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Home > Western Australian Negative and Digital Albums > Waggons_and_consists_PN_SteelLink.

Most viewed - Waggons_and_consists_PN_SteelLink.
160524 4237108 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, a Goninan built GE model Cv40-9i NR class unit NR 66 serial 7250-12/96-268 wears current owner's Pacific National livery.
160524 4278108 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train behind a pair of Goninan built GE model Cv40-9i NR class units NR 66 serial 7250-12/96-268 and NR 32 serial 7250-06/97-234 starts departing the yard for Perth.
160531 9906108 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, container waggon RQTY 21 originally built by SAR at Islington Workshops between 1970-72 as part of a batch of seventy two FQX type container waggons loaded with three 20' Royal Wolf boxes RWMC 815945, RWMC 818000 and RWMC 815949.
160531 9909108 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, container waggon RQHY 7078, the final one of seventy eight built in 2005 by Qiqihar Rollingstock Works in China, with two 20' steel coil 'butter boxes'.
160524 4020107 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4 behind Goninan built GE model Cv40-9i NR class units NR 62 serial 7250-11/96-264 and NR 68 serial 7250-12/96-270.
160524 4023107 viewsBinduli, steel train service 3PM4 crew accommodation coach BRS 225, was originally built by Victorian Railways Newport Workshops in 1937 as no. 9 2nd class coach for the broad gauge Spirit of Progress, coded BS 4 in 1939, to MRS 1 in 1977 and to BRS refreshment coach in 1983.
160524 4028107 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, RKWY 2289, empty, built by Comeng Victoria in 1970 as type GOX, recoded to AOOX, then ROOX.
160524 4294107 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, RKLY 20310, totally unrecognisable from original build by EPT NSW 1979-81 as part of a batch of two hundred BDY type 14.20 metre open waggons, had several recoding's prior to its current guise, loaded with two Royal Wolf 22G1 type 20' boxes RWLU 814966 and RWLU 814909.
160524 4320107 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, RKBY 20411 loaded with steel rods. RKBY 20411 is the class leader of some six hundred BDY / NODY type open waggons built by EPT in NSW between 1977 and 1981.
160531 9899107 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, container waggon RQJW 21986 with two 20' Royal Wolf boxes RWMC 818010 and RWMC 815824.
160531 9929107 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, RKWY 16
160531 9936107 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 3PM4 steel train, Goninan built GE model Cv40-9i NR class unit NR 94 serial 7250-06/97-300 shunts empty container waggons from the yard past the 651 km post, to put on the front of its train for the journey back east.
160524 4037106 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, RKLY 20565 with two butter box containers RH267 and RH415, originally built by EPT NSW in 1977-78 as an BDY type open waggon before being heavily modified by ANI Engineering in 1998. Was also coded RKDY prior to 1998.
160524 4311106 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, RKWY 2871, originally built by Transfield WA as part of a batch of two hundred GOX type waggons in 1975, recoded to AOOX, later converted to steel traffic. Loaded with long products.
160524 4316106 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, NQTY 20983 loaded with two plastic wrapped 22P3 type flat rack units. Originally built in the third contract of two hundred NODY type open waggons built by EPT NSW in 1980/81. Several recodes later it is fitted for containers, primarily steel traffic.
160524 4318106 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, RQSY 34344 container waggon loaded with a Royal Wolf 25G1 type 20' box RWTU 966778. Originally built by Goninan NSW as an OCY type container waggon as part of a batch of one hundred in 1974-75.
160531 9867106 viewsBinduli, 3PM4 steel train, RQIY 10180
160531 9905106 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, container waggon RQWW 22022, one of thirty two JCW type waggons built by Comeng NSW in 1973-74, loaded with two 20' Royal Wolf containers, RWMC 815948 and RWMC 815868.
160531 9944106 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 3PM4 steel train, empty container waggon RQSY 35002.
160531 9952106 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 3PM4 steel train, empty RQFY 98 container waggon, built by Victorian Railways Bendigo Workshops in 1980 as a batch of seventy five VQFX type skeletal container waggons, recoded to VQFY c1985, then RQFY May 1994, May 1995 to RQFF, then 2CM bogies fitted in Aug 1995 and current code Jan 1997.
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