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176-01146 viewsYarrawonga, yard view with Grain Elevators Board sub-terminal Ascom style silo complex, surge hopper and train load-out spout, V/Line Grain broad gauge VHGF class bogie grain waggons, station building and platform at left, looking south.

177-07146 viewsNewport Junction, V/Line broad gauge shunt locomotive Y class Y 130 Clyde Engineering EMD model G6B serial 65-396 leads a rail recovery train of VZRF class bogie welded rail transport waggons, along the Newport - Sunshine Loop Line in front of the Victorian Oatgrowers Pool Siding.

163-17146 viewsAvenal station yard overview looking north across Bank Street with Siding B removed, but still across road, and redundant and stripped disc signal posts 9 and 11, double semaphore signal post 14, the up home is still active for the time being.

137-1-25146 viewsAlbury loco depot, V/Line standard gauge loco G class G 521 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 85-1234 rests between jobs, the road to the turntable is to the left of the loco, behind it is a NSW shunters float and guards van.

144-01146 viewsSpringhurst, semaphore signal Post 4 Down Home departure, top left arm No. 2 Rd to Wahgunyah line, bottom arm No. 2 Rd to Wodonga Line. Right hand arm No.1 Rd to Wodonga Line, the interlocking can be clearly seen, also the standard gauge flyover in the background.

144-06146 viewsSpringhurst station yard overview as the ZL type six wheel brake van ZL 2 rolls out past Up Home semaphore signal Post 3 on what is the last broad gauge mixed train 'Stringybark Express' to use the Wahgunyah line.

146-04146 viewsSeymour loco depot, broad gauge V/Line B class B 80 Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial ML2-21 fuel tank and battery box detail.

148-03146 viewsWangaratta, view of disc signal post 18 for Siding A to Main Line, old and new water standpipes and twin disc signal post 19, goods shed and platform with 'Freight Gate' canopy in the background.

149-04146 viewsRockbank, track view looking Up direction towards Deer Park, Station Rd crossing, cantilevered signal post with searchlight signals 12 (No. 2 Road) and 10 )No. 1 Road) Up Home Signals.

149-14146 viewsBacchus Marsh, track view of point rodding changing track sides under rails with pivots.

131-1-07146 viewsEchuca, examiners siding, V/Line VHGF type bogie grain waggon, grounded B van.

162-1-12146 viewsHealesville, station building and platform, shows waiting area.

162-1-26146 viewsSouth Dynon Motive Power Depot, broad gauge V/Line G class G 519 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 85-1232 at the PTC Open Day, cab front view.

153-1-06146 viewsBallan yard view looking towards Melbourne from station platform, semaphore signal posts 3 and 4 for up departure moves and semaphore signal post 2 down home, searchlight signal post 7? In the background, stand pipe at end of platform and stockyards at right.

153-3-08146 viewsTatyoon goods shed and Murphy silo complex, station platform at far left.

159-05146 viewsBank Box Loop, down Adelaide bound broad gauge goods train hauled by V/Line G class G 540 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 89-1273 and Australian National 700 class 704 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL500G serial G6059-2.

159-17146 viewsBallarat D Signal Box, Linton Junction, broad gauge track view from the Cattle Yard Line looking east, Linton Line then the Ararat Line with the down crossover visible, triple doll semaphore signal 20 facing down train is visible behind the signal box, with the Gillies Street interlocked gates open, staff exchange platform and up home semaphore signal post 19, down home semaphore signal post 18 is visible and pulled off to allow the approaching train to pull up to Gillies Street, points, track work and point rodding.

160-12146 viewsMurchison East, rear view of Murphy style silo complex with annex, with Ascom style open frame elevator and road receival point at right.

160-16146 viewsMooroopna, 110 Mile Post and station name sign planted in the platform, the building behind it is a lamp room or WC?

183-08146 viewsRockbank, an Adelaide bound down broad gauge goods train behind Australian National BL class BL 31 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 83-1015 and 700 class 705 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL500G serial G6059-3 as an up V/Line passenger train runs through on the loop.
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