Most viewed - 5445_Esperance_Fuel_240328 |

240328 31805 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Viva Energy's APTF type fuel tank waggon ATPF 579 built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1974 for Shell, in a batch of nine, as a WJP type 80,660 litre, one compartment one dome tank waggon, with a SFL of 80,500 litres, fitted with type F InterLock couplers. Pacific National empty fuel train 5445 to Esperance. March 28, 2024.

240328 31964 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Viva Energy's APTF type fuel tank waggon ATPF 571, class leader, built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1974 for Shell, in a batch of nine, as a WJP type 80,660 litre, one compartment one dome tank waggon, with a SFL of 80,500 litres, fitted with type F InterLock couplers. Pacific National empty fuel train 5445 to Esperance. March 28, 2024.

240328 31974 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Viva Energy's NTAY type fuel tank waggon NTAY 6126 built by Indeng, Qld in 1976, in a batch of four, for Shell as an SCA type 65,000 litre one compartment oil tank SCA 277. Recoded to NTAF 277, then NTAF 6126. Diesel capacity of 61,300 litres. Freight Australia painted out in middle of tank and fitted with conventional couplers. Pacific National empty fuel train 5445 to Esperance. March 28, 2024.

240328 31673 viewsWest Kalgoorlie yard and empty Pacific National fuel train 5445 to Esperance waits for departure time with Goninan NSW built GE model Cv40-9i NR class unit NR 4, serial number 7250-11 / 96-206 leading sister loco NR 113 and thirty-one tanks for 705.7 tonnes and 607.4 metres. March 28, 2024.

240328 31662 viewsWest Kalgoorlie yard and empty Pacific National fuel train 5445 for Viva Energy to Esperance waits for departure time. NR 4 and NR 113 lead thirty-one waggons for 705.7 tonnes and 607.4 metres. Thursday March 28, 2024.
Consist was NTAY 6128 M, NTAY 6131 D, NTBF 6121 Y, ATPF 584 S, NTBF 6118 A, NTBF 6122 A, ATLF 562 S, NTAY 6132 M, ATPF 579 J, ATPF 607 L, ATLF 561 J, NTAY 6130 R, ATPF 576 F, NTBF 6119 J, ATQF 611 Y, ATPF 606 C, ATMF 552 N, ATPF 582 A, ATPF 574 K, ATPF 581 Y, ATQF 612 A, ATPF 573 B, ATPF 580 F, ATPF 575 T, ATPF 571 G, NTAY 6126 R, ATPF 577 Y, ATPF 572 P, NTBF 6120 F, NTAY 6129 V, ATMF 551 E.

240328 31682 viewsWest Kalgoorlie yard and empty Pacific National fuel train 5445 to Esperance waits for departure time with second unit Goninan WA built GE model Cv40-9i NR class unit NR 113, serial number 7250-09 / 97-312 with thirty-one tanks for 705.7 tonnes and 607.4 metres. March 28, 2024.

240328 31722 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Viva Energy's NTAY 6131 fuel tank waggon, built by Indeng Qld in 1979 for Shell as SCA 282, fitted with conventional couplers, on Pacific National's train 5445 empty fuel to Esperance. March 28, 2024.

240328 31782 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Viva Energy's ATLF type fuel tank waggon ATLF 562 tank waggon, built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1973 for Shell as a WJL type with a 86,4900 kL one compartment one dome capacity. Current safe fill level of 80,500 litres, fitted with type F InterLock couplers. Pacific National's 5445 empty fuel train to Esperance. March 28.2024.

240328 31792 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Viva Energy's NTAY type fuel tank waggon NTAY 6132 built by Industrial Engineering Qld in 1976 as an SCA type, SCA 283, for Shell. Recoded to NTAF 283, then 6132, capacity of 61,300 litres with conventional couplers. Pacific National empty fuel train 5445 to Esperance. March 28, 2024.

240328 31822 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Viva Energy's ATLF type fuel tank waggon ATLF 561, built by WAGR Midland Workshops 1973 for Shell, in a batch of two, as type WJL with 86,490 litre capacity, one compartment one dome, fitted with type F InterLock couplers and a safe fill level of 80,500 litres. Pacific National empty fuel train 5445 to Esperance. March 28, 2024.

240328 31882 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Viva Energy's ATMF type fuel tank waggon ATMF 552 is one of three built by Tulloch Limited NSW as the WJM type in 1971 with a capacity of 96,250 litres with one compartment and one dome, current Safe Fill Level [SFL] capacity of 80,500 litres, fitted with type E coupler. WJM's 551 and 552 built for Shell and 553 built for BP Oil. Pacific National's 5445 empty fuel train to Esperance. March 28.2024.

240328 31992 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Viva Energy's APTF type fuel tank waggon ATPF 572 built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1974 for Shell, in a batch of nine, as a WJP type 80,660 litre, one compartment one dome tank waggon, with a SFL of 80,500 litres, fitted with type F InterLock couplers. Pacific National empty fuel train 5445 to Esperance. March 28, 2024.

240328 32002 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Viva Energy's NTBF type fuel tank waggon NTBF 6120, built by Comeng NSW in 1975, in a batch of five, as an SCA type, 69,000 litre one compartment, bitumen tank waggon for Shell Bitumen NSW as SCA 271. Freight Australia painted out in middle of tank and fitted with conventional couplers. Pacific National empty fuel train 5445 to Esperance. March 28, 2024.

240328 32011 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Viva Energy's NTAY type fuel tank waggon NTAY 6129 built by Indeng, Qld in 1976, in a batch of four, for Shell as an SCA type 65,000 litre one compartment oil tank SCA 280. Recoded to NTAF 280, then NTAF 6129. Diesel capacity of 61,660 litres. Freight Australia painted out in middle of tank and fitted with conventional couplers. Pacific National empty fuel train 5445 to Esperance. March 28, 2024.
