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160531 991296 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, RQIY 10172

160531 993196 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, RQDY 60079

160524 430395 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, RKAX 6, 2-pack rail transport waggon, Platform 1, this waggon was converted by Port Augusta Workshops from two original FBX type waggons built in 1968-69 by Islington Workshops in a batch of twenty later coded AFCX. AKAX 6 and AKCX 14 where the donors for this waggon. Loaded with a full load of rail strings.

160524 430595 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, RKAX 13, 2-pack rail transport waggon, Platform 2, this waggon was converted by Port Augusta Workshops from two original FBX type waggons built in 1968-69 by Islington Workshops in a batch of twenty later coded AFCX. AFCX 13 & AKAX 5 where the donors for this waggon. Loaded with a full load of rail strings.

160524 432295 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, RQJW 21989, one of a batch of twenty five built by Mittagong Engineering NSW in 1980 as the JCW type 80' container waggon, recoded to NQJW.

160531 986395 viewsBinduli, 3PM4 steel train, RKLY 20549

160531 988595 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Pacific National's Goninan built GE model Cv40-9i NR class unit NR 94 serial 7250-06/97-300, shunts off 3PM4 steel train to collect the loading and crew coach sitting in the yard. 31st of May 2016.

160531 994695 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 3PM4 steel train, empty container waggon RQGY 34434.

160524 424194 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, shunts off waggons with a pair of Goninan built GE model Cv40-9i NR class units NR 66 serial 7250-12 / 96-268 and NR 32 serial 7250-06 / 97-234 performing the shunt.

160524 429594 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, NQTY 20322, totally unrecognisable from original build by EPT NSW 1979-81 as part of a batch of two hundred BDY type 14.20 metre open waggons, had several recoding's prior to its current guise, loaded with two Royal Wolf 22G1 type 20' boxes RWLU 815002 and RWLU 815047.

160531 985994 viewsBinduli, 3PM4 steel train, RKXF 60094 a jumbo plate waggon, RKXF 60094 was originally built by the NSWGR at Chullora Workshops as part of a batch of ten BC type waggons of 73 feet and 6 inches long and was originally numbered BC 21018. Other codes carried were NQDX, NKDX then RKXX before 70 tonne bogies were fitted in 1995 for the current code. 31st May 2016 at West Kalgoorlie.

160531 989794 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, RQJW 60010 container waggon, one of fifty built by EPT NSW as NQJW type in 1984-85, with two 20' Royal Wolf boxes RWMC 818002 and RWMC 817997.

160531 993794 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 3PM4 steel train, Goninan built GE model Cv40-9i NR class unit NR 94 serial 7250-06/97-300 shunts empty container waggons from the yard to put on the front of its train for the journey back east.

160524 405593 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, RKLY 20332 container waggon, originally built by EPT NSW in 1979-81 as an BDY / NODY open waggon before being heavily modified by ANI Engineering in 1998, loaded with two 20' Pacific National Royal Wolf containers RWLU 815037 and 815016. Other codes include NKJY, NOJY, RKJY.

160524 424393 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, RRKY 2723, originally built by Perry Engineering SA in 1974 part of a batch of forty five RM type motor vehicle flat waggons, recoded to AQPY container waggon, then AQMP and RQKY, riding on aligned bogies, loaded with two Royal Wolf 20' 22G1 type boxes RWMC 815896 and 815921.

160524 429693 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, RQFY 106 container waggon, built by Victorian Railways Bendigo Workshops in 1980 as a batch of seventy five VQFX type skeletal container waggons, recoded to VQFY in 1985, recoded in April 1994 RQFY and 2CM bogies fitted August 1995. Loaded with two RV type coil containers or 'butter boxes' RV 070 and RV 066.

160524 430293 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, RKAX 6, 2-pack rail transport waggon, Platform 2, this waggon was converted by Port Augusta Workshops from two original FBX type waggons built in 1968-69 by Islington Workshops in a batch of twenty later coded AFCX. AKAX 6 and AKCX 14 where the donors for this waggon. Loaded with a full load of rail strings.

160524 432493 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, RQJW 60030 container waggon, one of fifty built by EPT NSW as NQJW type 80' container waggons in 1985. Loaded with two Royal Wolf 40' boxes, 4EG1 type RWTU 941181 and 45G1 type RWTU 442256.

160531 991993 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, VQCY 665

160524 404192 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, RKMY 327, originally an ELX waggon, heavily modified to cart butter boxes, possibly ex Victorian Railways ELX / VOBX waggon 1969-70 vintage.
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