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Most viewed - Victorian negative and digital Albums
117-02146 viewsSomerton, V/Line N class loco N 456 'City of Colac' with serial 85-1224 a Clyde Engineering Somerton Victoria built EMD model JT22HC-2 with up Albury passenger train, standard gauge line on far right, with dual gauge sidings, in driving rain.
191-07146 viewsSeymour station yard south end, Australian National 52 tonne capacity open waggon ROOX type ROOX 3007, recoded from AOOX, one of two hundred GOX type open waggons built by Transfield WA in between 1974 and 1976.
191-16146 viewsBroadford, High Street over bridge looking north, UP special sleeper discharge train behind Victorian Railways liveried B class B 65 Clyde Engineering EMD ML2 model serial ML2-6.
120-28145 viewsWodonga station yard, stabled passenger train, V/Line broad gauge loco N class leader N 451 'City of Portland' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 85-1219 and N set and D van next to the historic goods shed.
122-21145 viewsSale station yard overview, Sale, passenger yard at right, Freightgate at left, original Stratford Junction line.
169-01145 viewsSpotswood, distant view looking towards Newport, former Victorian Railways and ex. Australian - Portland Cement broad gauge T class locomotive T 413 Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B serial 56-107 leads an up special at the platform, signal box on the right and banner signal U6 on the left with dwarf signal 8 in-between running lines.
170-03145 viewsDookie, yard view looking towards Shepparton, or west, Williamstown style silo complex with steel annex, gravitational road and crossover visible, former platform site at right, GEB sub-terminal visible in the distance.
172-08145 viewsSunshine, broad gauge V/Line DRC class Tulloch Ltd of NSW built diesel rail motor and MTH class trailer arrive at platform 3 with a down passenger to Bacchus Marsh.
173-19145 viewsMurchison East, Grain Elevators Board truck sampling station, taken from weighbridge.
176-02145 viewsYarrawonga station yard overview looking south, track work and points, station building at left, V/Line Grain broad gauge VHGF type bogie grain waggons, Grain Elevators Board sub-terminal Ascom style silo complex on the right.
176-12145 viewsWodonga, V/Line standard gauge up goods train passing the Wodonga Coal Sidings behind the G class G 524 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 86-1237 and C class C 505 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-828 combination, broad gauge track on the left, and the former broad gauge line to Bandiana and Cudgewa curving around to the right.
177-08145 viewsNewport Junction, V/Line broad gauge shunt locomotive Y class Y 130 Clyde Engineering EMD model G6B serial 65-396 leads a rail recovery train of VZRF class bogie welded rail transport waggons, along the Newport - Sunshine Loop Line in front of the Victorian Oatgrowers Pool Siding.
178-03145 viewsCressy, down V/Line broad gauge goods train to Adelaide 9169 powers through the loop towards Ararat with the quad combo of a pair of Australian National BL class locomotives BL 27 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 83-1011 and class leader BL 26 'Bob Hawke' serial 83-1010 with V/Line S class S 313 'Alfred Deakin' Clyde Engineering EMD model A7 serial 61-230 and X class X 53 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-800, BL 27 had Paul Keating drawn on the LHS cab as it was just after he'd taken the Labor Party leadership and the Prime Ministership off Bob Hawke.
178-07145 viewsLismore, V/Line broad gauge 9169 goods train to Adelaide powers into the loop heading for Ararat with the quad combo of a pair of Australian National BL class locomotives BL 27 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 83-1011 and class leader BL 26 'Bob Hawke' serial 83-1010 and V/Line S class S 313 'Alfred Deakin' Clyde Engineering EMD model A7 serial 61-230 and V/Line X class loco X 53 with serial 75-800 a Clyde Engineering Rosewater SA built EMD model G26C.
178-12145 viewsMaroona, station yard overview looking towards Portland from the platform as V/Line's down Adelaide goods train 9169 swings off the Cressy line behind with the quad combo of a pair of Australian National BL class locomotives BL 27 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 83-1011 and class leader BL 26 'Bob Hawke' serial 83-1010 and V/Line S class S 313 'Alfred Deakin' Clyde Engineering EMD model A7 serial 61-230 and X class X 53 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-800.
166-08145 viewsAlbury, V/Line standard gauge G class G 524 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 86-1237 and C class C 504 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-827 depart the yard with an up goods train bound for Melbourne.
166-25145 viewsCraigieburn, V/Line standard gauge X class locomotive X 37 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 70-700 tows a damaged NSWSRA XPT power car to Melbourne.
128-23145 viewsSunbury, V/Line broad gauge N class N 461 'City of Ararat' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 86-1190, N set, down passenger train departing, point lever and standpipe visible.
115-18145 viewsSomerton, Steamrail broad gauge K class K 153 Victorian Railways built Consolidation model 2-8-0 steam locomotive with an enthusiasts special runs across Greenvale Road on its way back to Melbourne, the main North East broad and standard gauge lines running through the middle of the frame, taken from out the front of the signal box.
123-1-24145 viewsHealesville ex Victorian Railways VVEY class guards van cabin VVEY 7 made of fibreglass, Victorian Railways Newport Workshops built ten of these in 1981-82, sitting on an QN class bogie ballast waggon.
2768 files on 139 page(s) 102

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