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Home > Western Australian Negative and Digital Albums > Mineral_Resources_Ltd_Ore_Services

Most viewed - Mineral_Resources_Ltd_Ore_Services
190109 1651111 viewsBinduli, Mineral Resources Ltd empty iron ore train 4030 with MRL's MHPY type iron ore waggon MHPY 00003 built by CSR Yangtze Co China serial 2014/382-3 in 2014 as a batch of 382 units, these bottom discharge hopper waggons are operated in 'married' pairs.
190107 0449110 viewsParkeston, Mineral Resources Ltd builders plate of MHPY type iron ore waggon MHPY 00013 built by CSR Yangtze Co China in 2014 as a batch of 382 units.
190107 0536110 viewsBinduli, on empty Mineral Resources Ltd iron ore train service from Esperance to Koolyanobbing 2034 with MRL's MHPY type iron ore waggon MHPY 00323 built by CSR Yangtze Co China serial 2014/382-323 in 2014 as a batch of 382 units, these bottom discharge hopper waggons are operated in 'married' pairs.
190109 1606110 viewsBinduli, Mineral Resources Ltd empty iron ore train 4030 with MRL's MHPY type iron ore waggon MHPY 00311 built by CSR Yangtze Co China serial 2014/382-311 in 2014 as a batch of 382 units, these bottom discharge hopper waggons are operated in 'married' pairs.
190109 1625110 viewsBinduli, Mineral Resources Ltd empty iron ore train 4030 with MRL's MHPY type iron ore waggon MHPY 00235 built by CSR Yangtze Co China serial 2014/382-235 in 2014 as a batch of 382 units, these bottom discharge hopper waggons are operated in 'married' pairs.
190109 1670110 viewsBinduli, Mineral Resources Ltd empty iron ore train 4030 with MRL's MHPY type iron ore waggon MHPY 00237 built by CSR Yangtze Co China serial 2014/382-237 in 2014 as a batch of 382 units, these bottom discharge hopper waggons are operated in 'married' pairs.
190109 1676110 viewsBinduli, Mineral Resources Ltd empty iron ore train 4030 with MRL's MHPY type iron ore waggon MHPY 00182 built by CSR Yangtze Co China serial 2014/382-182 in 2014 as a batch of 382 units, these bottom discharge hopper waggons are operated in 'married' pairs.
190107 0441109 viewsParkeston, Mineral Resources Ltd MHPY type iron ore waggon married pair set MHPY 00334 and MHPY 00333 built by CSR Yangtze Co China in 2014 as a batch of 382 units, these bottom discharge hopper waggons are operated in 'married' pairs.
190107 0443109 viewsParkeston, Mineral Resources Ltd MHPY type iron ore waggon MHPY 00333 built by CSR Yangtze Co China in 2014 as a batch of 382 units, these bottom discharge hopper waggons are operated in 'married' pairs.
190107 0553109 viewsBinduli, on empty Mineral Resources Ltd iron ore train service from Esperance to Koolyanobbing 2034 with MRL's MHPY type iron ore waggon MHPY 00298 built by CSR Yangtze Co China serial 2014/382-298 in 2014 as a batch of 382 units, these bottom discharge hopper waggons are operated in 'married' pairs.
190107 0567109 viewsBinduli, on empty Mineral Resources Ltd iron ore train service from Esperance to Koolyanobbing 2034 with MRL's MHPY type iron ore waggon MHPY 00120 built by CSR Yangtze Co China serial 2014/382-120 in 2014 as a batch of 382 units, these bottom discharge hopper waggons are operated in 'married' pairs.
190107 0620109 viewsBinduli, on empty Mineral Resources Ltd iron ore train service from Esperance to Koolyanobbing 2034 with MRL's MHPY type iron ore waggon MHPY 00187 built by CSR Yangtze Co China serial 2014/382-187 in 2014 as a batch of 382 units, these bottom discharge hopper waggons are operated in 'married' pairs.
190107 0622109 viewsBinduli, on empty Mineral Resources Ltd iron ore train service from Esperance to Koolyanobbing 2034 with MRL's MHPY type iron ore waggon MHPY 00148 built by CSR Yangtze Co China serial 2014/382-148 in 2014 as a batch of 382 units, these bottom discharge hopper waggons are operated in 'married' pairs.
190107 0634109 viewsBinduli, on empty Mineral Resources Ltd iron ore train service from Esperance to Koolyanobbing 2034 with MRL's MHPY type iron ore waggon MHPY 00001 built by CSR Yangtze Co China serial 2014/382-1 in 2014 as a batch of 382 units, these bottom discharge hopper waggons are operated in 'married' pairs.
190109 1588109 viewsBinduli, Mineral Resources Ltd empty iron ore train 4030 with MRL's MHPY type iron ore waggon MHPY 00095 built by CSR Yangtze Co China serial 2014/382-95 in 2014 as a batch of 382 units, these bottom discharge hopper waggons are operated in 'married' pairs.
190109 1607109 viewsBinduli, Mineral Resources Ltd empty iron ore train 4030 with MRL's MHPY type iron ore waggon MHPY 00312 built by CSR Yangtze Co China serial 2014/382-312 in 2014 as a batch of 382 units, these bottom discharge hopper waggons are operated in 'married' pairs.
190107 0436108 viewsParkeston, Mineral Resources Ltd MHPY type iron ore waggon MHPY 00307 built by CSR Yangtze Co China in 2014 as a batch of 382 units, these bottom discharge hopper waggons are operated in 'married' pairs.
190107 0437108 viewsParkeston, Mineral Resources Ltd MHPY type iron ore waggon MHPY 00308 built by CSR Yangtze Co China in 2014 as a batch of 382 units, these bottom discharge hopper waggons are operated in 'married' pairs.
190107 0490108 viewsParkeston, side view of Mineral Resources MRL class loco MRL 002 'Spirit of Yilgarn' with serial R-0113-03/14-505 a UGL Rail Broadmeadow NSW built GE model C44ACi in 2014.
190107 0523108 viewsBinduli, following a crew change Mineral Resources empty iron ore train 2034 with Mineral Resources MRL class loco MRL 003 'Southern Cross' with serial R-0113-03/14-506 a UGL Rail Broadmeadow NSW built GE model C44ACi model leads two Pacific National NR class units NR 43 and NR 78 with 53 pairs of MHPYs and 2 single MHLY bottom discharge hopper waggons for 1293 metres and 2258 tonnes.
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