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040807 112612r569 viewsPort Hedland, Gilbert Street, BHP Billiton EMD SD40R unit 3095 serial 33677 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8485 being road delivered by Kingston Heavy Haulage on a 168 wheel float 7th August 2004.

060710 6265r561 viewsBoodarie, BHP Billiton's Electro-Motive built SD70ACe/LC locomotive 4304 'Gillam' serial 20038540-005, these original fourteen units, 4301-4313 had the non-isolated cab and were later traded back to Progress Rail for new units. 10th July 2006.

100508 8226r558 viewsNelson Point, BHP Billiton's Goninan GE CM40-8M unit 5650 'Yawata' serial 8412-07 / 93-141 rebuilt from AE Goodwin M636C ALCo 5481, cab side shot shows Hi-Ad bogie, modified handrail and black side loco numbers, only 5639 and 5650 carried black numbers till retirement with the original repaint 5632 having its black numbers changed to white. 8th May 2010.

050204 080155r557 viewsMooka, BHP mid train units of GE AC6000 6071 'Chichester' serial 51063 with the metal windscreen protecting blinds up and EMD SD40-2 unit 3083 serial 786170-2 originally Union Pacific UP 3500 at close to line speed of 80 kph/h at the 30 km, 4th February 2005.

051022 6093r557 viewsNelson Point hard stand area, BHP Billiton's brand new Electro-Motive built SD70ACe/LC unit 4301 serial 20038540-002 sits on the heavy haul float under its' tarp late in the afternoon light on the 22nd October 2005. It was unloaded the next morning.

050204 080056r554 viewsMooka, BHP GE AC6000 final unit 6077 serial 51069 with EMD SD40R 3091 serial 31496 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8415 power along at the 30 km mark with an empty 200 waggon train, smoke can just been seen coming from mid train units 6071 and 3083 4th February 2005.

051023 6134r553 viewsNelson Point, BHP Billiton's Electro-Motive built SD70ACe/LC builders 'plate' for 4301 serial 20038540-002, it is actually a decal. On delivery day 23rd October 2005.

080621 2783r552 viewsTabba Siding at the 83.4 km crossing, the final member of the original BHP Billiton order for thirteen Electro-Motive built SD70ACe/LC units 4313 serial 20038540-014 leads CM40-8M 5653 with a loaded 330 waggon train from Yandi 2 mine. Other locos in the consist are two set of mid train units consisting of CM40-8M-SD40R-SD40R and CM40-8-SD40R-SD40R. 21st June 2008.

040810 150446r550 viewsShaw Siding, BHP Billiton GE AC6000 6076 'Mt Goldsworthy' serial 51068 leads an all bubble paint quin consist on the main with EMD SD40R 3091 serial 31496 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8415 and mid train units CM40-8M 5636 leading newly delivered SD40R units 3095 and 3096 10th August 2004.

060417 3528549 viewsNelson Point Yard, still relatively new Electro-Motive built SD70ACe/LC unit 4305 serial 20038540-006 'Coonarie' under lights awaits it next job on the evening 17th April 2006.

060416 3508r549 viewsNelson Point south yard, BHP Billiton Electro-Motive built SD70ACe/LC operational class leader 4301 'Bing' serial 20038540-002. Actual class leader 4300 was purchased wholly as a spare parts source. 16th April 2006.

040807 185900r548 viewsNelson Point BHP Billiton EMD SD40R unit 3093 serial 31498 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8417 waits on a road float to be lifted onto rails the following day 7th August 2004.

060216 2792r548 viewsBing Siding, BHP Billiton Electro-Motive built SD70ACe unit 4311 'Poonda' serial 20038540-012 with an SD40R as second unit runs through Bing South on the mainline to Nelson Point with a loaded trains. The track in the foreground is the new duplicated road to Nelson Point and is still under construction. 16th February 2006.

040802 155428r543 viewsBing Siding, BHP GE AC6000 locomotive 6073 'Fortescue' leads EMD SD40-2 unit 3084 serial 786263-35 originally Union Pacific UP 3643 with a loaded train running through Bing 2nd August 2004.

100508 8319r543 viewsNelson Point, BHP Billiton 'Pumpkin' unit 4328 was built by Electro-Motive as an EMD model SD70ACe for the BNSF railroad in the USA with serial 20066862-057 but was sold to BHP while under construction as one of ten similar units to be diverted to BHP in an all over BNSF base orange earning them the nickname of 'pumpkins' after the BNSF livery. They were standard US domestic units and required substantial modifications to be afforded lead unit status for BHP. This view shows the tropical roof, marker lights, fire suppression tanks and dual handrail. 8th May 2010.

040809 160142r538 viewsNelson Point BHP Billiton EMD SD40R units 3094-3097-3096-3095 under load testing between CM40-8M units 5641 and 5636 return from Bing Siding prior to them entering service 9th August 2004.

040807 025404r531 viewsNelson Point, BHP's South Yard Locomotive Prep Shed holds GE AC6000 units 6073 'Fortescue' serial 51065 and 6075 'Newman' serial 51067 with Goninan rebuild CM40-8M unit 5648 'Kwangyang Bay' serial 8412-06/93-139 on the night shift, 7th August 2004. This facility has since been demolished.

040807 024920r527 viewsNelson Point, BHP GE AC6000 6077 'Nimingarra' serial 51069 idles away 0250 hrs on the loco spur near the South Yard Loco Prep facility 7th August 2004.

050624 3197527 viewsPort Hedland, the 19.3 km on the GML sees BHP Billiton Goninan GE rebuilt model CM40-8M unit 5636 'Munda' serial 8151-11 / 91-122 leads the Sundowner across the Broome Rd crossing on its way to Goldsworthy 24th June 2005.

050625 3840527 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, BHP Goninan GE rebuilt model CM40-8M unit 5648 'Kwangyang Bay' serial 8412-06 / 93-139 long end leading runs off the Goldsworthy or GML line past signal GJ 2 onto the Newman mainline with the Sundowner on its return to Hedland 25th June 2005.
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