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Home > Victorian negative and digital Albums > 0162-3

Most viewed - 0162-3
162-3-18173 viewsMelbourne Yard, Steamrail R class R 761 North British Locomotive Company, Glasgow, Scotland model Hudson serial 27051 reverses back to Spencer Street having run around the reversing loop, PTC Open Day.
162-3-20173 viewsMelbourne Yard, broad gauge VWCF type bogie 60 ton well waggon VWCF 1, originally built at Newport Workshops 10-1925 as QB type QB 13, coded to QWF 1 in 1962, view of three axle bogie, stored.
162-3-24132 viewsSeymour, V/Line broad gauge diesel electric locomotive X class X 50 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-797, cab side shot, stabled down Wodonga goods train 9303.
162-3-21128 viewsMelbourne Yard, broad gauge VWCF type bogie 60 ton well waggon VWCF 1, originally built at Newport Workshops 10-1925 as QB type QB 13, coded to QWF 1 in 1962, side view of three axle bogie, stored, VLCX type bogie louvre van VLCX 113 behind.
162-3-22120 viewsMelbourne Yard, ground dwarf colour light signal 146, V/Line broad gauge VLCX type bogie louvre van VLCX 134, built at Bendigo Workshops in May 1964 as an VLF type Bogie Large Louvre Van, stored.
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