of Car Dumper 4 at Finucane Island. Boodarie Yard has just been expanded and the fence has since been put back up. 10th July 2006. Several years later both these locos and the HBI Plant in the background would all be gone!
040806 185209r609 viewsNelson Point, the first of the last! EMD SD40R unit 3096 serial 31510 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8429 the first SD40R unloaded out of the final batch sits at the hardstand awaiting pick-up 6th August 2004.
040508 113001r606 viewsMooka Siding, BHP Billiton GE AC6000 6075 'Newman' serial 51067 and EMD SD40-2 3082 serial 786263-31 originally Union Pacific UP 3639 split the north end departure signals with a 300 waggon loaded train, the first pair of mid-train units 5633-5663 are visible, trailing are 5658-5631 and end of the train can be seen on the right. 8th May 2004.
140603 0698r602 viewsHere's the Troopy at the panel shop with a complete new LHS panel, that's the new fender and mudguard inside the car. June 2014.
040528 161226r599 viewsNelson Point, BHP GE AC6000 6072 'Hesta' serial 51064 leads Goninan CM40-8M unit 5661 'Funamachi' serial 8412-06/94-152 at the 'dirt road crossing' as they head towards Car Dumper 3, 28th May 2004.
040807 082350r599 viewsPort Hedland, Gilbert Street, EMD SD40R unit 3097 serial 31569 and originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8409 is the final member of the SD40 units and is being road delivered by Kingston Heavy Haulage 168 wheel float into BHP Nelson Point via Gate 9 7th August 2004.
060416 3512r599 viewsNelson Point south yard, BHP Billiton Electro-Motive built SD70ACe/LC class leader 4301 'Bing' serial 20038540-002 16th April 2006. Although there is a unit 4300 it is a spare parts source and as such is not on the roster and the official order placed with EDI was for thirteen units being 4301 to 4313.
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