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148-17146 viewsWangaratta, Signal Post 19 Two Disc Signals, Left-hand Disc from No. 4 or 5 Road to Siding 'C', Right-hand Disc from No. 4 or 5 Road to Main Line.

148-22146 viewsWangaratta, ex VR waggons GY type GY 2125 and G 4113 used for lime and sand storage by the local super phosphate agent McDonald. GY 2125 was built new by Newport Workshops June 1944, around 1990 was removed from the register. G 4113 was originally built new February 1952 by Metro Cammel C&W Co, England, recoded to G in 1982, off register 1990.

149-06146 viewsRockbank, view of cantilevered signal post with searchlight signals 12 (No. 2 Road) and 10 (No. 1 Road) Up Home Signals.

149-16146 viewsBacchus Marsh Ground Dwarf Signals 6, showing counterweights, wires and pulleys, the Lower Disc Signal controlled moves from No.3 Road to No.2 Road, while the Upper Disc was from No. 3 Road to No.3 A Road.

150-19146 viewsLismore mainline trailable point machine located at the Melbourne end of the yard, set for left hand lay onto No.2 road, shows interlocking and manual lever.

162-1-10146 viewsHealesville, station yard view looking south, station building and platform, yard overview, freshly repainted GY type four wheel waggon in yard.

151-06146 viewsGheringhap, broad gauge V/Line VOJF class bogie open gypsum waggon VOJF 5 in B Sidings awaiting unloading, side view. The VOJF type waggons were conversions from ELF/ELX types, not much more is known on the histories.

151-09146 viewsGheringhap, view from Geelong end looking towards Maroona and Ballarat, automatic electric staff exchange apparatus cover and set-up gauge for down trains, similar unit for up trains visible on the right hand side of line, station building and former second platform visible in the distance, along with signal post four.

151-12146 viewsGheringhap, broad gauge V/Line Adelaide bound goods train 9169 arrives on No.1 Road under the power of G class G 531 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1261, C class C 510 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-833 and C 509 serial 76-832, point rodding and signal wires can been seen in this shot taken from the former No.2 platform, gypsum waggons in the background.

153-3-13146 viewsPura Pura station building rear view.

159-16146 viewsBallarat D Signal Box, Linton Junction, broad gauge track view from the Cattle Yard Line looking east, Linton Line then the Ararat Line with the down crossover visible, triple doll semaphore signal 20 facing down train is visible behind the signal box, with the Gillies Street interlocked gates, staff exchange platform and up home semaphore signal post 19, points, track work and point rodding.

159-17146 viewsBallarat D Signal Box, Linton Junction, broad gauge track view from the Cattle Yard Line looking east, Linton Line then the Ararat Line with the down crossover visible, triple doll semaphore signal 20 facing down train is visible behind the signal box, with the Gillies Street interlocked gates open, staff exchange platform and up home semaphore signal post 19, down home semaphore signal post 18 is visible and pulled off to allow the approaching train to pull up to Gillies Street, points, track work and point rodding.

160-12146 viewsMurchison East, rear view of Murphy style silo complex with annex, with Ascom style open frame elevator and road receival point at right.

183-08146 viewsRockbank, an Adelaide bound down broad gauge goods train behind Australian National BL class BL 31 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 83-1015 and 700 class 705 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL500G serial G6059-3 as an up V/Line passenger train runs through on the loop.

185-17146 viewsNorth Geelong C Box, V/Line light engines, G classes G 534 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1264 leads older sister and class leader G 511 serial 84-1239 as they shunt back into the Sorting Sidings to collect an empty grain train, ground dwarf signal post 18 and point lever for points from Through Road to No.1 Siding are in the foreground.

185-34146 viewsNorth Geelong C Box, V/Line down grain train number 9125 departs the yard as the driver leans out the window and collects the electric staff off the signaller for the section to Gheringhap from the cab of G class G 533 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1263, with a sister unit trailing, ground dwarf disc signal post 18 is pulled off for the move.

191-06146 viewsSeymour station, rationalised yard, V/Line T class unit T 410 Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B serial 68-626 coupled behind A class A 66 with a stabled down Wodonga goods train, Sunday.

170-03145 viewsDookie, yard view looking towards Shepparton, or west, Williamstown style silo complex with steel annex, gravitational road and crossover visible, former platform site at right, GEB sub-terminal visible in the distance.

173-20145 viewsMurchison East, yard overview looking south, point levers and points, track work, taken from the gravitation road, Railway Hotel at left, mainline showing signs of recent works.

173-21145 viewsMurchison East, station yard overview looking north, goods shed and station building and platform, track machines, and horizontal grain bin with Murphy, with steel annex, and Ascom Jumbo style silo complexes.
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