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Most viewed - Waggons_and_consists_PN_SteelLink.
160524 4036105 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, NQTY 20314 with two butter box containers RH527 and RH378, originally built by EPT NSW in 1979-81 as an BDY type open waggon before being heavily modified by ANI Engineering in 1998, was also coded NOJY and NKJY prior to 1998.
160531 9869105 viewsBinduli, 3PM4 steel train, RKLY 20810
160531 9880105 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Pacific National's Goninan built GE model Cv40-9i NR class unit NR 94 serial 7250-06/97-300, shunts off 3PM4 steel train to collect the loading and crew coach sitting in the yard. 31st of May 2016.
160531 9891105 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, NR 100
160531 9895105 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, RQJW type container waggon RQJW 21976, leader of the third batch of twenty five JCW type 80' container waggons built in 1980 by Mittagong Engineering NSW, recoded to NQJW, then to National Rail in 1994/95. Loaded with two 22G1 type 20' Royal Wolf boxes RWMC 815858 and RWMC 815914.
160531 9920105 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, RQMF 2072
160531 9927105 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, RKYY type wide steel plate tilt waggon RKYY 7088, one of twenty seven units built by AN Rail Islington Workshops in 1995-96. Loaded with steel plate.
160524 4019104 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4 behind Goninan built GE model Cv40-9i NR class units NR 62 serial 7250-11/96-264 and NR 68 serial 7250-12/96-270.
160524 4031104 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, RQTY 64 container waggon originally built by SAR Islington Workshops between 1970-72 as part of a batch of seventy two FQX type container waggons. Two 20' 22G1 type Pacific National Royal Wolf containers RWLU 815018 and RWLU 814995.
160524 4300104 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, RKPF 30313 originally built by NSWGR Chullora Workshops as part of a batch of twenty CPX type flat waggons, converted to NKPX type ~1991 to carry large steel plate, loaded with a variety of same.
160531 9839104 viewsBinduli, 3PM4 steel train, RCOF 20887 coil wire waggon, originally an EPT NSW built NODY from 1980-81, converted to NCOF in 1991 then RCOF in 1994.
160531 9841104 viewsBinduli, 3PM4 steel train, ROOX 2622, one of forty open waggon built by Transfield WA in 1974 as type GOX, recoded AOOX, doors sealed and coded RKTX in 1994, then 1995 to ROKX for pipe traffic.
160531 9844104 viewsBinduli, 3PM4 steel train, RKLY 20343
160531 9848104 viewsBinduli, 3PM4 steel train, RKLY 20311
160531 9902104 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, container waggon RQTY 29 originally built by SAR at Islington Workshops between 1970-72 as part of a batch of seventy two FQX type container waggons with three 20' Royal Wolf boxes RWMC 815944, RWMC 815825 and RWMC 815899.
160531 9922104 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, RKQF 60265
160524 4022103 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, Goninan built GE model Cv40-9i NR class unit NR 68 serial 7250-12/96-270.
160524 4047103 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, RKQF 60229, empty slab steel waggon, originally a Tulloch NSW built louvre van type JLY/X from 1969-70, NLJY/X, converted at Bathurst Workshops to NQRX in 1988, then in 1989/90 to NKQF.
160524 4242103 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train Pacific National BRS type crew accommodation coach BRS 221, originally built by Victorian Railways Newport Workshops in November 1940 as an AS type first class sitting car for the Spirit of Progress as AS 6, in April 1983 converted to a combined sitting accommodation and a mini refreshment service as BRS type BRS 1, then in September 1985 renumbered to BRS 221. Sold to West Coast Railway mid 1990s, converted to crew car after 2004.
160524 4283103 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 1MP2 steel train, RKLY 20370, totally unrecognisable from original build by EPT NSW 1979-81 as part of a batch of two hundred BDY type 14.20 metre open waggons, had several recoding's prior to its current guise, loaded with two RH type coil containers or 'butter boxes'.
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