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160531 989898 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, container waggon RQJW 22046 with two 20' Royal Wolf boxes RWMC 817987 and RWMC 815915.

160531 991498 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, RKLY 20556

160531 992398 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, RKYY type wide steel plate tilt waggon RKYY 7094 one of twenty seven units built by AN Rail Islington Workshops in 1995-96. Loaded with steel plate.

160531 994598 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 3PM4 steel train, empty container waggon VQCY 539.

160524 424097 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train Pacific National BRS type crew accommodation coach BRS 221, originally built by Victorian Railways Newport Workshops in November 1940 as an AS type first class sitting car for the Spirit of Progress as AS 6, in April 1983 converted to a combined sitting accommodation and a mini refreshment service as BRS type BRS 1, then in September 1985 renumbered to BRS 221. Sold to West Coast Railway mid 1990s, converted to crew car after 2004.

160524 430797 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, RKAX 13, 2-pack rail transport waggon, this waggon was converted by Port Augusta Workshops from two original FBX type waggons built in 1968-69 by Islington Workshops in a batch of twenty later coded AFCX. AFCX 13 & AKAX 5 where the donors for this waggon. Loaded with a full load of rail strings.

160531 986597 viewsBinduli, 3PM4 steel train, VQCY 910

160531 988197 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Pacific National's Goninan built GE model Cv40-9i NR class unit NR 94 serial 7250-06/97-300, shunts off 3PM4 steel train to collect the loading and crew coach sitting in the yard. 31st of May 2016.

160531 990797 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, container waggon RQHY 7002, one of seventy eight built in 2005 by Qiqihar Rollingstock Works in China, with two 20' Royal Wolf containers RWMC 815924 and RWMC 817981.

160531 990897 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, container waggon RQKY 4399, still with a green AN deck, with two 20' Royal Wolf containers RWMC 818001 and RWMC 815932.

160531 993397 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, RQJW 60037 container waggon, one of fifty built by EPT NSW as NQJW type in 1984-85,

160524 402796 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, RKWY 2568, empty, built by Transfield WA in 1972 as type GOX, then AOOX, and ROOX.

160524 404096 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, RKLY 20512 with two butter box containers RH139 with new lid RH307 and RH250. Originally built by EPT NSW in 1977-78 as an BDY type open waggon before being heavily modified by ANI Engineering in 1998. Also coded NODY, NCMY and RCMY prior to 1998.

160524 404296 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, NQYY 20444 with two butter box containers RH296 and RH22, NQYY 20444 originally built by EPT NSW in 1977-78 as an BDY type open waggon, recoded to NODY after 1979, before being heavily modified by ANI Engineering in 1998 to the current guise.

160524 404396 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, RKMY 51, originally an ELX waggon, heavily modified to cart butter boxes, possibly ex Victorian Railways ELX / VOBX waggon 1961-63 vintage.

160524 429096 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, RKLY 20209, totally unrecognisable from original build by EPT NSW 1979-81 as part of a batch of two hundred BDY type 14.20 metre open waggons, had several recoding's prior to its current guise, loaded with two RH type coil containers or 'butter boxes' RH 458 and RH 390.

160531 984596 viewsBinduli, 3PM4 steel train, RQIY 10173

160531 986096 viewsBinduli, 3PM4 steel train, RKQF 60425

160531 990396 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, container waggon RQTY 48 originally built by SAR at Islington Workshops between 1970-72 as part of a batch of seventy two FQX type container waggons, with three 20' Royal Wolf boxes RWMC 818009, RWMC 815908 and RWMC 815910.

160531 991196 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, RKLY 20962
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