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Most viewed - Victorian negative and digital Albums
146-15142 viewsSeymour SRHC restored DERM RM 58 front view.
148-13142 viewsWangaratta, Signal Post 12, one arm and one removed disc, Up Signals, arm is Home Signal from No. 1 Road to 'A' to Post 9. The Disc was from No. 1 Road to Siding 'F'.
162-1-08142 viewsHealesville, goods shed, shows vehicle loaded dock and stumps, Nissan Urvan.
151-13142 viewsGheringhap, broad gauge V/Line Adelaide bound goods train 9169 holds No.1 Road with G class G 531 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1261 leading C classes C 510 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-833 and C 509 serial 76-832, point rodding and signal wires can been seen in this shot taken from the former No.2 road pit, gypsum waggons in the background.
153-1-07142 viewsBallan station overview, station shed on platform, signal box and station building, taken from goods shed platform.
153-2-06142 viewsBallan view of goods shed and platform from Melbourne end.
157-03142 viewsGheringhap, view from station platform looking east, the former location of the duplicated line and station platform visible opposite with point rodding and signal wires, V/Line down broad gauge grain train 9121 with a G class leading pulls out of Siding A, semaphore signal posts 3, facing camera and 4, facing away, Sidings B visible on the right running behind station building.
159-08142 viewsRockbank, double Australian National broad gauge BL class locomotives lead a down Adelaide bound goods train at the down home signal post for the crossing loop.
120-24141 viewsBenalla yard, V/Line broad gauge loco X class X 43 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 70-706, RHS cab shot, bogie and staff exchanger, ground dwarf signals 18.
120-33141 viewsWodonga loco depot, V/Line broad gauge loco X class X 36 Clyde Engineering EMD model G16C serial 66-489, RHS cab view showing bogie and staff exchanger.
169-03141 viewsNorth Dynon, V/Line broad gauge G class locos G 538 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 89-1271 and a sister have just arrived with 9150 up goods train from Adelaide, second person walking back to loco.
170-10141 viewsSt James, load-out spout on Williamstown style silo complex.
173-06141 viewsMurchison East, yard overview looking north from station platform, super phosphate of horizontal grain bunker on right, Murphy style silo complex with steel annex, Ascom style silo complex behind that and an Ascom Jumbo style silo complex at the rear.
173-23141 viewsMurchison East, rear view of station building looking north, shows bus stop sign, gas cylinders and both Ascom and Ascom Jumbo style silos complexes.
175-18141 viewsPine Lodge, track view looking at load-out spout on Williamstown style silo complex.
180-05141 viewsSeymour loco depot, fuel and sanding point, V/Line broad gauge Tulloch Ltd built DRC class diesel railcar DRC 40 takes on fuel having run a down Saturday morning passenger train from Melbourne.
129-2-25141 viewsLeongatha station overview, looking towards Melbourne from west end, points and point and signal levers with interlocking, stabled broad gauge V/Line passenger train at platform, P class P 11 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18HBR serial 84-1205 rebuilt from T 336 Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B serial 56-110 and H set.
130-03141 viewsElmore, silo complex, Ascom Jumbo silos 1 and 3 and Victorian Oat Pool shed 4, V/Line Grain bogie grain waggons, looking south.
130-15141 viewsRochester, super phosphate shed at southern end of yard.
132-14141 viewsHattah station building and platform overview looking north.
2768 files on 139 page(s) 106

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