Most viewed - Victorian negative and digital Albums |

121-25136 viewsMorwell, track view, looking west, semaphore signal Post 7, towards Melbourne, Freightgate shed at left.

169-31136 viewsHurstbridge, 1988 Ford Falcon XF ute, DIXUTE.

127-32136 viewsDeer Park West, broad gauge V/Line G class G 543 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 89-1276 leads an Adelaide bound down goods train on the north line.

129-2-24136 viewsLeongatha, up home semaphore signal post looking down direction east.

130-02136 viewsElmore, Ascom silo complex, silos 10 and 12, track view, loading spout.

130-05136 viewsElmore track view, looking south, towards Melbourne, end of yard at right.

130-09136 viewsElmore Grain Elevators Board road truck weighbridge and office, former scale room in the background.

133-33136 viewsGheringhap station yard overview, looking from Ballarat line points, semaphore signal post 4 pulled off for Cressy line, points, point rodding, signal wires and interlocking, V/Line broad gauge down empty grain train 9123 behind G class loco G 533 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1263.

136-06136 viewsMathoura silos, loading spout and surge silo, Ascom style silos.

136-20136 viewsDeniliquin horizontal Victorian Oats Pool shed - grain bunker, part view.

136-31136 viewsSeymour station platform view V/Line broad gauge N class N 457 'City of Mildura' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 85-1225 leading the Sunday evening down combined Albury / Cobram pass talks to the signaller at Seymour platform, this train splits at this location with the rear portion continuing to Cobram.

141-1-21136 viewsSunshine, broad gauge V/Line T class T 404 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18B serial 67-499 scurries north, down light engine.

141-2-23136 viewsSunshine, V/Line broad gauge P class P 15 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18HBR serial 84-1209 rebuilt from T 344 Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B serial 56-127 with a three car H set on an afternoon down service to Bacchus Marsh via platform No.3, the track to the Newport Loop Line runs straight up on the right, station platform, semaphore, disc and searchlight signals, point rodding, yard view from former goods yard.

142-1-33136 viewsBenalla yard, stabled 9303 Wodonga goods, broad gauge V/Line VPLX type bogie pneumatic discharge lime (ex-flour) waggon VPLX 6, converted from VPFX type in December 1989, originally built February 1970 at Newport Workshops as an FX type bogie bulk flour hopper, recoded to VPFX in September 1979.

144-19136 viewsBenalla station platform, silhouette image of ZL type six wheel guards van ZL 2 on the up Wahgunyah 'Stringybark Express' mixed and semaphore signal Post 11.

145-13136 viewsWallan, up or No.2 platform waiting room, station platform and pit, looking from down platform.

131-1-02136 viewsEchuca yard, broad gauge V/Line H class leader H 1 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18B serial 68-629.

153-1-04136 viewsBank Box Loop interlocking or relay room and radio mast, track side view from Ballarat end.

153-1-15136 viewsBacchus Marsh turntable looking at lever end interlock and side, shows walkway and underframe.

155-02136 viewsWallan, stored 'OFF REG' waggon awaiting scrapping, four wheel waggon, short U type louvre van U 1726, side view.
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